Daily reminder that if you don't have the blood/genes of the Big 4 you are literally worthless

And should kill yourself

Attached: Human accomplishment.jpg (1200x967, 509K)

For accomplishment, they needed not only the genes, but the resources.
The big 4 had both.
They also had the culture of Western Civilization. Please note that there is not a single pagan religion in "the everybody else".
All these Jews and their useful idiots screeching for their paganism are idiots. All the fedora boys tipping their hats that there is not god are idiots. Bottom line all that matters is the results, and Western European Civilization has the results.

Varg Vikerns is advocating for paganism, you are simply wrong that it's bad. It's good.

Their accomplishments only really started picking up after the Protestant Reformation-the ultimate religious split.

per capita would be better, retard

Half German half Italian American and I can confirm the legitimacy of this.

I have italy and german + serb and remmeber that tesla made all the redpills before redpills even existed

Why's that?

how is this meme scale measured? I’ve never gotten a clear answer

1/2 french 1/2 italian mutt masterrace

It's a compilation of all the available evidence

Do you know how to read?

Norway is on the list despite numerous problems geographically.

I would say dolphins have accomplished more than humans.

The northernmost whites have completely different values and progress hasnt improved our quality of life.

The truth is we are too adapted to living in the woods. Agriculture, Christianity, and multi-culturalism destroyed us pagans because medi-fags thought they knew what was best for all the animals of earth.

I'm Norwegian, Anglo, Scottish, German, French in that order. Feels ok

>increased state centralization
>tighter control from the elites of the populace
>collapsing fertility
>increasing decadence

why should I envy top scorers, when they're currently undergoing a process of cultural replacement?

I'm half Italian, half English. Does that make me a mutt or a super hybrid?

literally tells me nothing
do you know how to think?

I'm not sure how else to explain it to you. I question your comprehension of the English language. An author literally compiled all of the empirical evidence from every single culture and added them together.

All 4 apply to us as well, Piotr

Depends on where from Italy. The more North, the better genes.

Daily reminder that if you don't have Germanic Y-DNA you are worthless.

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>All 4 apply to us as well, Piotr
I agree, but the source is in Western Europe, but they are openly proud of it like that Dumbmerican

Genes mean little, i have German genes and amount to nothing.

Sweden alone is the major responsible of modern day chemistry. The fuck are you talking about son.

Grandma was straight outta Rome.

Yeah well I sniff your mother's asshole on a nightly basis

>Genes of the big four
Damn, I'm not related to Metallica,megedeth,anthrax or Slayer.
Why even live...

Well, it's funny how people keep fucking praising Poland on Jow Forums. Shows you how fucking shit the West is right now

Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland all have very small populations.

>including Italy on the list
Papist trash should self deport

I did a test recently.

im ab- ... rarest on earth

green eyes, also rarest

but im 50% slavic and rest irish mutt version

still, i feel my power level is high

As you can see Sweden is number 11 on the list

That's ok I guess

AB = Eurasian mongrel. Enjoy enlightenment.

There's something else in there

Fuck off, this is the equivalent of a Reddit tier argument. Christianity is a cucked religion that has caused Europeans to fall under the spell of Luciferian Kabbalists. You want to talk about results Christ-cuck. LUCIFER RUNS THE PLANET, NOT GOD. The hubris you faggots present is worse than the Jews themselves.

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But extremely high percentage of Germanic DNA


Christianity has its roots in the religious truths from antiquity. Although there is a lot of falseness in Christianity it's still a better guide than atheist sentiments.

It's not about resources but inherited or built urbanization

Attached: GERMANS_SHOULD_THANK_ROMANS.jpg (6128x1480, 1.82M)

My guess is they took scientific achievements like, i dont know, Galileo finding the acceleration due to gravity or bohr making his gay model of the atom and quantified those achievements somehow, attaching a region to each achievement. Then they just found the percent from each region and made a meme graph. How they define achievement i cant be certain tho.

Well this is true in part but you also have to know how to use the resources you're given. Niggers ran a first world country (South Africa) into the ground in less than 20 years

empirical evidence of what you fucking moron?
>hurr they’re significant
define your terms

Übermensch reporting in

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zero significant events in sub Saharan Africa?
This is not true.
This is an example of cultural bias.

>How they define achievement i cant be certain tho.

It's pretty sad that you aren't willing to let loose of the ideological reigns of mind-slavery because Jews at the time HELPED the civilization they were controlling SUCCEED. It's no different than an American today who screams about our country being GREAT AGAIN, when they have no idea that we were just a literal ant farm created by the Rothschild Masons and their controllers in their bid to rule the world FROM THE BEGINNING. They are almost complete in their takeover the world because of it and all you faggots keep doing is living in a lie. Fuck I hate Christians sometimes, guess what Christfags, the ENTIRE TIME You have been manipulated by HERMETIC KABBALISTS and you fuckers are too ignorant or have too much hubris to admit it.

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Additionally some achievements were probably weighted more than others. The source was listed this time so im sure you can find out.

Surveying outstanding contributions to the arts and sciences from ancient times to the mid-twentieth century, Murray attempts to quantify and explain human accomplishment worldwide in the fields of arts and sciences by calculating the amount of space allocated to them in reference works, an area of research sometimes referred to as historiometry. Historiometry is the historical study of human progress or individual personal characteristics, using statistics to analyze references to geniuses. Historiometry combines techniques from cliometrics, which studies the history of economics and from psychometrics, the psychological study of an individual's personality and abilities. Sir Francis Galton, Charles Darwin's half-cousin, and author of Hereditary Genius (1869), was one of the pioneers of historiometry.

There is literally nothing wrong with Hermeticism. Go read a book.
The Jews manipulate the esoterics not the other way around. That's why it is so successful. It's based in the truths derived from antiquity.

Fucking Sepultura mutt genes


learn your history of VOCs user

"You're not white!!!!!"

t. Arminius "definitely not a Jew" von Germania-Aryanson

Conquered by the English

That's not my point nerd, why are you acting like a literal fucking liberal? I NEVER CLAIMED HERMETICISM IS BAD, I clearly said that Christians attribute the success and RESULTS of Europe to its Christian heritage and history. And while partly true, it is NOT the entire story or even close to it, and it's a lie. Luciferians run the planet CURRENTLY, even if they have abused the teaching of the Serpent priests. The duty of all you Christfags here in America and abroad should be to educate ZIONIST BOOMERS about the dangers of Jews like your forefathers did, not sit around and glorify the pinnacle of Jewish control over Europeans. Take your ass to the Queen, Nigel and protest the Black Nobility outside Buckingham Palace.

I meant to throw you this picture so you could understand it a little more.

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>retarded enough to give his DNA to a (((database)))
Pick one.

Sepultura is redpilled on the JQ

Following those certain symbols are sign of mental illness but we cannot help it... that's how this evil civilization developed.

what happened in 1600?

Are there people who don't say that the Jews are the cancer of society?
The achievements of Europe are largely based in Christianity because it's the largest source of the truth behind the nature of our existence. By using Christianity as an entry point people could conduct their own research and branch out. Catholicism tried to suppress this but ultimately the truth won.
We wouldn't have modern materials without the truth of Alchemy. By denying the role that Christianity has as the gateway towards truth you are denying the existence of the modern world and its accomplishments.

3000- 2000 years ago it would have been Greeks and Romans.
Before that it would have been middle easterners and the Chinese.
It's almost like things are much more complicated and nuanced than your low IQ post.

England founded muttland

Muttland comprises the main section of the German island of Rügen, excluding the Rugian peninsulae and small surrounding islands you buffoon.

>Greatest coal producer in large parts of the 20th century
>The time when coal was as important as oil
>Only stopped because modern Germans are too cucked to work in mines and because the Allies don't like it
Germany has plenty of resources, that as just one example.

>weeez germuns n sheeeet
Now, you're a big lump of shit from every group.


still no definition huh

We can help it now, we KNOW about it now. Why fall into the same trap so our Ancestors can be subverted all over again? Even as an Agnostic I do not deny that Jesus recognized and defied the cult of Ball/Moloch during the New Testament. He clearly made many references to the rejection of cannibal rights and satanism. But those are even part of modern day practices, even though Christians have replaced the flesh with bread it's still the symbolism. The circumcision is also another cannibal right taken from the sacrifice of children that the Phoenicians practiced in the street. The real point I'm trying to make here is that Christians need to find a better way of relaying the truth to one another about Jews or they should just forget the bible entirely. It's a Jewish proxy and it obviously hasn't done the world any favors IN THE END. Subversion is the name of the game and always will be, and until all SEMITIC religions understand that and TEACH IT, the world will always be a playground for the banking cabal.

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>tfw 80% British

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I said ancestors and I meant descendants, I apologize.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord

You have a severe brachycephaly

I did not ask you to define London

Only gnostics are human. You don't have to have theism to be gnostic although it helps.
The bible itself is a decent work and if read properly it shows that the Jews should be run out of the temple with violence if necessary and other such gems. It's the (((interpretations))) that are cancer especially modern Catholicism and much of the Catholic works within the last millennia.
The problem is that clergy are required to spread truths while human organizations are easily infiltrated. Aleister Crowley showed us that even secret societies can't spread knowledge without someone fucking it up.

Ad-hominem Liberal, and this is why Christ-fags piss off the rest of us. The moment you tell me I'm not a human because I don't believe in your two-thousand year old Jewish larp is the moment where I tell you to go suck the dick of a Jew. I deal with shit-headed Christians like you who act JUST LIKE JEWS in my real life and here on a daily basis. Guess what, the CHOSEN people meme is transferred to your religion to MAKE YOU FEEL SUPERIOR TO OTHERS. When all it does in fact, is perpetuate the Jewish control and stranglehold that the banking kikes have over you, because you refuse to listen to reason.

Mate do you even know what gnosticism is? It isn't directly connected to theism. You don't have to believe in God the all or Jesus Christ to have basic human nature.

Do you even know what AGNOSTIC means M8? It means believing that there could be a deity (I have no proof, neither do you that you can show me.) It's not atheism. I do not have the Hubris to claim that there is no god, I cannot prove it.

you’ve never had a critical thought in your life

Varg doesn't understand the first thing about paganism and he murdered his business partner for money

Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others

How about reading what Hermes said to Asclepius? The universe itself proves God the all's existence.
That said God the all isn't the same as God the mind which is what Christians generally refer to as God with his direct interference into our world.
Can a body move itself without life? No. It requires the mind. The universe is a body that moves. Where is the mind? Where does the mind come from?
Electricity and Light are both forms of influence that God has on our world without directly interfering in avatar form.

Whether or not God is a deity or some other form of existence the fact remains that without God existence would be still instead of the glorious mobile universe we see. This is why retards who can't even do some basic astronomy shouldn't get to write a thesis.


Haha I made you have a critical thought

You should look up the term gnosticism and look into it. While you can just say it's knowing to agnostic not knowing, it was actually an early interpretation of Christianity inspired by things such as neoplatonism. If you adopt the gnostic interpretation of Christianity, well to put it simply, it puts a lot of concepts in now mainstream strains of Christianity on their head. The reason they were called GnosTics was because they sought gnosis.

I have read some Hermes, yes. I agree that Hermeticism makes a lot of sense, I understand that I can see the vortex patterns everywhere because of the golden mean. My point for responding in this thread is that Christians have more work to do than ANYONE on the planet. Your religion is the literal vehicle of the new world order, and instead of fantasizing what it would like to be at the pinnacle of our civilization they should focus on educating those whom have been led astray, namely the false church that you're a part of. But in my eyes, Jesus was just another Jew who knew about Hermetics and tried to stop the secrets from being used against mankind, and as you see the current world today, it hasn't worked as well as he thought because we are still subverted. Christians need to be humble and realize their folly or throw the book in the trash.

Jesus had many conflicts with the Jews. He also revealed some knowledge. By reading the bible then moving onto other works some measure of gnosis can be found.
Like I said before. Christianity is a gateway to wider knowledge. If this initial knowledge is built upon with bullshit then it will become bad. If it is built upon by true enlightenment then it will become virtuous. Just because most Christians become the sheep of man doesn't mean that Christians who recognize the Shepard of man can't bring greatness to our people. Alternatively we can say that just because most people are stupid doesn't mean that smart people don't exist.

double yikes

>Taking Varg as a model

>The more North, the better genes

Feels good.

Now if only I could get you to stop raping the English language....

Sicilians are Africans

No, they're descendents of greek colonists like many of the southerners

Attached: homicideratesbyrace.png (1204x512, 249K)

My friend Vinchenzo from Lombardy "Sicilians are niggers in Italy"

why do blacks have crime rates similar to pitbulls?

Attached: 2017dogattackstatsbyrace.gif (560x229, 8K)

>italy being significant any time after 500AD

So you sayin Anglos n Frogs wuz Kangz?

italy gave us mussolini and luca traini

Also Giovanni Gentile and Julias Evola