Maybe it's time to stop playing politics with the lives of children.
Just maybe.
Maybe it's time to stop playing politics with the lives of children.
Just maybe.
"Caserta, They shoot the migrants in the street shouting "Salvini, Salvini!" "Two Malians approached by a car carrying three young men who exploded compressed air pistols on refugees. Injured one of the two"
I agree, deport them immediately. Shoot them if they don't want to leave.
Okay. Should we send them all to your house then? Cause I can't afford it
You’re saying that while using children as a political prop
I agree, yoishould totaly make your fellow countrymen life miserable and unsafe.
Neck yourself, lefty whore.
What is this post on about then?
I love watching media-coordinated guilt-trips like this. Wish someone would leak the correspondences between the company heads and DNC officials again like in 2016, infuriating that average people have already forgotten how blatant it is.
Maybe you kys?
too bad it was only airshit
> (OP)
>What is this post on about then?
The point of this post like the other 40-60% of post on /pol here recently that the OP puts up the bait and bolts.
This, send the whole family back together.
Fuck you you take the dam kids then
Wrap them up in a tortilla and toss them off a bridge for all I care
I love when shitlibs pretend to judge from the morality they don't have. Reminder these are people that think abortion isn't murder but kicking out illegals is basically anuddah shoah.
hahaha holy shit italians are terrible at containing their autism
krauts/brits bottle it up for decades until it explodes
They're literally murdering children and feeding the bodies to coyotes and you nazis don't even care. How do you people sleep at night? What about the 60,000 babies being tortured and shot every day at the border? I hope you guys are happy with yourselves;you did this.
we do have a difference of morality. you hate us and want us dead
Wow, families coming in the US illegaly, not only breaking the law but also placing children in danger and jeopardizing their future as citizens, and then get suprised they are separated? This is just ignoring child negligence and pretending to be for the children. Never trust someone who says they are virtuous or moraly correct and argues mainly from this point of view, it's an appeal to emotion and odds are, they know shit about the cruelty of the real world and will resort to more fallacious arguments, they are a bunch of snowflakes who can't handle the Socratic method
sure lets talk about morality. As an american it is our moral duty to protect those who can not protect them selves. There are only two instances where an adult and child will be seperated at the border.
1) The parent and child enter the U.S. illegally
2) The adult isnt a family member at all and is attempting to smuggle the child into the U.S.
Option 1, The parents enter illegally with the children. The parent broke the law and now needs to be arrested, defrauding the U.S. is a criminal offense and has been for many many years. Being seperated from your children while being arrested is normal practice too. If you didnt want to arrested and seperated you shouldnt have defrauded the U.S.
option 2, The child is being smugled in with a non family member. Of the 12,000 children seperated from their "parents" 10,000 of them were un able to provide any documentaion that they were the actual children of the adults claiming to be their parents. are we just supposed to let these strangers care for these children? How can you be so sure that they wont just leave the children to fend for them selves while they go to smuggle more in.
we are protecting these children. We are seperating them from criminals just as we would for a family inside the USA. If you really feel we are mis treating them, call your local congressman and urge them to change our immigration laws so that Families can be detained together. Setting them all free and letting them into the U.S. solves nothing.
Politics is applied ethics, the parents should stop using their kid's lives as props for political gain.
The gaslighting for wanting to have a secure border is now reaching 12th gear. I can't take this shit no more.
Liberals are lucky none of us are on the boarder wasting invaders yet. This is a compromise. Obey the law. Want to reject the law entirely and we will have to take it into our own hands. I will not be replaced in the land of my grandfather’s grandfather. Avoiding extinction is non negotiable. We are prepared to do much worse than seperate children.
Also, reminder that we want to deport the children too but Democrats thirsty to replace whites are the ones that insisted on anchor baby politics and would not negotiate on sending kids home. It’s Democrat policies that caused the separation. It’s Democrat policies that let the invaders give birth here in the first place. To hell with all of them. We aren’t prosperous anymore, we are in debt by tens of trillions we do not have money to spare so they can freeload.
Get rid of the boomer cartoon, keep the message. Otherwise it's just cringe
thanks jew
I wish these virtue signalling whites would try to sneak into Mexico and see what happens
>Maybe it's time to stop playing politics with the lives of children.
I agree. So the democrats should come to the table and work out a deal with Trump shouldn't they? I mean if they're so concerned about it, why aren't they willing to change the laws left over from their own administration?
The DNC is going full speed on the whole separating children policy... Even though the incredibly liberal 9th circuit supreme Court is the one that ruled people being held for crimes could not have children in the same facility.
Liberals love blaming Republicans for their own fuckups.
60,000? they have 600,000? oh vey, they're hurting 6,000,000!
>It's okay if we shove fetuses in a blender though... MY BODY, MY CHOICE!
Are liberals the most contradictory form of life on the planet?
Muh childrens.
Fuck off with your endless spam already.