Beyonce and Jay-Z's new ApeS*t official video is an accidental tribute to their crudity

Are they actually comparing art to their apeshit?
Of course I’ve always found the couple extremely tiring and overly stupid. This grandeur delusion, the greed, the mainstream music and their never ceasing need for attention is not art. This revenge of the ghetto looks like the coming together of two out of tune, rich and powerful people, who succeeded (and good for them), but not even they seem to believe it. Or they are really believing it.
And how can we forget about all this fake publicity marketing about Beyonce’s emancipation, a woman who remembered her black heritage because black live matters is what’s “cool” right now, even thought she used to promote whitening cremes, and proudly singing about her being redboned ya’ll! A woman who portrays this feminist role model while also singing about her husband cheating on her, talking trash about his becky with the good hair mistress, while touring using his name. They were always cynical posers.
But this new Louvre video is honestly their most on point portrayal. An artistically perfect portrayal of vanity and grotesque maximalism. A boastful “ha” to all those mortals who cannot have one of world’s most famous museums as their dressing room.
Two billionaires just walking around, wearing their nice clothes, among works of art for which they probably have no idea, posing, dancing, and looking at us with an emperors arrogance. They do not admire the exhibits’ splendor in awe. Of course not. Mona Lisa, Nike of Samothrace, Venus de Milo are just their props, and they are the stars! Just like those professional tourists I see everyday, they stand before exhibits much more important than them, and exude their narcissism. The tourists do it so everyone will be jealous, and our couple does it to satisfy their megalomania. Finally they have conquered the Louvre. Next stop: Space! Tackiness and kitsch as an expansionary way of life.

Attached: beyonce_jayz_apesht.jpg (640x345, 156K)

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Yes, they are saying that doing a Negro's hair is equivalent to, if not better than, the Mona Lisa.

Funny thing about that video is

a) it shows how empty and meanginless american black culture is, the music is rubbish, they have no class or meaningful lyrics - the contrast is sharp, those painting will be admired in 500 years, in 50 years nobody will even remember jay-z or beyonce

b) it's such a slap in the face to every white man that it makes it more likely there will be a fight back soon

... and it's beautiful

honestly i watched it and burst out laughing seeing their ridiculous clothes and posing in front of the Mona Lisa

I haven't seen such a case of "emperor's new clothes" since the Obamas.


>"u mad, white boi?"
>right wingers complain. Free advertisement
>left eats it up
>jay z Beyoncé profit
>rinse and repeat

It's literal ape shit

Send them to. Africa

>Shit Apes
Fixed that for ya.

They did taught you Meds everything you know, including painting and sculpting. Pic related while covered in clay ventured over to ancient Greece and taught you Olive oil niggers everything you need to know FACT.

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>u mad white boi
>no one cares about typical niggers being niggers
>baboon couple have to beg people to attend their overpriced shows, cant even fill half stadiums

>One day the last portrait of Rembrandt and the last bar of Mozart will have ceased to be — though possibly a colored canvas and a sheet of notes will remain — because the last eye and the last ear accessible to their message will have gone.

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Its cute how they try to look sophisticated.

Beyonce and Jay Z are both ok in my book of degenerates


Can anyone explain why Beyonce and Jay z are together? If it was anyone else less famous I get it, but why is fucking Beyonce is married to that old ugly nigger? Satanist arranged marriage?

Women are more attracted to social recognition than to looks.
That is why they date negroes. Its hip to date them, so they follow.


fuck this gayass slide thread. get in here

Heh the only reason they your together is to keep an eye on his cheating ass and save face. Fucking her stans are so fucking retarded they scream out "Queen" and "Feminist" but they dumb bitch who never finishes high school still sticks with her sham of a marriage

Those niggers are ugly as fuck ffs.

the video is a fuck you to European culture just because they can

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Business arrangement

>her stans
fuck off back to twitter

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Jay z isn’t fooling anyone with that dye job.

Yup. What would happen if a white person made a music video where they are standing outside mud huts mocking them?

I would imagine that is this point of the video. Hence the name "ape shit"

Well at least they were good enough to label the video properly.

Black culture = selling drugs, pimping their women, starvation, mud huts, malaria, and aids

An absolute disgrace that they were allowed to let those those filthy apes film and fling their shit in the Louvre. Wouldn't have happened ten years ago.

I think the title is very appropriate

>Apeshit: (noun) An attempt by niggers to create art
>"You seen the urban art exhibit at the modern art museum? Nothing but apeshit."

Well to be fair at least the museum profited from it

This. The Louvre shouldn't be whoring itself out for dirty money.

Well written.

Sounds about right.

What it like to not have any introspection?

>negro's hair

I think you mean wig.

this cultural appropriation needs to stop


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That Beyonce has an IQ of 76

This is almost certainly a meme, but if not, source?

I don't know about the previous claim but her fans are the lowest iq

Good blog post, have a bump.

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