When is science going to start making sense again?
As of 2018 playing video games is now considered a mental illness. At the same time Transgenderism is removed from the list of mental illnesses.
When is science going to start making sense again?
As of 2018 playing video games is now considered a mental illness. At the same time Transgenderism is removed from the list of mental illnesses.
>man I like playing these games because there is nothing to do in my area that interests me.
>I wanna cut off my dick and take hormones to change what I was made as
You're clear!
Goys how can we indoctrinate them if they stay away from our cities? I got it.
>When is science going to start making sense again?
Right after the invasion from the future humans whom would like to erase the coming dark chapter from the history of humanity and speed up evolution.
Time for war....
Call of Duty, right?
Just wait until parents send their kids to a psychiatrist for mental help for playing too much Fortnite, but send him straight to surgery to get his dick cut off because he wants to grow his hair long.
Very original Tyler the Creator
To be quite honest, I would certainly consider video game addiction as a disease. I have had cases in my family where kids play games 15 to 16 hours a day, skipping school etc. Anything don in excess is a disease.
Science already makes sense you drumpftard
>men start dropping out of society because of demoralization and increasing marginalization
>find escapism in vidya
Oh vey, goyim is suffering from mental illness that has nothing to do with state of society and other causes we are not going to explore! Just go see a doctor and get pills and rejoin society in your rightful place as an obedient beta male wageslave without distractions!
>As of 2018 playing video games is now considered a mental illness.
What is reading comprehension?
Being addicted to playing video games is a mental illness, not playing video games.
I can't believe that I have to help a burger with the English language.
Time for the police to step up and start showing prescription pill deaths... no more pussyfooting around respectable drug addicts
For example.... rush Limbaugh... he was such a pill popping drug addict he went deaf. Step up to the plate Rush...
Whatever, that specificity will be ass raped to the ends of the news media world. Soccer moms will have consoles burning rallies, just like the Nazis
So, how long until we have mandatory psychiatric checkups for playing vidya? I need to know so I can start saving on my shekels.
I see addiction to video games as any other psychological addiction - addiction to weed, addiction to porn/masturbating, addiction to the Internet, addiction to gambling, etc.
There are other ways of escaping the "harsh reality," and the best thing about those other means of escapism is that they don't turn you into a socially inept cripple that isn't capable of doing anything besides shitposting, masturbating, playing video games etc.
Kids could practice martial arts, play a musical instrument, draw, program, exercise in a gym, and plenty more.
I think that anyone sane would agree that playing video games 8+ hours per day is far from healthy and useful. It teaches you nothing, it makes you gain no useful skills, the only thing it does is that it draws you further away from actually working on yourself, changing yourself for the better, and accomplishing something.
I love video games, but I am not going to pretend that they are not addictive, and that there are plenty of people out there who are prone to getting addicted.
>video games are a mental illness
>HRT at a pre-pubescent age is not
It's like the jews actually WANT the holocaust to happen for real.
>muh video games
If you don't think there's a problem with how attached people, particularly children, are to these tools of escapism then it's probably because you're addicted.
People like you make me wish for a North Korea style EU so I don't have to fucking witness your shit.
The WHO is a terrorist organization
Don’t worry, they are cutting off the eu internet. You can get your opinions from the BBC... enjoy!
>Being addicted to playing video games
Which basically means gooks are fucked.
So why don't american psychiatrists?
As bad as it is the BBC is better than an illiterate yank with a video game addiction.
>Anything don in excess is a disease.
Except hormones.
I will say that some people are addicted to playing video games, especially children starting young. But it's no disease, just on the reward dopamine level. Either way it's not harmful at all if you have a loving, caring parents who will limit your time on video games.
(((American psychiatrist)))
That's all you need to know
The WHO wants everything to be a mental illness that way they have a reason to claim that everyone needs UBI gibs etc..
Didn't they lately claim that "inability to find sexual partner" is a disability?
>implying it isn't
Look around you.
Is an ever expanding list of 297 vague mental disorders not enough for these fucks? Now they have to brand people who spend 3 hours a week of their free time performing mentally stimulating activities as sick and needing to have Dr. Goldberg give him therapy and drugs that will make him less antisocial?
Haha I want to see some virgins apply for benefits
sounds like someone who never had to parent a child addicted to his clan in an online game
you're gonna have a very difficult time getting a kid off that shit.
*3 hours a day
Is this Gamergate all over again?
Either way needs to be done. They'll end up hating you for it, but it's for the best.
I agree that it is a problem. However, addiction of any kind is not a disease.
People are easily amused and life sucks=disease? You’re fucking stupid
social sciences should go back to being called social studies. psychology is not science.
(((Science))) has always been a lie
It's almost like one has scientific evidence showing it's not, and the other is a choice.
Probaply just callin it an addiction...
if it is a disease, time to apply for neetbucks
this is beyond addiction, it's dutiful attachment. it's like trying to get a kid away from a cult (harmless cult, but the kid isn't studying or going outside).
Yes, tell you kid to get off the computer and go outside and join a gang if he longs for a sense of real belonging and family, because obviously your not giving it to him.
I'll suck yo dick fo some Minesweepa!
>if your kid joins a cult it's your fault for not being interesting enough
Explain to me how it's worse than alcholism and heroin addiction you braindead snek?
Beyond true.... the only purpose they serve is enabling weakness with infinite excuses
So you're saying a clan or gang is a cult?
It's a cult of personality hence why they have leaders
those are solo activities, not group activities where you feel compelled due to peer pressure to stay addicted
I think you are making false equivalencies to excuse your poor parenting skills.
You identify the problem... liberal child rapist want those damn kids outside. Video games are making life for child rapist too hard.
>Joining a clan in a game to make friends and acquire a collect advantage is a cult of personality.
Jesus Christ nigger do you vote?
>playing video games is now considered a mental illness
That's not what it means and only a retard would interpret it this way.
online guilds/clans are basically cults, they take away your free time for the benefit of a charismatic leader
Fuck the((( world health organization)))
Joining a clan in any game usually means you have to deal with their shit or join another. Even if you like it there will still be people above you in a hierarchy of sorts unless you rise in it
I guess you've never seen how females behave in WoW clans?
>Governments are a cult. They take away your time and money for the benefit of the charismatic leaders.
Nigger you are retarded.
Yes, the non-charismatic child rapist are really upset.. stop making their life so hard!!!
I played WoW back in the day. I joined a clan so I had people to play with and help me with quests/resources. I'm not even sure I ever spoke to the leader or even gave a shit about him. If you waste your time dealing with retarded women that's your own fault.
>t. neet
How can you possibly think playing video games for 14 hours a day and waking up at 11:30 every morning is in any way “redpilled?” Yes, shit sucks. Now stop being a fucking baby and take charge of your life.
You just described every social structure ever.
Heroin is very much a group activity.
Yeah you should go work 14 hours a day for the Jew. Be a good goy.
>back in the day
Try it now. Any big or medium sized clan.
Not just WoW too any game. MMORPG, FPS it doesn't matter. People just take it too seriously these days. Some games even force you not just to follow tight schedules or do as what you're told but also have a discord or in the extreme cases IRL id
you wanna rebel against how society works go ahead, but it's your responsibility as a parent to prepare your kid to face society not run away from it by spending their teenage years in an online cult.
Its lysinkoism
Yea but it wasn't like Real Life back then that's what made it fun and enjoyable to actually interact with people in a virtual world.
Start your own clan. At least clans are voluntary and you can quit and join another one. Can't say that about governments
>start own clan
>if it grows too much other clans will get alts to get in and shit everything up.
yeah no
VG addiction refers to those playing nearly all day interfering with daily function like eating,bathing, social interaction and other aspects. Remember those Koreans that died in the gaming cafe gaming chairs due to excessive gaming? These people are the ones with a disease. I agree with your rhetoric but I don’t think playing VG a few hours each day would be considered a disease
But you aren't preparing him for anything, you simply forced him to stop playing
What the NWO dislikes are the skills that video games sharpen in kids.
The wide brush of “video games” needs to be defined. Which ones are they actually attacking?
That has alaways been how it works
yes and now he can do his homework or go on a field trip with me instead
Kek. Vidya sharpens muh skills
Nigger go outside and level up
But you haven't taught him how to play video games and be in social structures and not become a degenerate addict. If you don't do that, he is destined for drug addiction or to join a real life cult.
More Dr. Phil elusively specific generalization...
It's not about "skills", it's about games being a male space that must be infiltrated and destroyed for sake of cultural dominance.
Depending on the addiction, it affects the body and/or mental state impairing otherwise normal bodily functions. That is literally the definition of disease.
>the leader of WHO is an ethiopian
Lol... you’re one of those rad Hillary voters... probably the one on rollerblades
Apparently games are degenerate and people who form groups to play games are a cult. Better not let your kids play sports, because that coach is a charismatic leaders who will take your kids time and use it for his benefit.
Funny how video game addiction apparently exists, but TV addiction doesn't. I wonder if that could have anything to do with the lack of (((advertisements))) you see while playing games.
I've never voted in my life, because I am not a member of this cult of personality you call politics.
Literally the worst thing you could do.
Mammals learn best through games. True story.
Binge-watching TV is actually encouraged.
He would rather this kid waste time in rote Jew-brainwashed homework than learning stuff. It's sad.
Through FPS my 10 year old has become an expert on lag, ping, server nodes, network exploitables... WiFi weakness, “cheat” software inserted before or after physical input.
Nigga what? Which skills are those? Do those "skills" have any use? Didn't think so.
id say theres nothing inherently wrong with someone who enjoys video games, just that its very possible to become addicted to them, legitimately addicted
Does that mean anything should be done to curb how much people can play? Like they do in korea for people under 18?
Absolutely not, they sell so many addictive products to the public, prescription drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, their mass media and entertainment included, so theres no reason games should get special treatment
You can make excuses about how or why youre addicted, every addict does.
Im addicted to the interner, come at me
You should encourage him in a career in ninja/penetration testing.
Exactly. If someone play 4 hours of New Vegas or DOTA, that's 4 hours they're not being bombarded with propaganda. And that's a bad thing.
>video game addiction is a disease
>friends and coworkers lose their shit over if GoT or Rick and Morty will or won't have another season
>people spend half their free time watching faceberg memes
Esta bien?
Yeah, too many pedo coaches... not interested in my kid taking one for the team. My wife played sports in high school, volleyball, basketball are pure lesbian recruitment... not sure I want my daughter fiddled by a bus full of lesbos
>I'm addicted to the internet
Oh user, you better break that addiction. The internet will be taken down soon. Shovel and snips is all it takes.
ah yes let's compare virtual friends with no physical activity to sports where you can properly socialize and get fit
Oh yeah, the latest cool kid thing... bing watching tv... it’s RAD
*plays ONE single game of rocket league*
You're fucking mentally disturbed.
*chops penis off, attempts suicide 3 times, becomes a drug addict to cope*
This is normal you BIGOTS.
Mental health "experts" need to be shot.