This happenned in Australia today

Old Muslim man takes hot blonde female talk show host (Sonia Kruger) to court because she saids she wants to halt Islamic immigration.

Outside he gets (((provoked))) and loses his shit.

Attached: Trib.png (1500x1096, 1.28M)

Other urls found in this thread:

This kike is basically the Aussie version of Ben Shapiro, right? A subversive little rodent.

Nice video.
How is the court case going?

Strayan through and through

Attached: our wog.jpg (317x435, 23K)

Attached: enough2.jpg (722x1463, 341K)

Kind of a Tommy Robinson 'no fear' style of say it first, worry about it later

Seems that have to come back later in the year to actually hear the matter

Based Australian Chad.
Pussy Blair in comparison is busying on his fight club.

Said by Abdullah from Britain.


Whiter than you, road snoozer.

He looks like a fucking mudslime himself.


>curly haired guy in background
Is that the guy who held up the sign "pooftas fuck off"

Will bump for will Sonya bump me.

Avi are you reading this?

>to court because she saids she wants to halt Islamic immigration.

How's that a valid case?

Muslims vs Jews

Whoever wins, Australia loses.

He's a Jew

Can't even answer the question "Would you fight for Israel or Australia if they went to war?"

So this is what's happening now. Jews accross European and European descended countries are pouring gasoline on the fire lit by diversity and multiculturalism - concepts pushed by them.

They want to instigate another crusade.

>Notice the faggot's yamaka

Attached: strayanjewmossadfaggot.png (1082x896, 1.2M)

Good job desu
All these faggots react the same way when questioned

>blair films himself walking through a grocery store like a little bitch
>meanwhile based jew avi is taking the fight right to the muslims

This kike is basically the Aussie version of Ben Shapiro, right? A subversive little rodent.

Yeah just a far less intelligent Ben Shapiro. I guess he's more of a Tommy Robinson, a retard zionist shill

Well said

Jews use Muslims that THEY imported into our countries as scapegoats. It's another distraction so we won't find out about (((them))).
Not saying Muslims are innocent, they should fuck off and die. Especially the rodent in the video.

yarmulke, you ignorant fucking dolt. Even if he is a kike, he's a based kike standing up to religious psychopaths, and he's got bigger balls than you.

>based jew

I agree, very based

Attached: 1481988731333.png (343x400, 71K)

This one guy has been suing people for hate speech for ages here. Glad he's finally getting called out.

I hate this shitfaced faggot kike shill, I hope a gang of Muslims knife-rapes his butthole.

post more iron pill

so many mudslimes ITT

Get anyone saying we and kill them.

Are you ideologically possessed by Islam?

Inciting racial hatred I think, anyone??

Are you ideologically possessed by reddit?

why is it always great jews fighting against the destruction of nations while bum ass goyim do nothing and cry? boggles the mind.

>insults somebody
>instead of defending himself he starts crying assault
So another pathetic gutless kike with victim complex trying to pretend a foreign country is his home? BASED FUCKING BASED AND REDPILLED

Last went to reddit 3-4 months ago - so nope

He's got a big set, that's for sure
The day the camel fuckers get access to the European nuclear arsenals I'm going to be laughing from my grave.

The old fuck reacts the way he does because he would have had a whole mob backing him if that was said back where he was from. As soon as he remembers he is in a different place he retreats.

Sonia Kruger's feet are so sexy

good video avi, sucks that you are a kike tho.

>I last went to Reddit
You should never go to Reddit user

Am definitely not Jewish bud

Attached: 1508684259129.png (376x309, 121K)

>why is it always great jews fighting against the destruction of nations while bum ass goyim do nothing and cry? boggles the mind.
Mainly seems to be Israeli jews though, I guess hardship forced them to adopt a culture of pragmatic nationalism, western ones are mostly commies and globalists. I think some local Australian jewish groups were siding with antifa against Avi.

Israeli Charged With Attempting to Provide Material Support to ISIS

Waheba Issa Dais, 45, originally of ISRAEL and a U.S. legal permanent resident residing in Cudahy, Wisconsin, has been charged in a criminal complaint with attempting to provide material support or resources to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), a designated foreign terrorist organization.

According to the criminal complaint, beginning in at least January, Dais attempted to provide services, personnel, expert advice and assistance to ISIS, by promoting ISIS’s agenda, facilitating recruitment and maintaining a virtual library of instructions on how to make bombs, biological weapons, poisons and suicide vests to assist self-proclaimed ISIS members and supporters in their attack planning.

Attached: Jsil.png (383x223, 25K)

I don't have an account or anything but I'll go on occasion for only 2 things: spaceporn and gakinotsukai

It's this cuck law. We aren't lucky enough to have freedom of speech here.

has he been asked this? SAUCE?!!?!

>Waheba Issa Dais
Very jewish name.

very nice video what an inbred cunt

The Jewish Suicide Bomber That You Never Heard Of

It all started from this

Then he got a ton of people asking him to answer the question which he "did" by making a 6 minute video (now deleted of course) of him dodging the question by saying "Australia and Israel are allies! We wouldn't go to war anyway! what a stupid question!"

Fucking weasel

If the time thing doesnt work skip to 2:37

Australians need to apologize for sending us that unbearable faggot Jim Jeffry

Sorry cob

I was in America for a bit and he's on TV all the time, fucking embarrassing.

he seemed ok until he got to hollywood. Now hes a massive faggot.

He was pretty good until the gun thing. That made him big, but it also made him an issue guy. Then he started getting old quick.

>le bazed pagan niggertry
t. brainlet
Nationalism of all kinds all had good intentions but all had failed no matter where.

Cringe America is the only savior. Europe is a honeypot.

Oh wait, the video is still up

>ctrl f peace
>not found

i thought this was the religion for it?

I think that camera man is a fucking idiot

Looks like he uses a selfie stick

It's OK I'm not really mad at you ;)
The guy was never funny and his special was called "Let Freedumb ring" which is a kindergarten joke

>why is it always great jews fighting against the destruction of nations while bum ass goyim do nothing and cry? boggles the mind.

That's actually a good question. I guess the fact the guy has no apparent job and yet can afford to travel from city to city to cover these sorts of events helps.

I would say that because he seems to be an actual semitic jew as opposed to one of you Ashkenazi or Sephardic transplants, his ancestors have actually had to defend themselves as opposed to running from nation to nation after they destroyed the place, so it is probably in his DNA to defend this nation which hosts him.