Why on Earth do people become preppers? It is very stupid imo.
Why on Earth do people become preppers? It is very stupid imo
peace of mind, masturbation is stupid and yet you do it
>Peace of mind
From what?
>16glasses of mayonnaise
Storing food is generally a good idea. I would say autarkie is key this nuclear bunker thing mostly larping but on the other hand there may be scenarios where they survivve and I don't so who knows
Stockpiling food is only a good idea if it's food you regularly eat and enjoy.
Consuming your stockpile at the same rate that you're adding to it ensures that when (if) SHTF you're not left with a ton of expired cans and rotten boxes.
Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
>preparing is stupid
found the Puerto Rican
It's fun, everyone needs a hobby, they're not hurting anyone
Like what? What cataclysmic event is going to happen? Seriously, nothing is going to happen.
from nothing, survival has and always will be down to luck
so if they are the lucky ones they will get an advantage, what is the problem?
Third world islands do not account.
>Puerto Ricans did not prep
Yeah, they did. All the PRs bought a plane ticket to Orlando.
There's nothing wrong with being prepared. There can always be a natural catastrophe or some other event that will leave grocery stores empty or atleast very very understocked. I always have food/water for atleast 3-4 days at my place, along with basic medicine and other stuff I might need.
Lel. I didn't notice that.
What a shame to live so long with absolutely shit taste.
>whats the problem
they dont wanna resort to cannibalism better get used to it earlier rather than later
I guess for most its about the cataclysmic event, but in can be very useful in minor happenings. Like when hurricane comes and suddenly there is no food around but there are dozens of feral nigs
because of things called natural disasters
People who go dumpster diving and clip coupons have stockpiles like that.
As a short sighted person you simply would not understand.
Also the shelf thing in the front is beyond stupid. So much wasted space
It comes from insecurity I think. Fantasizing about an escapist world where you can be a big player and get ahead of everyone else because you were smart and wise enough to prepare. Most of them do take great pleasure in pointing how stupid of reckless people are for not prepping too.
My overall impression every time I watch these shows is how fucking rich they all are to afford that shit tho so who knows. Maybe not so insecure after all.
cannibalism never works out long-term, it's better to get used to growing your own food actually
Where do you live? Cataclysmic events can occur. Earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.
All it takes is for a fuel shortage of 3 days and things get really scary for a lot of people.
I live in Florida. Unless you live in a country like Haiti, a hurricane will only mess up the area for two weeks or so.
What do you need it for other than having two weeks of food and water for natural disasters?
>dumpster diving
ironically these guys are the ones who will survive the longest they probably have germs that germs have nightmares about
A lot, if not most preppers, have no children.
Their survival plan is hide in a hole until they die alone.
Those who do not prepare do not eat and then die.
Being anti-preparedness is definitively anti-European.
Anything can happen, loss of job, natural disaster, war, end of the world type event, hurricanes, great all encompassing storms in the north like last year's blizzards. Serious, if you do not prep you are an irresponsible child thinking you can always run to the corner store to buy something to eat.
I have a 2 week supply minimum that is consumed and restocked each fall. Also 90 days feeze dried food in long term storage and some basic tools, camping equipment etc. Having kids changed my outlook and most preps double as camping supplies for the summer anyways. I feel over prepared but still not ready enough however I realize being any more prepared is a bit unrealistic and silly.
This, over where I live a lot of stupid boomers never thought they'd need generators till Hurricane Sandy came and wrecked shit. We had one because my old man lost a lot of data and money during the Blackout of '03 and didn't want to go thru shit again.
i can grow a baby, meh I doubt ill survive if shtf anyway
so what are you going do for them two weeks?
>Why on Earth do people become preppers?
>Peace of mind from what?
I try to keep about a month's worth of non-perishable food and household supplies such as personal hygiene, first aid, and cleaning products. There is always the possibility of a severe storm, flood, tornado, blizzard, or whatever that I would rather not fight mobs at a supermarket for scarce supplies at jacked up prices.
I have a rifle, pistol and bag with some basic supplies left over from my time in the (((Army))) and 3 MREs.
I live in an area with a 56% (lel) nigger population. If there was ever a natural disaster, I'd like to be self sufficient and escape to safety as quickly as possible.
For me, prepping a legit hobby. People like to collect stuff. Some people collect comics or videogames, I collect canned food and ammo.
Add to the fact that I am already an active wilderness enthusiast and the fact that niggers can niggers out at any moment.
Also stockpiling water is an absolute necessity.
In the OP I see 6 gallons of bleach. There's roughly 90-100,000 drops in one gallon but we'll round to 80,000 to be generous and make the math easy. To purify water with bleach needs 8 drops per gallon.
This guy has enough bleach to purify 60,000 gallons of water. Using two gallons per day (drinking and/or cleaning) he's got enough water to last a family of 4 for 20 years or one person their entire life and then some.
But I'm willing to bet he has almost no stockpiled water.
theres zero downside to this
>I have a 2 week supply minimum
Without any prepping at all I pretty much always have 2 weeks of food in the house. 2 weeks isn't that much.
>56% (lel) nigger population
youll never get far, better buy a two cans of black body paint
>"Sir, why are you stockpiling 2 years of food?
*POOF* I'm a Mormon
That's right goyim, you are very stupid for preparing for a natural or man-made disaster. Don't you understand how unlikely it is that you and your family will become the victims of circumstance? You are so stupid for using your own hard-earned resources in this particular way.
You really should just buy another television set or game console for your children. You don't need those supplies, everything is going to be fine, forever.
I am not talking about having five cases of water and a few cans of beans. I was talking about the prepping that is based on some paranoia of a cataclysmic event. You know, the ones who buy months of food, build a bunker in their backyard., etc.
Go ask the people of puerto rico if shit can hit the fan overnight and suddenly you are without food and water.
I find it funny since most preppers and self appointed "minutemen" are fat fucks that thing that a ton of rice in their basement and a little pewpew at the local range would make the difference...
Besides, they are going to die due to fatness (heart stuff) and lack of decent public health network anyway.
But hey! At least they are PREPARED.
It is a waste of money
Being perceived as a crazy person isn't a downside?
consumption is the uniting ideology of our society and middle class suburban people think they can cheat death if they buy enough stuff. also implicit in this fantasy is the survival of the bourgeois nuclear family as a unit despite the total destruction of civilization; it also is way for people who support capitalism to obliquely fantasize about its destruction and vent their own resentment towards the dominant economic paradigm. really, prepping is about as middle class as you can get
>a real prepper would learn a heritage trade like blacksmithing so as to make themselves absolutely essential to a post-collapse world
Yeah I only have preps because I have children. If you are kidless best plan is a lightweight backpack with a few key things and being in shape, another thing most of these “preppers” neglect.
tits or gtfo
We don't live on a third world island with garbage infrastructure.
btw retards, the food is for me and mine
the bullets are for you, when you trespass on my property looking for a handout
nonsense, you can always kill those who have stockpiles and eat their food and/or corpses
everyone should suffer a brazillian trucker strike.
cant get your memes when the trucks dont run.
Wont they be happy when something happens. Have you never studied even a minimum of history? Something always happens to someone. Just because you haven't experienced anything hard yet doesn't mean you wont.
when i walk past my shelves full of baked beans and canned food and my dry food, toilett paper and water gallons, boxes of good wine and other beverages, my batteries and cooking gear, and my tent, i feel there is some sense left in a world that makes no more sense at all.
I have a bug-out bag and a 3/3/3 emergency supply. 3 day, 3 week, 3 month. The 3-months supply is mostly beans and rice I sealed in mylar bags and gallons. I do it because who knows if shit will hit the fan? Maybe a civil war will break out. Maybe a terrorist attack. Maybe a natural disaster. I have 3 days on instant MRE's, 3 weeks of staples and 3 months of long-term supplies.
it's never a bad idea to prepare for the worst, but some people take it too far. I would say a week to a month of dry food storage and drinking water is just good sense.
Well I meant 2 weeks packed in a couple of pelican containers with a cookstove, utensiles etc. Mostly in case of a flood and we had to leave and campout.
All I gotta do is survive long enough to watch your dumbasses burn and it'll all be worth it.
what kind of fucking lazy mindset is this? theres nothing wrong with being prepared for something. its like the same fucking mindset leftists have with guns saying youll never need one
Also, the LD50 of bleach is a little under 8oz (let's double to 16 to ensure it's a lethal dose for most anyone) and he's got enough bleach for him and 23 of his friends to off themselves.
Ridiculous. Go back to /b/
This is largely how I have built my prep, cheap, simple and practical. Good advice.
One thing is stocking some water and tuna cans (enough to survive weeks) and other having a fucking secret supermarket in your basement ready to be flooded or buried under the ruins of you house.
Same for guns. Having a gun and a couple hundred rounds is fine, havin an arsenal is idiotic.
I hope they don't think all that shit will keep indefinitely because it's canned.
Glad others do the same thing. Of course, I've slowly stockpiled everything from flameless heaters to purification tablets. It just seems stupid to not be prepared.
>there won't be a major happ-
its for 2 to 3 months depending on the situation
How about you being perceived as a retard. Is there a downside to that?
>jacked up prices
>people will be stealing by that
lets be honest here if its comes to the worst and i mean worst thats the only time prices get jacked and thats if the goverment doesnt enforce a price lock which they probably would. even if they do a price lock its its actually the worst people will just be stealing and looting.
>the same people who are going to the store in a rush are going to sit in a long line and wait
Everyone should have at least a month of supplies for any moderate happening. But if it's ww3 with nukes or some similar society-collapsing event that sends us back to the stone age, then it's better to just kys yourself unless you're already part of a self-sustainable community with friends and family aboard.
i'm retarded and replied to myself, not you
lol you think that in a scenario of the total breakdown of law and order people will just starve while watching their neighbors get buy on their pudding cup stockpile?
I think the idea of having a little bunker is cool. As long as it's not a financial burden, have at it
It's called preparing for the worst. It's like having a gun and not needing it than needing a gun and you don't have it. Your opinion is flawed! Please make the appropriate corrections as needed.
Ever heard of this thing called Rex 84? Its basically communism and I am not going down without a fight.
Plus clown world is just getting worse by the second and incase niggers put us in a mad max situation like the LA riots its good to have a semi automatic MG42.
that basement gives me a huge hardon
>not realizing I'm posting from inside your bunker
It's always a good idea to be prepared in case of a disaster, one can happen at any time. This is just a smart way to live. Always have enough food on hand for in case you can't get out to buy any for a couple of weeks or so. Have an alternative way to cook said food if you have no power. Have candles. Have first aid suppies. Have 3 days of water for you and your pets on hand. I've been stranded in my house for days for simple flooding. I've had to live without power and water for days and weeks because hurricanes. Stockpiling rancid food is stupid.
good point, I suppose a lot of it depends on what time of year it is and where you're located
>not having a mass of canned goods is viewed as retarded
Only crazy people would think that.
if anything, its people buying foods in bulk and cycling it the fuck out.
only poor fucks cry about this
It's a hobby, and it's better than wasting your cash on getting drunk or playing golf. Instead I buy more of the stuff I usually have on hand, so I don't have to worry if I have to go for extended periods of time without a job or have very little money. I also spend a lot of time at the shooting range, which I find incredibly fun and entertaining.
Being a prepper, to me, is simply becoming one with how life was meant to be lived. Independently.
Potential happenings:
>nuclear war
>EMP attack
>major solar flares knocking out the grid
>severe weather
>Yellowstone supervolcano
what's independent about working for somebody to have the money to pay for stuff manufactured by somebody else?
Then you should know. Its just good to have. I was stuck in Jersey during hurricane Sandy. Those people were not ready for that. I have about 2 weeks in food, 100 gallons of water, some gold and silver, and maybe 2000 rounds in total. I also know and trust some of my neighbors. Not much at all, but it's something. You don't need to make a big deal out of having extra on hand. It's good to remember that you are human, though. We should all be our first line of defense. Not the police. Not the fire department. Not FEMA.
I'm not a prepper, per say, but I am learning to live like my grandmother did, back in the day
so that means that I have a large garden and I work hard to store my produce for the winter
using a pressure canner is fucking scary the first time you do it too
but I will have food all the year round and only need to buy some basic staples
a small flock of chickens and a few rabbits ensure that I have eggs and meat available as well
next year, I'm hoping to get a milk cow and bees
after that, the world can go to hell and I'll be fine
just like my grandmother's generation
>It is very stupid imo.
except when an actual disaster occurs and stores are completely empty in 3 days. how you going to survive for a month or more with no stock on hand? prepping used to be common sense and families did it every fall to survive winter
theres a lot of time to actually prepare for a shtf situation
>everything is on the news
even an earthquake is obvious since microquakes happen before weeks before a major one
also waiting to die in a bunker sounds like a hell of a shit way to die
I only work for myself as a welder/fabricator, so that's not an issue. I also build most of the things I need for myself, so again - not an issue.
>It is very stupid imo.
>Don't have to worry if you get fired
user, uhh...
Same here.
I have a stock because I have young kids that are not easy to move with.
I also say preppers have to get as much medical training as possible, preserving life is the point of prepping, and that is exactly what medicine is for.
Darwin wants a word with you.
Two weeks is not what I am talking about. Most people have a week of food by default. I'm talking about the people who spend thousands upon thousands of dollars buying expensive "emergency food", building bunkers, and hoarding resources for some implausible event.
it's really stupid, so please don't ever be prepared for anything yourself. we wouldn't want your genes passed on or even for your useless mouth to survive and have to shove MRE into it
Sounds ultra comfy, I wish I had that.