ITT we discuss marriage, and its benefits for men. I personally believe that the contract marriage only benefits kids and women, but a man is way better off unmarried.
What are the benefits of marriage for a man?
The benefits of marriage should be conceived communalistic, not individualistically user. Such thinking is the death of people.
It’s a trap, and white women are the most fucking entitled bitches you will ever meet. Only marry if your wife is submissive as fuck. Seriously she needs to be on your cock all the time, otherwise she will get uppity as fuck when you get married.
Married men live longer, make more money, and have more sex.
Obviously, you want to avoid divorce rape.
For that, you need to go for a seriously fundie-Christian woman, who is young, and carefully control which aspects of our culture she interacts with. And you need to be a legit fundie-Christian yourself, because she expects you to lead her household, lead her spiritually, and take the family to church.
t. married 16 years
Have a loving being thinking and caring about your existence.
Have that love result in another being that you care about's existence
Have amazing love making any time you can turn her on. Infinite kisses and ass grabs.
Have things to do with someone.
marriage to a good white woman is the highest achievement and rewarding thing a white man can do
Reliable access to a vagina.
Someone to rear your offspring.
Someone to cook and clean for you.
A partner and confidante who also provides affection.
These would be the big 4
congratulations on the loving and lovely lady you have (wife).
None of these things are guaranteed anymore with modern women
Modern women are what you must specifically avoid. Modern everything is pretty degenerate.
Are you willing to lead your wife by example?
women generally make more money during their 20s and early 30s due to life being served on a gold platter to them
this makea it more advantageous to divorce and poaaibly recieve alimony
also, maturity, kids, and taxes n sheeit
None as long as no-fault divorce and alimony exist. I think the roasties are holding onto the "paygap" bullshit precisely so that they can keep the alimony in existence. If we are equal (which we are) there is no sense for one spouse to pay alimony to the other.
Before feminism it was the only way most men could get to sleep with a virgin
Nowadays there is no point really, certainly no white western women are worth marrying
If you marry a rich woman, you can take her money
Yeah, you can finally leave the Jow Forums and MGTOW echo chamber and realize how stupid and pathetic it is.
A wonderful partner that will follow your lead. A foundation for your children and children's children. A companion for life to light a flame in the darkness of this world.
Getting to have/pet a cute 7 year old.
That's about it.
Benefits for men:
-higher social status (if you care about it)
-you get hired more easily because you have no choice but to put up with your employer's demands
-somewhat easier to obtain a son which can be kinda fun at times and also helpful if you teach him how to tools properly
-"legacy" (if you care about it)
Although not being married gives you pretty much freedom to reject every single possible kind of materialism which outwieghts the benefits if you ask me.
There are none! dont get married! do not reproduce
I was making a JOOZZZ related joke
its not
t. married guy
if you don't have kids you get two sources of income share health benefits division of household duties you don't have to go out on dates to fuck someone or worry about stds
its great
also now for real, If you are getting married in Israel I feel bad for you. unless you are marrying a conservative jewish woma (דתיה או חרדית) if not enjoy getting raped by the court, taking 80% of your salary, child support and rape case. Woman have more power than they ever had.
It all boils down too;
>It depends on the woman
Based wholesome user
Not every white woman is a Starbucks whore waiting for a creaming. Find a girl with self respect (obvious sense of health, work ethic, married parents, etc.)
If she was raised right, she'll probably be right. If she's a bored little yuppie or a druggy, then she'll use the D as an antidepressant (read: your D won't be enough).
In israel too? How are there the feminists? Are they as bad as in Europe?
>Before feminism it was the only way most men could get to sleep with a virgin
Get this
>be me
>feeling the need
>message a tinder match and arrange to have sex that night
>she says she is on her period but still wants to do it
fuck it, I'm horny
>she seems a bit nervous, but it isn't unreasonable for girls to be nervous with a new guy
>she seems really sensitive to my touches, but maybe she is just playing it up during foreplay
>difficult entry, she says 'ow' a few times. I am somewhat large, so I ignore this too
>blood is explainable due to period
Afterwards she told me she was a virgin
>tfw I was wearing a condom
>tfw I didn't get to enjoy the feeling of deflowering a girl
>tfw I never will because I am going to man up, date, and eventually marry this girl even though she goes to pride parades and is potentially a furry
Virginity is too rare these days and is to be cherished. I never thought I would find one, and I sure as shit did not think I would find my future wife when I woke up that morning. Life comes at you fast sometimes. Enjoy every moment.
>wrap himself with dense thots all the time
>gets salty af and come to a chinese basketweaving imgboard to complain
It used to be worth it but not anymore. Marrying white women is guaranteed to end in divorce.
>Married men live longer,
Not true at all
>make more money
Because single men do not need to make as much to sustain the quality of life they want. You're basically calling working harder and longer as a positive.
>and have more sex.
Even if you don't have a dead bedroom this is also false.
Marriage is only way to get a not shit tier woman
>Not every white woman is a Starbucks whore waiting for a creaming.
But most are, and men know this which is just one of the many things leading to the disinterest in marriage these days. This NAWALT argument is like Leftists claiming that not all black people are niggers; it's irrelevant if most of them are.
I think op was referring to current year benefits. Not 20+ years ago benefits.
It feels good to be bonded to the person you love and want to spend the rest of your life with. It sounds weird, but being married you feel like much more of a "unit" than just being bf/gf. I've been married for 9 years and have no regrets so far.
It doesn’t matter what most women are doing
You are not marrying most women
You are just marrying one
You get to have a high degree of certainty that the child you sow with your wife is in fact biologically yours. This is literally why marriage rituals were invented in the first place: to publicly announce a monogamous child-making unit.
If a marriage works - you have someone to be a friend and confident for the rest of your lives together, you don't have to go through the horrifying experience of living life alone, growing old alone, dying alone.
If she divorces you after ten years it fucking sucks dick, but it's better to try and fail than not try at all.
>white women are the most fucking entitled bitches you will ever meet.
Asian women are the queens of gold digging
This fucking thread again
Sorry youve never been in love, OP
>>make more money
>Because single men do not need to make as much to sustain the quality of life they want.
if you're married an employer knows you will be more reliable because you have for real obligations like feeding your kids that will keep you working instead of calling in to play video games
this makes it easier for you to reach higher paying full time employment but is in no way a guarantee
I need advice, Jow Forums:
>5 years younger than me
>took her virginity
>politically neutral but accepts my beliefs
>wants to be a traditional housewife
>wants lots of white kids
>we get along well
>her family is all extreme libs (mom especially)
>multiple health problems (many allergies and mild scoliosis)
>mental health problems (recovering bulemic, mild depression, and anxiety issues)
>not the best looking (skinny but a 5/10 face)
What do?
You met your future wife on tinder... You're either stupid or full of shit. I'd cut her loose fast. Leftist women will ALWAYS fuck you in the end.
Little to none, only a fool would take a risk as high as getting married.
Yes, marry a sexed up whore. So the first time you're out of the house for 2 days on business she's fucking the neighbor and the plumber, and the pool guy.
>more reliable
>real obligations
Sorry, but more like "no choice but to obey every whim of employer"
0 benefits. I can fuck sluts and escorts so more or less I have no need for sex with 1 woman. Also if you marry to have sex thats like buying a 747 boeing for the free peanuts.
I can take care of the house and I know how to cook which is more than i can say for 90% of women out there.
I can keep my money and i dont have to split em with some shoe fetish creature that is never satisfied.
I won't be divorce raped and go to jail because she falsely accused me of rape or domstic abuse.
I have friends to socialize and talk about everything so i dont need her for this.
I dont need emotional support from women. Women will say the same shit to every man they fuck. "I love you" "You are the best" "your cock is huge" etc.
If I want to have kids I ll pay some asian woman to have my kid, take it back to my country and pay her to shut up. She won't know where I come from or where I am from.
No man that I know that is married ever told me "man you should get married, it's awesome" Every man I know that is married when their wife isn't around tell me "Dont you dare get married"
Depends... is she really politically neutral or is she a dormant leftist. Tread carefully... hope for the best but expect the worst.
Her leftist family... if they have influence may turn her on you.
>you have for real obligations like feeding your kids that will keep you working instead of calling in to play video games
This is retarded. Why the heck would I tell my employer I have kids? Would HR really think "this guy is more reliable, he's married"?
There is a reason there is ageism in the industry, especially in tech. More obligations means less dedicated to the job and more liekly to be treated like shit cause they know you can't afford to quit.
This is so true, I know so many of these cucks at work who are scared to say anything because if they get fired their life will be destroyed in an instant.
One man one woman is how civilisation is built. If it isn't the system and harems form then men get sexually frustrated and go off to racemix or rape
Thats what im talking about. To keep a steady job its better to just be irreplacable due to qualifications
Stay away from mental health problems, especially bipolar. They tear families apart. They get all the attention, since they demand it. The spouse and other siblings move away and become estranged, since the raving psycho bitch gets all the attention and basically determines the course of the family unit. You've been warned.
Mental health isn’t real
Fucking collectivist commie.
Marriage was made to benefit society as a whole.
It's meant to give the kids a balanced household ro be raised as proper citizens.
Obviously, the direct benefitiaries of this deal are the kids, since they get a dad that provides their family unit with resources and the kids with disciplines and a good set of skills that both parents pass on as well as the love and vigil of the mother.
Secondly, the women benefit as they don't have to share men, as it's designed by nature that men can spread their seed limitlessly while women can only get pregnant every now and then. Also they're provided with security for theirselves and their offspring (specially during pregnancy).
Finally men are the least benefited but they surely get some treats. The whole purpose for marriage was precissely forcing a bond between the man and the children, as it's proven that it's more difficult for the man to get attached to his offspring (let's say it's easier for him to smash and dash). Still, being able to focus on your job and come back home to a loving family (although needy as well) and decreasing the competition is a decent deal for men too.
Now marriage has been deprived of this, as competition doesn't really disappear (cheating is more common and divorces are not frowned upon or hard anymore for the women), the kids will get lobotomized by the media and the State anyway so it's harder to bond with them, women work the same as the man so they have to share the chores and even with all that it may even end in a hell on Earth as there's 1400 suicides a year only in Spain from men that got their lifes ruined by a divorce.
>false dilema
There aren't any anymore. Marriage used to be what a man had to do to get laid. It was a commitment towards woman to take care of her and care for her. Anything the guy got out of it, such as a steady sexual partner, lowering his risk when investing to heavily, actually getting access to sex (without social welfare women are far less likely to give it up, as there's real consequences involved for them) have long since gone. While the stuff expected from a husband has only increased over time.
Bullshit. Those statistics usually count divorced men amongst unmarried and throw all age groups together. Thus rigging the outcome in two important ways.
It's as bad if not more than Europe. you get fucked hard by the courts here.
>Marriage used to be what a man had to do to get laid.
It is still the only way to get a respectable woman
Not exactly what I had in mind either leaf, but if you find a virgin you hold onto her. Period. You know the statistics on partner count vs divorce rate as well as I do. Plus it is the right thing to do. You don't just take something that valuable from a woman and leave her on the side of the road. That is almost as bad as leaving her with a kid.
Women are malleable to a strong man, and they all start out leftist. I do plan on fully covering my ass before marriage though.
>"this guy is more reliable, he's married"?
From personal experience I would say it is true. Decorating a higher rank in the industry means you have to be representative. A lot of people don't see singles as representative and responsible.
considering what she's already given you and likely to give you (family and happy marriage).. You should at least get engaged for 6 months and marry if things remain good.
What you have available on the singles market doesn't compare to her.
I also believe in karma.. If you took her virginity and leave her.. you'll never find a good girl again.
> not shaping your partner into a traditional wife by being alpha
> expecting to find traditional women out in the wild ready to marry
> submitting to christcuckness to find women that were whipped into shape by some kike loving priest
Imagine this much beta on Jow Forums
>benefits for men
pick one
>if you lead she'll follow, user
>This meme again
I wonder how many of you wholesome proto-cuckolds actually have success following this advice with literally any white female living in the current year in my nation.
How is it possible to get married in a western country without risking having your life ruined via divorce-rape?
Marriage with a virgin has the highest percentage of a lasting marriage, and it trends down from there (even if you fuck her before the wedding). So, first off, don't think of marrying a non-virgin.
Second, marriage is the best circumstance for a child to be raised. Even angry homes are better than divorced or other single parenting (barring widows, who are equal to the previous relationship).
Third, religious married couples have the happiest and best sex lives with almost no regret afterwards (except experiments gone wrong).
Fourth, you aren't like the manwhores who lay with a woman and leave her. You're a man with kids and a loving household.
My parents are married and they are happy, unlike their single whore/manwhores friends who carry a weird sadness with them.
No she really is neutral, and I've brought her over to the right on many things (guns, white interests, jq). Parents probably raised her to be left but her utter lack of interest in politics saved her.
Her bulemia has seen significant improvement since we started dating 9 months ago, last incident was months ago. I also have mild depression so I'm not perfect either. Only real issue is anxiety but it's not too bad since she has no problems being in public, socializing, etc.
Yeah I think you're right...just wished she had a cuter face desu, feel like an asshole for thinking it but I still think it anyways
How do I got to church with out feeling like a cuck
>no jokes plz
Unless she literally stayed as virgin up untill marriage, which nowadays is an absurd notion your statement is verifiably untrue. If she has sex before marriage, you can have sex with her. If she has sex before marriage but doesn't with you till you marry her, you're being played as sucker.
This. It's not possible anymore, not after third wave feminism
>lol just hold frame brah, it works for me
t. 6'4" with great personality
I'm married. I have a good job so my wife stays home with the kids. To me there are three key benefits:
1. Sex / Companionship
2. Someone to birth and rear your children
3. A really comfy home life. Nice homecooked food, clean house, stress-free environment after work.
I'm in Japan so the culture and legal risks are different. For westerners I'd recommend taking the time to vet your girl carefully. Make sure you're on the same page about shit.
Also get a prenup if you can. Yeah, they can get thrown out, but most of the time they don't.
Ahh so you’re a faggot then.
>I'm in Japan
then no surprise about your post
>Also get a prenup if you can. Yeah, they can get thrown out, but most of the time they don't.
How do you convince her?
While I admit that my Japanese girlfriends have been more loving and loyal than my American ones, I still cannot recommend marriage or cohabitation with a woman as a beneficial experience for a man. Perhaps my situation is unique... I am a better cook and housekeeper than ANY woman I’ve ever met, I do not care to have children and I am quite able to have companionship through friends and sex through occasional flings. It’s not that relationships can not provide benefits... it’s just that those benefits are typically less than you’d expect from the outset, none of them are guaranteed to last and there are associated risks that FAR outweigh the rewards, even when the rewards are best case.
>Marriage with a virgin has the highest percentage of a lasting marriage, and it trends down from there (even if you fuck her before the wedding). So, first off, don't think of marrying a non-virgin.
>I do not care to have children
If you're white then you're part of the problem, user.