Italy's far-right government announces 'census' and deportations of Roma traveller population

This is absolutely terrible. It looks like literal fascism is back in Italy. How did people let this happen, where far-right fascism is back?

>Italy’s new far-right interior minister has announced a “census” of the country’s Roma community and set the stage for deportations of the ethnic group.

>Matteo Salvini, the leader of the far-right League party, said those Roma found to have Italian nationality would “unfortunately” be allowed to stay in the country while others would be expelled.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Actual countries with borders is fascist
One day, the Jews are gonna get it for this shit.

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The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right. The far-right.

Attached: Hitler agrees.gif (250x195, 801K)

Far right? Ok so they're centrist and I should ignore everything you say.

Thanks for clearing that up.

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>It looks like literal fascism is back in Italy
Thank God.

Pastafriends please liberate Spain.

>How did people let this happen, where far-right fascism is back?
Actually, the people voted for this.

Hope more countries go this way. Screeching leftists, kikes, and degenerates can go to hell

Lmao look at those comments, all upper-middle class imbeciles who never had contact with these subhumans.

Its happening lads, this Morning in Torino a Lega stronghold bulldozers starteded destroying illegal gypsy made houses.
Salvini says "now its time to stop talking and start doing"
Feels good lads, feels good.

Good. Fuck the gypsies.

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>now its time to stop talking and start doing
Wow, Salvini is extremely based. Impressive

>Roma Total War

So how long until they start deporting the niggers

>Absolutely Terrible
I dont see how this is even bad, in any way

The Gypsies aren’t bothering anyone. Don’t they have bigger problems?

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What the fuck do you think gypsies are?

>The Gypsies aren’t bothering anyone

This. Silly Italians are looking for a scapegoat.

shut up gypsy

>The Gypsies aren’t bothering anyone.

this was always the plan from the beginning
I've said a million times if these people only knew they would never step onto those NGO boats

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I wish gypsies looked like this, then I would love for them to stay. TV and media has mischarcterized them as white, when they're all fucking fat Pajeets.

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I love to see them as this, it kinda feels comfy.
Am I the only one?

The only good gypsy is the dusty remain of a burned corpse on the ground, possibly next to his children, slaughtered under their watchful eyes.

Genocyde is the only options against these parasytes and against everyone who reached his/her 30s without having worked at least for 3-4 years.


People from outside of central and southern Europe have no idea what disgusting scum these gypsies are, they think they are just innocent travelling tinkers selling pegs and lavendar.
These scum teaffic organs, steal children and are involved in the worst crimes.

You really have a gyppo problem in bella italia dont you?

Most people, especially in the US, think gypsies are just white trash. They really don't have a clue.

Salvini is far better than it looked liked. The only think he fucked up is the universal basic income, fucking 5 stars.

>far right
God this makes my blood boil, Lega has always been classified as a right wing federalist group, but since they decided to oppose EU policies they suddenly turned "far right"

>Most people, especially in the US, think gypsies are just white trash. They really don't have a clue.

>dont have a clue

no shit sherlock



Oh man, those Romanians just can't get a break
Isn't building permanent housing what they're supposed to do to get better?

Sono fiero di voi ragazzi

The extreme left's attempt to turn Europe into an Islamic State in about a decade has lead to the growth of common sense parties throughout Europe and even helped put Trump in the White House. The best solution for the third world is to send all of those well educated second, third, fourth generation blacks, muslims, etc. back to their heritage lands to lead their apparently useless heritage countries.

Not anymore than yours or any other european country (you can check for the stats for yourself, I'm on the phone atm)

But I kinda doubt somebody hates them more than we do, actually, and I unironically think that this has to do with the fact that they tend not go get frequrnt showers, and people in Italy really becomes mad at you if you stink in public.

Really. Maybe it's because of that.

Jesus krauts are irritating

Wow italians really are the true retards of Evrope if they believe this shit :laughing:

Yeah, a country w massive debt should roll out UBI.... That's gay brah

>germancuck being a cuck
Colour me suprised.

They build on land that is not theirs, with no planning or use building codes, its like favellas.

Holy fucking shit Italy I love you. Salvini is BASED.

I need to apologize to Italians. Of all the western countries Italy is the one I LEAST expected to wake up. I thought you were comfy in your pasta laziness without caring what happens. Never ever expected this. Why was I so wrong?

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>But I kinda doubt somebody hates them more than we do

I think you have more gyppos but not more shitskins than we have

you have gyppos squatting in churches and shitting behind the alter though

Hope they catch you along with them within the next purge, most people living nearby their camps often sets their shit on fire, gods be praised.

L'estrema destra è la migliore destra

Americans having a wrong view about the happenings, COLOUR ME SUPRISED!

Gypsies are far worse than niggers, it's actually a good thing to take care of them first.
Feels good to be the least cucked nation in Europe at the moment.

Italians are loud and don't care what they say. Of course they'd be the first WOKE nation

The least to wake up? Why?

Your last phrase I had problems to even translate, gipsies don't believe in god so they dont go to church. It's probably their only positive feature. They are all but guillable enough to believe in lullabies such as god or stuff like that.

Non comodo bro

Ever been in Italy? If not you should pay a visit. Italians on average are more redpilled than other westerns. Guilt and self hatred here are non existent, except for few lunatics.

We are most racist and fascist country in Europe, and always have been. I have been all round Europe and what i say is truth, Austrians too are nearest to us in institutionalesd racism. But nobody lives it like we do.
Salvini is just normal Italian really, everyone have his views.

Says the faggot...

He is becoming more and more massive every day, he feeds on their corpses.
Look at his fucking neck, it's gonna blow up at any moment.

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The famous Mediterranean moodiness and siestas the Spanish have, etc. I would have said a Northern nation would be the first to wake up. I wad WRONG.

It's kinda cute to see other countries being suprised to our "racism", when it was always part of us.

Hah, the very concept of guilt is actually funny for me and as I see for most of my fellow italians.

Noi siamo tuoi fratelli

Nah come on, that's just wrong. Gypsies are pretty much universally hated.

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Oh boy, you have no idea how the situation is opposite of what you think. Infact most northern countries are not even trying and are content being slaves of the immigrants.

I have, but it was years ago when I wad on my teens, so I had not paid attention to local behavior and culture.

Bless you

This would have never happened if we didn't purge the leftists decades ago. I am quite certain that if we would of went in and did regime change on the Soviet Union in the 20's. The Nazi's would have never existed. Most right winged people are individualists who just want to be left alone. It's the far left that radicalizes everybody else. With no far left there would be no far right.

Only Italo-Americans.

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Dude, sorry to say but we kinda don't exactly like slavs. Most of them here are already drunk at 11 AM and try to extort you some cents after washing your windscreen. Why do you always send the worst in here? Send some big titty instead.

Il basato non ha sensi di colpa


laugh like the retarded moron you are

It's always the garbage that gors abroad looking for easy money and/or welgare gibs. Many of the gyppos here left for other EU countries years ago. Regular people stay here.

Siamo fieri di voi

gypsies are not even humans, we should care about them first.
There are good and bad persons from every country, but EVERY SINGLE GIPSY is a fucking, dirty, disgusting parasite, violent and thief.
These fucking subhuman scums can only be dealt in one way: genocyde. No matter if they are adults, young, childrens, women or men. You don't ask yourself these questions while your about to stomp on a cockroach.

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Yes i see this when i was in northern Europe. They have same views as us but look around scared when expressing their real thoughts. Here no one gives a fuck about stating how they feel.

goes* welfare*

Sorry I'm a fucking phone poster

So true, here we can say nigger and any other racial slurs with no issues.

Could not agree more even if I personally have to set their camps on fire myself.
Oh, fuck, who am I kidding, I would gladly do that, the more children inside the better.

throw the jew down the well

pretty much, makes me laugh that even ultracommies hate those shitfucks

I'm not even right wing but this is wrong.

The only ones who have something to bitch about it are edgy zecche teenagers, but who gives a shit, it's actually amusing to watch them scream and sob.

based moors

>it's actually a good thing to take care of them first.
This. And they're still, seemingly, the only refuse Europeans refuse to be Jewed into tolerating. This is a good first step toward the great expulsion of shit, it will make people more receptive toward getting rid of the blacks and muds.

Most of slavs that I have seen here are Ukrainian women (why only women come here? Husband hunting? prostitution ?) but generally they are ok, we also have Romanians (slavicize latins) and I still haven't made a judgment on them.

As long as they dont send them back I am okay with this.

It's the biggest success of the lefties. They managed to internalise self-guilt and fear of violence in western countries after WW2. We don't have that here either.

I don't even see they roaming around as usual (Rome here)
Defeated, and they don't even care. There's a rich boomer dad behind every edgy far leftist, so once he inevitably fails he can return to his expensive flat pretending to ignore battles he fought until yesterday without actually being involved in any way or fearing consequences.

>edgy zecche teenagers
lmao, they literally a minority in our country.

The Swedes that I met were either ultra redpilled 1488 or cucked to oblivion, never found someone in the middle.

Anything left of Mao is far right according to them.

It's just impossible to defend them. No matter how much you try to make up excuses.

Wonder whose behind this post...

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Well, there are definitely less of them around there, from what I've seen.
I live in Florence and I'm often in Bologna for work, I'm sure I don't need to tell you how many I still see around.

South Asians from what I understand