Have you encountered any anti-white or anti-Male sentiment in real life Jow Forums?

I’ve been wondering for a long time, are we in an echo chamber. Jow Forums prides itself in being a place where ideas are questioned and free speech is paramount but are we living a meme. We talk a lot about leftists and their media but has anyone actually encountered any anti-white or anti Male (or anti-white Male) sentiment ever in real life? For me it’s a big no, at school learning about racism I once felt a bit like the tone the teacher had towards me was accusatory but honestly nothing significant has ever happened. Do people really hate on white males irl or is it just a meme?

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Bump this is a very interesting question.

>Fuck u white boiz! We wuz kangs and sheeit!
Affirmative action, special tutors hired for blacks, special room where only blacks are allowed, can't flunk them out of Uni, classes were every questionable thing whites have done in the past is denounced, every good thing is "yu dinnit du dat!!", and blacks history is literally white washed into "we wuz kangs!"
Give us a brake, Op. Jow Forums exist as a reaction to all that stupidity.

Daily by reading the news.

When you say something obviously detached from reality, it's just really bad bait.

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Yeah sometimes, the fact it's in TX is pretty crazy though.

True this.
Op and his "interesting question"... "is the sky blue? I water wet?"

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Yes. Have been told to my face numerous times at interviews that they can't hire me because I'm white. Look around place of interview.... no white males to even be seen. Can't even be explained that they had some need to fill quotas.

Not really. One time a Mexican guy told me I couldnt be in his department because I wasn't white...which is the only time I've ever been referred to as not white. I guess I don't have blond hair ...anyway i think it's pretty funny, dude lost his job anyway.

Did you see this yourself personally?

I don't even understand how you could think this. Do you live in a cabin in Alaska?

Stop applying to kfc

Who said it and what was said?

No actually, despite being a white minority. In my part of the city.

I’m referring to in real life? Have you?

In my line of work actually. I am a freight broker, basically I sell freight to truck drivers, anyways there are a few freight carriers that will only work with minorities, so I can't hire those carriers for my freight being they can tell I'm white by my voice over the phone. I tried to explain to one of the carriers that this was racist, but they were under the belief that nothing is racist to white people. Oh well, I hired someone else for that work anyways, so how exactly did this help their minority cause? Fuck if I know.

of course you retard
at least here in the frontlines its very common

where i live, no, but when I go visit my sis in a lib shithole it's constant, people will say shit and stare at you from the corner of their eye, gauging your reaction, hoping you bite; their whole ideology and mindset is built around this little white lie

I know the media is anti white male but I’m referring to real life experiences. Has anything ever happened?

Very sad, I hear this sort of thing from Canadians a lot. Trudeau really fucked you.

Actually I think some employers are racist. They always ask you on the application what race you are, only credentials should matter. And I know for a fact they only discriminate against white males. I'm an actual minority where i live, but i'm not even considered as such.

Are you a mutt, did the Mexican think he was white?

Yes, you meme flaggot. Go on to a college campus. Shit, just apply to college.

Who is doing this?

It's happened multiple times on seperate occasions, packs of blacks or cholos hooting about crackers and whitey like they're the bane of the Earth while they live in our country, I call them something back and walk off. Or how in high school and sometimes now in work there will be a few funky fruits complaining about whitey too.

Go work for a tech company in the bay area as a 6'3" chad white guy and tell me how well you are treated. Unmitigated hostility, especially from the asians

all the time in commiefornia. it's literally painted on the windows of coffee shops and "holistic health centers" and shit like that

Everywhere in America you experience feminist hatred. BOYCOTT AMERICAN WOMEN!!!!

>has anyone actually encountered any anti-white or anti Male (or anti-white Male) sentiment ever in real life
Personally, no. In the MSM, yes. Certain shitty columns in certain shitty papers in particular are like this

everybody she hangs out with, which are admittedly the worst types of liberals you can imagine; I would hate to see those people with an ounce of power, their false beliefs infect every aspect of their life

I thought you’d be rolling in pussy.

What specifically

talked to some guy irl once who straight up said 'fuck my ancestors, im going to marry a brown girl just to spite them'
in reference to something similar that anderson cooper said
also some chick always going on about toxic masculinity and how men are all violent and killers etc just replace them with women it's their turn
also went to a school that was predominantly non-white, where i was singled out for my white skin on the regular
talked to some dude who was excited he was forced to sit in the back of the room during a diversity awareness meeting because he's white, despite arriving first. black people in attendance were moved to the front (despite showing up later and getting less desirable seats)

where do you live user? i live in libcountry so i see this shit all the time. count yourself lucky.

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In 8th grade my history teacher had the class do an assignment. We were supposed to write about a time when we were excluded from something because of our race. And she said “white kids dont have to do this assignment.” And the whole class erupted with anti white shit directed at me. The one white kid. Oh the fucking irony. Ive been excluded from life. Excluded from having an opinion.

Encounter it fucking daily in the juice run news. Are you fucking blind?

At 8th grade wtf could they have been excluded from. Jesus Christ, teaching these kids to have a notch on their shoulder before anything could happen to justify it.

I think it’s more of a case of having our beliefs and traditions stamped out. When I grew up, schools did nativity plays at Xmas, now they can celebrate other multicultural events but no nativity plays. Easter celebrations are just the eggs and bunny and nothing religious, and lately they have been having a go at Anzac Day. I just want to live
In a community where all the cultural traditions handed down to me are reflected in the school, the community and institutions. I wouldn’t go to China and expect them to water down their culture.


Yeah all the time. Are you retarded?

Yes, in the work place. Women and minorities are always chosen for middle and upper management first if they apply.

I think my teacher was trying to redpill me. It Made me realize how fake my “friends” were.

does this actually happen? must be a liberal arts college then.

Tell me what’s happened irl
I’m sorry to hear that, that’s a bad place of work.

yeah some asian literally complaining there were white people in the police department when the city is like 90% white

>be me
>live in Brighton, England
>gay capital of the country
>"progressive" capital of the country
>Caroline Lucas, the only Green MP, is from here and basically has a life appointment as long as she keeps running
>also one of the most solidly white cities of the country, at 91% white, hmm what a coincidence

>be in pub talking about politics
>inevitably every single person will spout propaganda from The Guardian, CNN, etc. about every single issue
>freely spouting anti-white attitudes and thoughts
>freely admitting that they think its bad that white men wrote all the laws for some reason
>pro-refugee, pro-illegal immigrant
>there are open fundraisers for people living here illegally for 15 years that never bothered to do anything about it
>everyone has a nigger culture fetish - if not rap then "African music"
>dying rock scene
>African and Brazilian dance nights are huge
>one of them is called "Migrant Takeover Party"

These people are real and they are everywhere.

Nice trips, being the only white kid in the class must be very lonely user. I’m sorry you had to go through that, did you have some good friends?

All the time. It’s just getting worse.

Whenever you get sad. Think... Trump is our president.

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yes, hugely, at graduate school. the bias is sickening. I attended grad school with a Marine and even he noticed the rampant anti-Americanism and anti-white messages the school advertised.

For supporting Trump and being vocal about it on faceberg, I had the Native American graduate student group, Latinx graduate student group, the Middle Eastern graduate student group, the Pacific Asian graduate student group, the African American graduate student group, and the Jewish graduate student group all together signed a complaint against me.

There is no graduate student group for those of us with European ancestry. And it shows.

Good fucking Lord I'm glad to be done with academia. It's no wonder white males have the highest suicide rate in my state. The universities and graduate schools pump out idiots trained to hate whiteness, masculinity and heterosexuality.

Be glad you didn't experience much, OP. It is hell.

Lol dip shit troll there is plenty on Jow Forums alone or are you of the mind the internet doesn't count? Like that shit is fake but the evil Nazis are real.

Had my life threatened, been suckered punched, had my gf harassed physically, and of course the usual side of the mouth shit. I think the worst tI me was having drink knocked out mthe hand by a woman in her 30s when I was about 12 years old, not sure why it stung but it did. I'm still not racist. On a few occasions I've had someone step up and tell people of their race not to kick my ass when they were about to just bc of race.

It's just life, racism exists and dicks like you enjoy harvesting it and watching it grow. You also get off on the inside joke that it's ok to be racist against whites.

No. I made friends by kicking peoples asses. Its the only way to get respect from them. Someone walks up to you talking shit, pushing you around you can either run like a bitch or fight. I chose to fight. And those aggressors gained respect for me when i showed i didnt take shit.

It was actually pretty fun. I was pretty alpha.

what the FUCK did you just say, FAGGOT> how DARE you challenge my schizophrenic, fascistic delusions. THE WHITE RACE IS BURNING IN FRONT OF OUR EYES, START THE RACE WAR NOW

Black people stare at me. They just can't handle my "caucasity".

I took a college class where some social justice cunt would frequently say things along the lines of "history was written by old white men." She looked white but she might have been a kike.

I've seen profs at college push that shit but otherwise not really

>Have you encountered any anti-white or anti-Male sentiment in real life
What the fuck do you think?

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Thats why i didnt really give a shit when the class flipped out on me. I was king of the school.

some more stories from this grad school:
>black professor starts semester by lamenting over how her class is "too white"
>cucked white male professor chastises class for "white privilege" and claims "America is racist"
>professor tells students they "belong in hell" if they voted for Trump

these are the people educating the upcoming "professionals" in our society. we should all be scared.

Everything is anti white, it's our job to point it out.

>>Sees flag
I can only imagine.

Yes. Half-white here, only discrimination I have ever experienced was on the basis of being perceived as white, never the reverse.

is this a fucking joke? how could you even avoid "encountering" such sentiments??? i could give you at least three irl examples i encountered today

White hating Mauritian dude at work

Fairly regularly at work, where the big initiative is Diversity & Inclusion, so anytime I include a white man or woman in a design, I’m asked to change it to a POC, and we’ve been specifically told to focus on non-white people when featuring them in videos and graphics. This shit has left the universities and is infecting the workplace.



Dominicans raised in new york get triggered just by being around a white male, I found this in univerisity classes. It makes them even angrier when just by participating and being better at science, they look like literally apes in comparison.

They get all triggered, SAD!

I’m beginning to understand why Jow Forumsacks are so racist now.

Sad inferiority complex

Oh poor Baby, it must be so hard as a white person, considering some people are challenging anzac day. Do you need a tissue?

>Later, user thinks to himself...
"its the Oppressive Left who get what they want by being offended all the time... fucking snowflakes"

Meanwhile, Australian soldiers murdering and raping innocent women and children in Afghanistan with literally 0 repurcussion, talk about 'cultural traditions handed down through school, community and institutions' !

Why the fuck isn’t he where he came from then.

Why do you fags still live in the big urban liberal cities or work in corporate or office jobs that are obviously feminist?

Go work as a truck driver or an oil worker or farmer and you won't see any of this shit. Move to small town America.

This. There is a big push in corporate America to “look diverse” and many companies are doing that by hiring non-whites (or white women) for a variety of managerial roles.

Anti white, yes. But I’m a spic and most spics have no clue. So they usually go on in spanish while I listen to their bullshit.

As for male, yes. One story comes to mind and it occurred at the gym with some dykeish woman. She banged out a nice set of pull ups and I said that’s pretty good for a girl. She flipped her shit and gave me the full force of the feminist movement. Her lats were flaring, delts all pumped up getting in my face. I’m smirking wishing I could shove her into the dumbbell rack. She finally fucks off and the other guys started patting me on the back asking if i was traumatized.

Lots of crazy people out there

Yes, it's a part of the 'progressive' culture here in the urban areas.


Friend (also brit, but 1/4black) I was talking to about demographic displacement said that it wouldn't make any difference it britain ended up having no ethnic britons in it anymore as long as they were all "british".

It's not quite hatred, but the absolute indifference to a literal genocide was honestly shocking to me, possibly even worse than just misguided hatred.

I've also got a few hard lefty acquaintances who view white men as one of the great evils of life, and the views of some of the feminist ones probs quality as anti male. It's rarely blatant outside of (((MSM))), but it does exist.

The thing is, I’ve always recognized that our customer base is “diverse” so we’ve been deliberate in representing that, but now it’s really getting to the point where we’re being asked to erase white people from designs, etc and only show non-white people.

Why are you even trying to work for a corporation? Why not become a trade worker- electrician, plumber, truck driver, chef, oil worker, coal miner, etc?

I could have lost my virginity any time. Girls fucking loved me. I had about a dozen girls who either acted interested or asked me out. School wasnt that bad for me. But i understand how bad it can be. If youre not big like me. I remember one of my bullies from elementary school saw me in jr high and said “jesus bro youre huge, you grew like a foot taller over the summer.” And i worked out a lot. I realized my environment was hostile. So i coped. Did everything i could to relieve the anxiety. I had real bad anxiety growing up. From like 5th grade all the way to the end of highschool. Every fucking day felt like i had a knife stuck in my gut. Really bad butterflies. I was in physical pain every day. Im not joking when i say it felt like i had a knife in my gut. The anxiety was too much to bare so i became homeschooled. I was constantly worrying someone was going to try and fight me.

why were they trying to fight you again?

>memeflag kike LARPing as a (((Republican)))
>but at least they're still here keeping the thread engaged

Unlike you white kike-owned liberals, some of us have actually grown up living in cities with black people in them. Yes, we've experienced actual racism daily. Now kindly fuck yourself back to Plebbit.

Why should I stop doing what I have studied and give up a skill that I have practiced for two decades and switch to something else simply because of changing politics?

Apparently racism against whites is big in America.

Here in London most groups of friends (at least mine) are literally a mix of several different races.

Yes to both, and I'm not even white. Even defending white people garners hate.
Such is life in the Bay Area.

no problem. this one black guy i work with came outside during the smoke break and started using the word "redneck" (yes its an anti-white slur. do niggers and asians turn red in the sun?) and all the white employees just had to uncomfortably keep their mouths shut until he left because they knew theyd get fired if they said anything

a separate nog at work took two unsanctioned breaks without clocking out. i literally saw white guys get fired for that, but this nig does it all the time and the boss doesnt say shit because he's afraid of "muh discrimination." in effect, white males get less privileges which is anti white male discrimination

got cut in front of in line at the post office by a nigger. when i said something about it a WHITE roastie behind me said "you're a white man in the south, just let it slide"

this was all today, mind you

Yep, at my UC from professors (what a shocker, I know)

I've run into IRL SJWs. Get a few drinks in them and they'll tell you how much they hate whites, straights, Christians, etc. How we have no legitimate interests, and we're the cause of everything wrong in the world. They also legitimately believe we lynch black people when Republicans are elected. They are full of barely-contained hate and bizarre fears.

Because im white. And they think im easy to pick on. And i was also a trouble maker. So the school faculty gave me anxiety. Always worried they were gonna flip out on me or some shit. Like my 6th grade teacher did. My 6th grade teacher screamed in my face. Because i thought we were at war in the middle east because of 9/11. But he insisted we were at war for oil.

If you can tolerate the anti-white male feminist abuse, be my guest. I'm just trying to suggest a more peaceful life

I work in manufacturing as a technician but one of my responsibilities is to handle paperwork involving my department, which puts me in contact with HR workers.

>100% female w/communications degree, or something equally worthless
>uniformly liberal and spiteful about it because of the disproportionate amount of power (in firing and citing employees) they have
>all white women with an asian and negress thrown in, all of which are anti-white and especially anti-male
>workplace has a 3 strike policy, with a verbal warning, written warning, and then termination
>I have never seen a white male be allowed two strikes before termination
>at least three female assemblers and a black male in the department I tech for are on (at least) strike 4 with only verbals up to that point
>guy who made politically incorrect posts (posting lolberg memes, not even explicitly racist or sexist) on his facebook got fired when one HR cunt got wind of it by an "anonymous tip"

I love living like one step means I'm fired and can't provide for my family!

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Went to my sister's graduation. The whole weekend was nigger shit and fuck whitey.

I live in a mostly white area so I havent seen any antiwhite sentiment. Now anti-male sure. Had a number of teachers growing up with a clear bias against their male students to the extent of refusing to call on them, or being generally more lenient with the girls mistakes compared to the boys. Ive also noticed similar issues while working at various jobs, women get a severe pass on everything and men are expected to pick up the slack. Personal story time.

>Middle school
>One girl in particular was a general mean bitch to everyone around her.
>Was bullying a classmate.
>Intervene and get into an argument with her.
>she shoves me and I tumble backwards down a stairwell.
>caught the railing support with a hand while falling.
>tell a teacher about it.
>Female teacher laughs and says "good".
>Girl doesn't get in trouble.

CathoComunists here still hold strong anti-white/anti-western views and theyve had that since before Jow Forums existed

I had to call the cops on a moroccoan that kept asking money and eventually escalated to death threats, waiting for me at work, punching the door so I would let him in etc. So I told this CathoCommunist guy about it and he said it was clearly my fault for not understanding his situation and painted me as the bad guy/racist.

I told him look buddy its always third worlders that do this shit and if youre nice with them youre forced to get the cops involved to get rid of them. He didnt care. I was the privileged and they were "just trying to survive" (survive what? they have free food and money through social services)

Worst thing is, theyre not real communists, they like it here they like earning big if they work hard, but they want the good points of being with the proletariat like all the workers in their little communist bars here. fucking hypocrites. They also are wicked people and use communist ideology to shame you. Because they hate YOUR wealth, not their own.

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>makes retarded thread
>bumps his own thread ON THE FIRST POST even better
>probably didnt evn use th eoption field

are you a shill or just a complete idiot?

Rapala is a nice brand

>theyre not real communists

I correct myself, they are exactly that is all they are

Start sabotaging them.

ITT: Please provide anecdotal evidence to back up your irrational fear of non-whites

Yes, from my brother. He is half Mexican half white, married to a white woman, and had his ass wiped by our white dad but still bitches about white people.
Same with my cousin, he is all for la rasa until he needs money from his white step dad or his white baby momma.
I'm lucky enough to have my dad's Swiss last name, and light enough to not be confused for half Mexican.

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