Yesterday Senator Kennedy questioned IG Horowitz about a highly classified e-mail between Amanda Renteria and former AG Loretta Lynch Question starts at 7:55
>Amanda Renteria, a Democratic operative who served as the national political director for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign
Now we know the e-mail exists and it's "highly classified". Probably categorized as such not because of the info it contains is classified, but because it's embarrassing to the Democrats. Just like McCabe's $70,000 desk was redacted.
She was Hillary's Political Manager during the campain, and the conduit between Hillary and LL (Loretta Lynch). Renteria's twitter meltdown yesterday - "OMG The RUSSIANS hacked my email! I would never sell out our country for political gain. I WUV AMERICA!" - was epic. When it all goes down, it will be both massive in scale and (by legal standards) incredibly fast. Hope she likes the humidity, because her future is in Guantanamo Bay. She has a decent rack, so she'll be a good bitch for someone in there.
The snowball is building. Trump is playing this masterfully. He's taking off the band-aid slowly. Forcing the Dems and their media to defend every piece. It's going to get to the point where the excuses will no longer add up and EVERYONE will be able to see how fucking corrupt the Democrats are.
Eli Stewart
She's fucked. Cant wait for a second investigation.
Gavin Lopez
And despite everything the corrupt dems, rinos and msm throw at him - in concert with the traitors in the deep state - Trump is more popular now at this point in his presidency than Reagan, Bush, or Obama were at the same point in their presidencies. > On a related note, more Americans see the country and its current direction as positive, now, that at ANY point in the Obama administration. Finally, (pic related), there has never been less trust in the msm, and thus less power in their narrative poison. Overton window is moving fast now. It's coming.
My only fear is that nobody will be prosecuted. I know Trump wants revenge and wants these fuckers to hang, but he can't prosecute them himself.
Andrew Sullivan
So if I caught it all correctly yesterday during the hearing: >She was Hillary's lawyer during the email investigation >She is a fried of Hillary's >She pruned Hillary's emails that were on the email server to remove any 'personal' ones before they were given to the FBI >She was one of the two of Hillary's lawyers present in the room when Hillary was interviewed about the email issue by the FBI
Blake Wright
I think the only reason it didn't already happen (mass arrests, trials, convictions) is because: what good is an arrest if the judge is crooked? Bit by bit they are purging the garbage out of the legal and judicial systems. Look at NY. Once Schneiderman had to step down - boom - Weinstein arrested. Think of Schneirderman as a microcosm of what needs to happen, and is in the process of happening right now, across the country. Once a tipping point is reached it will happen. We have decades of corruption to unwind. We haven't had an actual patriot in the WH since Reagan.
Flipside of that is the jewess who replaced him tried to bang a small charity Trump had for 1.5 million. Literally everything they touch becomes just another racket. They have no idealism, morality, altruism. It's as simple as " is it good for us "
Ryan Bennett
80% is a low number.
From what I've read across all platforms it's more like 90-95%.
Andrew Rivera
This is why I think a civil war is possible. It's so bad that these leftist scum will only be destroyed by force.
Jackson Morris
Trump stated to the press that he won't be looking at the judicial system until the Russia investigation is done, so that is never going to end.