Tfw you lift to annihilate white and Jewish supremacy

>tfw you lift to annihilate white and Jewish supremacy
>go around to black community centers and churches redpill in people about the race war and the blue eyed devil
Am I in the wrong for this, Jow Forums?

I used to be a civic nationalist but after lurking here I realized that every race hates us and we must fight to survive.

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Other urls found in this thread:

good for you nigger
unlike the sandniggers and the joos I expect a fun fight with you nignogs
just letting we round you up is no fun

Shut up nigger

come home hebrew brothers

>believing whites want to genocide you
That's why we want to genocide you, you're so retarded you fucking niggers don't understand shit. Your intellect is on a childs level you bunch of sub 70 IQ subhuman garbage.

>I realized that every race hates us

I wonder why that is?

You play identity politics so you are a little fucker and, yes, wrong.


Have you considered going back to Africa?

This is America.
If you can't take a little bit of racism with your Bill of Rights then get the fuck out.


your warning is 100,000 years too late ..we're more evolved for warfare :)
place nice and we'll leave you Africa. fuck around and well.. I like my odds

Don't be stupid. Minimum wage wouldn't even be one rat a week.

>Daily reminder that Swiss Jews eats cats
Savages calling other savages. Really activates my almonds

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Fucking nigger just take all the blacks back to africa and live WHERE YOU BELONG.
Like we belong in europe, no one would give a shit.

We live, in a society.

>Summer vacation LARPer

top kek, nice meme
My grandfather is Austrian btw.

This. Perpetual children who sit outside corner bodegas wearing pajamas while playing phone games.
Everything marketed to them literally looks like just a notch above "Fisher Price My First ____"
big yellow things with bobbles and glitter.. etc..etc.. goofy ass baseball hats that make someone look like car dash bobble head.

if you're a redpilled black why do you want to fight? Just become like Kanye

Are you one of those migrant bounty hunters Netanyahu hired?

Excuses excuses. Be sure to show them all the porn etc you promoted too so they have a chance to recognize you for what you are.

Kek. You're cool too. But you shouldn't eat cats . Leave that behaviour to slant eye chinks

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>every race hates us
>instead of going around the community and fixing the problems which cause every race to hate you, you instead explain every race hates you and we need to kill them
Yeah. I'm thinking you are.

>every race hates us and we must fight to survive.
Right look after yourself nigger. The whites are still the most kind towards you "people"


fucking nigger

I respect your attitude. But given the situation, you’d still sell out your race for a white or Asian girl. As 90% of these homos would. Just exchange white for nog.

If you think the real enemy isn't going to let us all kill eachother so they can rape your children forever once you're dead you haven't been paying attention. But yeah, weightlifting is healthy.

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>1 post

This kike wants a fresh cock to suck.

You go right ahead and focus on whitey. The vast majority of your fellow kangz can't tell the difference between a jew(ish) cultist who wants to use you for his own gains and a whitey that just wants you to fuck off and be self reliant.

I really don't know who the fuck eats cats in Switzerland. Probably the 10 Million chinese tourists we have here every year.
Stay classy mein Bruder.

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Niggers are the worst race of them all.

Met a few black nationalists as a white nationalist.
Y'all are ok desu. We fight for the same thing the survival of our race. It's possible to work together instead of giving into the kikes last option to keep us under control which is the race war.

You're doing gods work, It will be an honor to purge you and your community when the time comes. keep it up, dindu.

>Sympathizing with niggers
Never do this. They are the worst of the worst.

Even Oswald Mosley sympathized with niggers and encouraged them to do the same. I think you guys underestimate the kikes power, it is possible to team up with woke niggers to achieve a common goal which is our ethnostate.

>We would all murder and rape if society would allow it.

You're all a bunch of niggers if you ask me.

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Behave you stupid imbecile

Fake and gay. Niggers don't post here.

Not being offensive to you, just showing you what goes on your country:
Most of your farmers breed and eat cats. It's a common stereotype here, well that and that you are all greedy opportunist jews

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>after lurking here I realized that every race hates us and we must fight to survive
You will never thrive anywhere other than Africa


Dude I've met niggers IRL who have posted here

Didn't thrive there either.

>the kikes power
The niggers do it themselves.
But it doesn't mean that Oswald was right-- or that, even if he was, that they should be sympathized with in our current predicament.

Wherever niggers go they bring their chimp ghetto cultures and devalue the countries they inhabit. They are currently flooding Europe and it will only get worse as they breed so much that their population in africa is set to quadruple to 4 billion by the end of the century... and guess where a good chunk of those low life niggers are going to go?
That's right, Europe. To flood what's left of the white race.

And any non-black in Africa? Ostracized and murdered (Nigeria, South Africa, etc.).

Their IQs are low, they're naturally prone to violence, they're romanticized and fetishized by the kikes, their genes are extremely strong so when they race-mix with our populations, their genetic attributes can be expected to last 2-4x as long as a European in the genepool, etc.

They are the one race I don't think deserves any homeland, and they need to be eradicated.

Stop making excuses for them.

Pics or GTFO.

Odds are you're a 15 year old Oriental boy who is bored out of his mind and larping as a nignog.

No welfare and food stamps, so i doubt thats even a consideration.

the more violent blacks get the more violent whites will get

Niggers are the lapdogs of kikes if we can convince them to bite the kike what PHYSICAL power do they have?
I'm not making excuses for them. I'm with you their retarded I want them back in Africa as much as you do. All I'm saying is lets not try to distance allies when we agree on every fucking issue.
Most black nationalists I've met don't want to be here and are only here to tell other niggers why they should be leaving.

Good for you. Now go back to africa, because you sure as hell ain't taking over the US.

Blacks & Jews = a big stupid bully who teams up with a smart weasely bully. Both need to get kicked out of our countries.

It's this paranoid shit and your violence that makes whites actually hate you. If you could get your houses in order, didn't commit crimes, and stayed in your own races, we'd not have an issue.

Get niggers out of the west. Go build up Africa. We should never have never bought your black hides from your African and Arab masters.


Nah, kill all niggers.

tfw one post by this ID

>Get niggers out of the west
Pipedream. And if they somehow all went back to Africa, they would miss the gibs and illegally immigrate to white nations like the niggers are doing now. And then chimp out like it's their right to stay there.

Best solution is to look down on them and not to associate with them and when the time is right, eradicate those chimps.

Have you ever stopped and asked yourself why hatred of blacks is one of the so very few things all races share in common?

My Dad (Those are men who raise their you while in a marriage with your mom) used to tell me "Son, if everywhere you go there's an asshole in the room YOU might be the asshole"

Fuck off back to Africa and the only race you'll have to worry about fighting with is your own.

Every race hates you. Including your own race.

Good luck not ending up like Liberia or South Africa or Zimbabwe.

They do that for us. Niggers hate nothing more than another nigger.

True, though one can hope. If they could stop being fucking useless and stop fighting at the drop of a hat maybe they wouldn't be so useless. Though it looks like a good niggercide is a good Plan B. God knows, they'd do it to us in a heartbeat if they could. They would make whites in South Africa look like child's play.

How's all that lifting going to stop a 9mm round entering your chest cavity?

you're a slave of the Hebrew, you delude yourself to think otherwise

niggers are inferior

>that you are all greedy opportunist jews
true dat, but I've never heard about the cat thing lol

Good luck getting nigs to actually put effort into anything.

You people are victims of your own bullshit. Over 75% of black fathers abandon their own kids. Let that sink in.

You're a race of complete fucking fools. And nobody is doing it to you but yourselves.

OP you should become this generations Malcolm X and help us whites against our common enemy.
The jew has diverted whites hatred to you guys, when the jew is the true boogeyman.

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Is that supposed to be Bernard from Westworld?

I have considered establishing an ethnostate there, yes. But most blacks won't join as long as they're comfortable here on welfare and engaging in sex tourism with white women/men.

You aren't wrong, but a race war is never happening. Americans just larp but aren't giving up their easy lives to live in the brush and shoot at one another. We are good goys in our good goy slave nation but it's fun to fantasize about.

You wouldnt need to fight if youd buy a plane ticket to africa. Then we could both coexist. But you all insist on flooding white countries. Go to africa. Recreate rome. Instead of committing mass suicide by poking the hornets nest. Id actually respect niggers if you had some kind of civilization besides shanty towns. Go to africa. Start carving rocks into bricks. Build a house. Cut down some trees and carve out some shingles for the roof. Build a bunch of houses like this. Encourage others to help you build a new city. An ancient city. Where people hunt and fish and farm for a living. Recreate the ancient world. I think it would be cool to have a mixture of modern civilization and ancient civilization.

Also, .what besides your cuck garbage gives you the idea that we want white women? Nobody even mentioned this and you guys already start with the racemixing shit.

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You need to find a rocky mountain. A mountain you can mine into. And you take the rocks and turn them into bricks. You take any ores you find and melt them and make metal ingots. You cut a tree down and make 4x4s to support the bricks your laying. You need to make concrete so your house isnt made of loose bricks. Why dont niggers do this shit? Almost every other race has. But niggers just dont have any desire to advance.

Why are you posting marriage statistics? I agree with your post in general, the infograph is odd though. Some of your kin wanting to pump and dump a wh*Tey doesn't have anything to do with marriage.

That isn't even a thing.


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>le Kara boga faec

First fight black fatherlessness and murder rates. Then talk about a race war. White don't need to do anything to defeat blacks, your community is more than happy to do the white man s job


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>The native American (white man) has always found, and finds now, in the black men, willing followers who ask only to obey and to further the ideals and wishes of the master race, without trying to inject into the body politic their own views, whether racial, religious, or social. Negroes are never socialists or labor unionists, and as long as the dominant imposes its will on the servient race, and as long as they remain in the same relation to the whites as in the past, the negroes will be a valuable element in the community, but once raised to social equality their influence will be destructive to themselves and to the whites. If the purity of the two races is to be maintained, they cannot continue to live side by side, and this is a problem from which there can be no escape.-Madison Grant, 1916

This. Clean your own mess, but it's gotten fubar since (((civil rights))) so just go to Africa or stop talking about white sublimity

And while youre building your house you hunt for food. When youre done building your house you clear land and start planting seeds. And you need to dig a well for easy access to water. Unless you live by a lake or a river. Then make some kind of aqueduct and irrigation system. Why. Why dont niggers do this? If i lived in africa id spend my entire life building a castle with a nice big farm. You dont know how good you got it. A lawless land. You can do whatever the fuck you want. But you choose to sit and complain and demand the world carry you.

Fuck you.

Except you dumb nigger most blacks are already in Africa, and every African country is already a very near ethnostate. Your world view is so Americanocentric because you lack the triple digit iq to see the bigger picture. Blacks don't need to be successful in America to thrive, look at Islam. All you have to do is make one of those countries sustainable to use as a beacon for blacks with any ambition to flock to. I understand your just powerless Jow Forumsack without the means or ability to do this, but come on.

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Why are niggers always thinking about war? instead of preaching shit why not teach your fellow blacks to better themselves, be more self reliant and to stop worshiping athletes and rappers as if that's the only thing any black person can be. Like fuck, you niggers tear down any other black person that wants to improve and be somebody in life and as soon as that person achieves something that isn't being a faggot rapper or an athlete they magically turn white and the moment they speak the truth to you all your little nignog brains go on war mode and want to destroy them entirely.

It's important to believe in yourself

Sincerely a white guy

We don't actually want to have to kill you, we just want you to go the fuck away.

>high time-preference
>can't cooperate in groups larger than 4
does this mean we can relax around blacks?

Yes it is some old forbidden Jewish ritual stemming from ancient Egypt



It's like I'm cool with blacks having their own lands but when I hear the shit they say it's so breathtakingly stupid I lose every possible micrometer of regard I ever had for them. It really is like listening to elementary school children with pent up baseless rage.

tell everyone that jews are the real enmies and not the european whites

jews were the main slave-traders and owners

I'm 100% certain that black dysfunction is caused by them being unfit for the western model of civilization. They clearly thrive in small tribal settings where they aren't forced to live according to restrictive schedules but can rest between hunts and fuck around. The problem with right wingers is they too fall for this idea that one sizes fits all.

Don't let a bunch of summerkiddies who never left dictate how you feel about people. Most of these fat larping faggots, hate themselves so they project their anger into "races"
>judge people individually not racially. I hate white trash just as much as elites.

Or you can judge races as races and individuals as individuals. I don't get why people treat this in such a binary fashion. It's not inevitable that by holding both positions you will necessarily conflate the specific and the general.

The Muslims did it first, for longer, and in a much more brutal fashion. And yet some of the most virulent Black separatists choose Islam. You can't reason people out of positions they didn't reason themselves into.

Yet another spic thread

Sure hold the stigma of races while you judge a person individually..surely that will give you an unbiased opinion

No you're unironically based.

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