> be pol.
>listen to the bourgeoison on why communism is shit.
>fight against your own self intrest by perpetuating capitalism.
>me an intellectual (no autism) have read communist littrature and have seen the light.
> *pol see hammer and sickle* rrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
be pol
you dip shits just dont like that we have a strong leader that wont bow to your bullshit ideology, i hope our glorious god emperor cleanses our country of all you piece of shit leftists.
Move to n korea fag
The wall
Ye you dont really have the right to say im wrong sorry
I do cuz im an intelectual (no autism)
see flag. fuck off. it doesn't works. capitalism is shit too because it's just a slow walk toward communism. ideologies don't work because they're built upon people and people are shit. why the fuck would you believe that ideology build on encouraging people to be shit will do anything but get you in shit faster then anything else.
pick one, they are mutually exclusive
y'all have just proved my point cuz you dont give any arguments
Good work, comrade. For this post you can get a small scrap of food this week.
u mean large scrap of food comrad!
You can also get an additional scrap of food for every (you) you get in thread. Not including this one, of course.
Can your literature bring back to life couple millions of my compatriots?
communism was tried here
didnt go well
there's your argument
communism doesn't work, there is your argument
No they were killed by the white army and the nazis
explain why it dosent work
Before you use Venezuela or any other country like that to prove it didn't work, those weren't real Communism.
Show us an example of a functional communist government.
In before “well you see what’s been tried was not real communism and also the capitalists deliberately sabotaged us!!”
No, thats profiteering, highly illegal. To gulag with you.
What do you mean troll? All I saying is that those weren't real Gommunisms, just like Stalin taught me to say.
nuff said
I guess current situation in Sweden is not enough dystopian for you
we are doing fine, what do you mean?
The only thing in my self interest is hanging every pinko faggot that follows an ideology of political thievery
how about some examples, ussr china cuba mongolia yugoslavia bulgaria albania poland romania czechoslovakia hungary east germany yemen somolia congo ethiopia mozambique benin angola madagascar afghanistan grenada kampuchea
I can keep going if you want
they were thriving until thy became revisionist
Literally don't understand how people defend those who exploit them.
bootlickers everywhere.
if you say "communism dosent work" 100 times then it becomes true
A whopping 1.25 trillion USD GDP? That's about what the US does in 1 month.
Communism, when you want to stifle and suppress 100 years of economic progress. Along with 100 million people or so.
civil war 1917-1922, ww2 1941-1945.
The ussr was hit hard by war unlike america.
its amazing that they got that far in such a short time
also america exploits the 3rd world for whelth.
This tb h
>a statement is an argument
Not correct. You need to plead why your assertion is correct to your adversary and he counters and thus a debate begins.
Apparently you’re not smart enough to notice this board has IDs. GTFO you Somali nitwit.
i guess im a little bit autistic
imagine changing your flag to argue with yourself. But cuck sven confirmed. So make of that what you will.
what a scoop, i want to see your cc on yt.
Imagine being this retarded.
i dont have to imagen i am
Trips of truth, digits confirm OP is retarded
Read the rules before you post you worthless troll.