Jow Forums

Jow Forums

I cannot tell you how many people I know on Facebook who are saying things like "Every single Democratic Senator supports the bill to stop this madness at the border, but not a single Republican senator has the balls to stand up to Trump. Call your representatives. Flood their inboxes. And if it still doesn't work, take to the streets."

Here are the links these people post regularly:

I started doing some research about this process and one thing that seems to explain it all pretty well in a summarized speech is the White House Press Conference with Secretary Nielsen


So if the majority of children that are "seperated" are really brought here by smugglers or family friends willing to take the risk with them, what's the big deal?
So if they are given food, water, and medical attention with a place to sleep in a safe inside environment, what's the big deal?
So if the separation is only occurring when family relations can't be validated, suspicion of trafficking, and possible prosecution, what's the big deal?

Wouldn't keeping "parents" in same center put children at greater risk if they were being trafficked or something like that?

Every single human being on social media that I know is going fucking ham on this topic. Literally organizing protests and calling for the head of Trump, asking where to buy guns for the "upcoming civil war". Am I literally missing something? Is there some giant fucking end of the world thing happening with this I dont know or is this the true end of society where the media has switched on the number stations and these libtards are going full sleeper agents?

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Where did you see talk of buying weapons?

Yeah, its been shilled hard.
It took them democrats all this time to cook this one up. Pretty weak if anyone looks into it.
No one on kikebook looks into anything though.
Normies gonna norm.

Same thing happened when they posted that drowned kid in the Mediterranean. This extremely vocal minority is composed literally of easily manipulated useful idiots and paid shills.

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FB and people on snapchat. I think its a leftist meme going around that this is the civil war moment for some reason which is why it blows my mind

Why shill and freak so hard over such a small pathetic thing

Russia and Stormy Daniels were losing traction. Anything to keep the constant level of outrage up.

bredy much
5 mil raised by retards

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That cant be real, are you kidding me? 5 mil for what?

For the salaries of the charities administrators.

How come the supposed "foreign" children are asking for "mommy"?

Nobody calls their mother "mami" unless they're incestuous. So why would a supposedly Spanish speaking toddler ask for "mommy"?

The world's largest virtue signal to nowhere.

This is the picture they keep showing in reference to the "mommy" audio clip. I mentioned here: Why would a Spanish speaking toddler say "mommy"?

>hey so what'd you give that money to again?
>"yknow, kids"
>which kids?
>"brown ones? i dunno, drump is a bigot tho"

They kidnapped the child and used it as a translator.

>Secretary Nielsen
She fucking executed Obamboon with her speech.
Anonymous sources say, he's on suicide watch since that press conference, and in catatonic state.

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>civil war
We want them to try, hopefully they are that suicidal.

Just feels like since it's just audio it's the kid of some random producer or worker.

No Spanish speaker calls their mother "mami".

>Every single human being on social media that I know is going fucking ham on this topic.
know less liberals lmao

Would it be concidered fraud if I would, say, start a fundraiser for tiny darkies or whatever & then pocket their monetary virtue for myself?

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actually I imagine the vast majority of humanity would view that as a crime against humanity.
The 'easily manipulated useful idiots' is in fact Jow Forums

No more than if anyone else did it.

Execute the male children and train the female children to become sex slaves. What's the problem????

That's exactly what this fag bags do.
As long as you give $1 to a nigger.

You mean staging a child's corpse for propaganda purposes meant to further your specific agenda? Because yeah, that is pretty fucking evil. So is using old photos to misrepresent the present, like when that pic of dead Iraqi kids was paraded around by Kerry pretending it was recent dead Syrians. Or like now, dems and their media pets coordinating an attack using a photo from 2014 to portray the present and lay blame predictably at Trump.
It's all so tiresome.

they separate them so they then can "grill" them about other illegals
it works
the only honest people are children, drunks, and the insane

Whats that mean

what it means
they interrogate the children on other illegal activity

Wow, a perfect specimen of the modern Nazitard

>coked out conspiracy theories
>paranoid delusions
>lives in constant fear and/or hate of others

Does sound tiresome...

>Commit robbery, knowing it's against the law
>be arrested.
>Be separated from your children
>people start whining "you can't throw him in prison and separate him from his child, look the child is CRYING, QUICK, burn the constitution.


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My fagbook feed is quiet on this, just saying.

I didnt notice your flag or I wouldn't have bothered to post at you, memeflagger.

Thousands of US citizens are separated from their children when they get arrested for breaking the law EVERY FUCKING DAY.

Thousands of children are taken away from their US citizen parents EVERY FUCKING DAY.

Why should illegal foreign invaders get special treatment?

manipulated how and by whom?

Really? That astounds me, I must just know super activist leftists

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It really is this simple.
Problem is we have a group of people who are absolutely retarded. I wish it wasn't this way but it is. I don't believe they are capable of rational thought, research, and decision making.

>get an ad relating the manus island situation to this
everyone in the replies telling the a un to get fucked

Tell them they better stand up or get fucked at the voting booth.

This shit's all retarded. It's like this for every issue these days:
>take symptom of larger problem
>turn it into its own problem
>blow out of proportion
>now no one remembers where the real problem lies
>repeat and circlejerk

Goddamn this Q&A section in the briefing is pissing me off.

>Nielsen lays out the law and statistics

Spotted the 50+ year old government employee wasting time on fakebook and Jow Forums.
Get back to work, you lazy piece of shit.

The establishment which locks up, tortures refugees with one hand, then lowers your standard of livig, wages and rights with the other. Then they say all these things are caused by immigration or just brown people generally. And racists lap it up like its some kind of 'counter culture' SAD

Go back to bed shill, the goyim knows you tried

(((whom))) are we speaking about though user?

>Forced separation of immigrant children

>As part of the 2018 Trump administration family separation policy, nearly 2,000 immigrant children have been taken taken from their parents and placed in "detention centers."[186] These centers have been described by those in opposition to the policy as "concentration camps".[187] The centers had previously been cited by Texas officials for more than 150 health violations.[188]


We sort of told them to stop coming over though.. when people dont follow the rules.. there are consequences

Last edited one minute ago. Sup, Kal?

BS, the Dems are a bunch of frauds, they got caught LYING about Russia, now they're trying another LIE to stop the hemorrhaging.

You. You are the easily manipulated idiot. Did U read what i wrote?



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Why do liberals think we have the funds to take care of non tax payers when our country is in the double digits of trillions worth of debt?

Dont reply to memeflaggers, they are never worth taking the bait.

>their face when you break the law knowing your child will be put in a concentration camp is still better for your children than staying in your home country

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Ay dios mio

>complain about budget and debt
>no mention of tax cuts for wealthy or spending money on military space program


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dont try to introduce facts to the matter, it will only give them headaches trying to comprehend the most basic logic

Where the fuck are the beaners to confirm or refute this?

i'd take that with a grain of salt. remember when they were going to start a revolution last november but nobody showed up and the media had to run a bunch of damage control pieces about how it was just a paranoid right wing fantasy to begin with

judging by the swastikas, this looks like /ourcabron/

>Take it to the streets
Shitty yacht rock song by Michael McDonald plays in my head.

>Photo's of child's body being manipulated by media liberals
>conspiracy theory
>colossal faggot flag
>checks out

Dems are complete liars and frauds

Who gives a fuck about the left. The right will understand that there are penalties for breaking the law and its ultimately the parents fault.

Has anyone else noticed how none of these MSM articles are mentioning that the policies of separating families began under OBAMA? He separated fathers from their families for years, and it was only when Trump started separating mothers from families as well that the media started latching onto this as their latest hot button issue and calling it a DRUMPF policy. Really makes you think.

The liberal establishment is evil this is known..........

Remember all the people who were going to move to Canada if Drumpf won?