Jow Forums humor thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>"one post by this ID"
Fuck off

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I rember that burger

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Everyone knows France is jew central.


those kinda digits dont lie.
France BTFO

Can't cuck Switzerland. We are the divine beings of this earth.

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Can't see it

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Mountain jew

Yeah I know we are supposed to see a merchant but I can't see it, way too elusive


>imagine being so new that you cant see merchants.

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I once saw a picture with just one short line in it (outline of the nose) on a white surface and I immediately saw the merchant. At this point I realized I spent too much time on this board.

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>too much time on this board
there's no such thing.

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Ok medipack

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>get shot

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stop posting in slide threads

>imagine not having the ability to hide threads.

That's a great idea actually. What do you do if you can't solve a problem by shooting at it?

the quality of these threads has dropped so lwo in only a few months...

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have you seen our country?
if we cant solve a problem by shooting, then it just doesnt get solved.

>30 posts by this id

oh so thats why the thread is so bad

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Tell me the best state to go to if I wanted to live in Burgerland. What 'bout Tennessee?

i can't help you at all but don't let them scam you with the name tennessee whisky. its n ot worth the price tag. rip off fuckng ccunts

Missouri has no law against discriminating the gays.
just avoid the big cities.

Yeah but Missouri has a nigger problem doesn't it? I will definitely avoid big cities like the plague, you should do that in every country desu.
Is it nice in the US countryside?

Haha yeah I know thanks mate.

niggers stick to the cities.
most of Missouri's public schools outside of the gay counties are still not integrated.

Live in Maryland. Downtown Baltimore. They'll love you over there.

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You mean chimp out central?

That image is ironic and it takes an autistic Europoor to misinterpret basic memery

good meme, you fucking filthy paki scum


Kek, wasn't that yesterday?
or is there anyone still repeating that?

Hm... you realize that's a joke the burger made, right?

>Confederate flag MAGAfurry
My fucking sides

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His comics are still good but he still fucking deserves it lol.

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St. Louis is one of the niggeriest cities in the union. Outside of that it's fine. Montana, Idaho, North Dakota, Vermont, Maine, Wyoming, Iowa, are all non-hillbilly white paradise. There are also tons of 90%+ white towns in generally "mutt" states, like Illinois and Texas. The shitskins always congregate in the big cities.

I've designated the entire county around St. Louis and the one around KC as my personal no-go zones.

Based Florida men-
Rapes gator
Eats a face
Shoots tornados

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left side of france is brap, right side of france is sniff

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TN is shit. Come to Maryland

Hahaha Jesus Christ

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le epic xDDDDD

If you are a gay man and don't have anal sex, then you are a virgin. If you are a lesbian woman and do not scissor, then you are a virgin. Gay "sex" is only really sex if the genitalia touches.

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>+50 HP
Thanks medkit.

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bike cuck is terrible. his artwork is nothing but annoying, millennial "cute" crap and his messages come from an immature, man-child.
>depression is hard, you guys!
>sometimes bad things happen!
>be accepting of everyone!
fucking kys. where did the bill wattersons of the world go?


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I mean those messages are important albeit some are more immature then most. Accepting cuckery in any form however is inexcusable and is pure degeneracy.

This is why we have the mutt memes.

>be studying regenerative medicine
>doing furtive independent research into /d/-tier dark arts
>"Project Milkies"
>harvest the lactate producing membranes of a bovine (basically the milk sacs, ancillary membranes and frenulum)
>specialized chemical wash removes all "organic" material, leaving a semi-organic "skin" of what it was
>introduce pluropotent stem cells harvested from surface skin sample of patient
>grow, attach blood vessels as needed
>now have a mass of lactate producing material with the patient's DNA
>make a cow girl with big spurting milky tittays

Some might call me mad, fuck those guys, I'll have my own horse-dick and matching balls by 2020.

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Oh, and here's something rare for Jow Forums; objective scientific proof.

If I wanted to I could cum spider silk stronger than titanium.

Fuck, forgot the link...

I got chupadita from my sister

Bump because we need one containment "humor thread" up at all times to help spread some spicy images.

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>uk flag