Caucasian Genetics Ruining Our Family Heritage

So here's the deal: My sister, who is dark-skinned black like myself, has four kids by three different baby daddies because nigger stereotype. In all actuality, she was young, dumb, and full of cum while in college, where her two oldest kids were spawned. She's now married to the latter two children's father, and living in a racially diverse upper-class suburb in Maryland.

All of her kids are dark-skinned black like their fathers, except her second-oldest son, who was sired by a wigger who basically raped her while she was still in college. I say "raped" because he fucked her while she was passed out drunk and got her pregnant, yet our family encouraged her to keep the baby because Bible-thumping Christian stereotype.

While all her other full-blooded black children, ages 5 thru 12, are all well-behaved, well-mannered, and are all on the honor roll in their respective schools, her mixed race son, who my Aunt calls the "demon child", is all kinds of fucked-up in the head. My sister has had him examined a few times to make sure he isn't suffering any physiological brain abnormalities, which he's not.

To date, this little 10-year-old asshole
>Throws tantrums and cries like a little fucking bitch at all times
>Is a "mamas boy" who cannot function adequately without my sister's attention
>Is fascinated with his younger sister's genitals, and gave her a UTI fiddling with her junk on more than one occasion
>Spoiled with toys, consoles, iPad, etc., but no...this little faggot thinks he's "cute" and insists on playing with his younger sister's dolls and clothes
>Strangled a basket of puppies to death at the age of 5: My sister was fined and held accountable

tl:dr; White people claim to be racially superior, but their genetics have done nothing but fuck-up our family's proud black heritage. I'd love to hear the weak ass rationalizations you faggots will make for this little demon spawn. I can't wait to debunk your false assumptions about myself and my family.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>literally one case of the shitty genes coming from a white person vs mountains of scientific evidence that black people suck hard

Maybe you shouldn't have mixed.

Is Jow Forums really going to let this nigger BTFO you like this?

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can't be because of his resentful full blooded nigger family could it?

things that never happened:
>white on black rape
>black slut not aborting baby
>4 kids 3 daddies 2 parents and a rich neighbourhood
>pedophilia, animal mutilation

Go back to Africa nigger

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>kid acts stupid
>dur must be white genes
Hate to break it to you, Tyrone, but the average black American is a quarter white. You are one of those mongrels you complain about.
BTW black girls are tightest.

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Kek. Sage this shit.

Your nephew is being sexually molested, you retard. What public school did you drop out of that you can't see it?

> All greentext in OP describes the behavior of darkies perfectly, like sadism, uncontrollable sexual appetite, and a persistent need for pointless material bullshit
>fucking whitey be fuckin up da kangz gene pool, nigguh

spbp all racemixing is degenerate niggerfriend

Nice larp faggot

Bullshit. My family and I have constantly outpaced, outperformed, and outclassed whites at every turn. You're not dealing with an amateur here, kid. Try again.

Golly...ya think?

Don't flatter yourself.

Nice excuse. This kid gets the same discipline that his siblings get. Our mother and my sister are both child care professionals with college degrees It's just that this little faggot's white genetics can't survive life as a full-booded black.

>Plastic Bubble: The Post
Keep fooling yourself, Todd.

Most murica post of the day.

I can practically hear the burger national anthem playing as I read it.

You know what to do user, you have to put down that monstrosity

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Dude it's simple. Your genes are ruining the child

so the offspring of rapists are shitheads, who'd'a thunk it?

Hah, it must be the stupid white bitches sucking my cock
we were european before you, whiteboi

>we were european before you, whiteboi
Nah, our ancestors looked more like dark-skinned Indians than Africans.
>it must be the stupid white bitches sucking my cock
I don't think any bitch, irrespective of skin colour, sucks your cock if you brag about your race to a bunch of feckless virgin betas.
Mixed girls look better than whites and blacks anyway.

It's not because he has white genes, but because he has rapist genes anons. Whites used to cull other whites who were serial rapists by lynching them. We have less them than other races, but they are a plague on every race.

Your sister's problem is she grew up with stupid liberal views like most women, despite "muh Christianity", and didn't keep her defenses up around men that prey on women. If she was raised better, she wouldn't have let bigger white trash around her, let alone a rapist.

It's not that hard to not get raped, especially while "drunk" and invited into her place. I know a lot of women do get raped against any power of their own to stop it, but it sounds like your sister is a huge idiot who surrounds herself around other idiot, no one should have to feel any kind of racial shame or have to answer to you because your sister is a fucking moron.

I don't know her, but you are being worse than a Cuckold, by not being able to come to terms with your sider being a thot, and dealing with the consequences of her actions.

Your transferring your sister's failures onto white people because you can't deal with the fact that she let rapist genes get into her and then birthed it.

> white bitches sucking my cock
you don't know how reproduction works, do you?

>literal rape baby, child of a rapist
>violence and behavior is partly genetic
>statistically blacks are the most violent ethnic group
>wypypo fault xddd
should have aborted, eugenics is for everyone

thanks for this

De rien

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whiteiboi is just jealous i get all the white bitches
do you really think your wh*te brain will produce anything other than paper
i produce pretty half-black children

>my sisters a slur
>has several different kids to different races men
>its whiteys fault that the mixed race kid is angry when he lives with full blooded blacks when he is not one himself
Did you ever think that it could be his frustration with himself, the fact that he legitimately has no real culture and isn't the same race as his brothers sisters or mother. It also seems like you use the kid as a way to say "see whitey is bad" which the kid probably notices. I honestly feel bad for the kid and wish him luck with his shitty family. Also mixed race people tend to have mental instability btw.

Lol, I'm not jealous, there are plenty of black pengtings in London.
I think you need a snickers mate.

Mongrels, creaturas, etc are all inferior to purebloods of any race. They are demented and deformed beings, a mixture of two different types of races which have been perfectly refined over fucking *millenia* to suit their respective environments. Think like tabasco sauce and lemonade. Very nice on their own, well suited to their time and place, but not mixed together.

I seriously hate mutts more than anything. Bleaching is fucking stupid.

Slut* fuck I need to stop phoneposting and go to bed.

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I tried. But your military requires my skills too much.

Yet the lightest-skinned kid is the one with all the behavioral problems. Okay, Jeb.


No. No he's not. Black families aren't the ones molesting their own kids, remember? He does get visitation from his biological father and his family. And although my sister fucked like a rabbit in college, she's no dummy. She's had the boy regularly examined, both physically and psychologically. What he does get is access to the best private schools that money can buy in Maryland.

So try again, fool.

I come from a family of public servants: State and law officials, medical, scientific, and some academic. Not all niggers are niggers, yo.

Agreed. Keep your diseased white genes to yourselves.

>see pic
Like I said: You're not dealing with an amateur, here.

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>niggress makes a fuck load of bad decisions
>ruins her life because of said bad decisions
>dumb nigger brother blames whitie

thanks for fulfilling your part of the steretype my man

Race mixing causes issues, not white genes

I mean, most of the most successful and importnat blacks throughout history have been half-caste. Bob Marley, Malcolm X, Frederick Douglass, Booker T Washington, Neil deGrasse Tyson... But you can use your 1 example of an autistic kid, if you please.

Holy fuck your skin is disgusting.

I would literally kill myself if I had that skin.

He's the son of a guy who impregnates girls while theyre passed out, ofcourse he's a cunt like his father

Race has little to do with this, shitty people create shitty kids and shittyness tends to be the driving factor genetically

Is his dad still a twat too?

She chose to get knocked up Nig Nog. That is her fault for being a shit parent.

Sounds like a typical niglet to me.

Trust me: I think all this little faggot needs to straighten him out is a good, healthy dose of leather belt to the ass. But no. My mom and my sister believe in all this new-aged counseling bullshit. Talk to the child and shit. Yet when we were kids, our asses were lit on fire by our parents. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel salty over that, but my saltiness has nothing to do with this little faggot's behavior.

What, by giving him a comfortable life, a two-parent household, and access to a good education?

No kidding. For a race of people who swear that niggers are rapists...but then, who were the ones raping their slave children back in the day? Hmm.

proof or SAGE user.

> i get all the white bitches
you get the fat lazy uneducated ones, on the rare occasion a white man decides to fuck a black women she is fine grade A USDA choice, your good women don't even want you, keep larping though

most successfull and IMPORTANT (lol you made a grammar mistake) whites have secretely been blacks, before whities started to rewrite our history
Mozard, Washington, Lincoln, Charlesmange, Hitler, Churchill, Einstein, Odin and Jesus were all blacks

I get why you'd go defensive on that guys question but in all seriousness he wasnt accusing you or your family and some of that sexual behaviour and playing with girls clothes are child exploitation red flags

I get that he's been checked but the question should be what for because the checks are often specific to the point where they can only reveal or exclude one thing

No, I made a spelling error because I don't proof-read what I write like a beta incel. It isn't a grammar mistake. Grammar and spelling aren't interchangeable.
Obviously you are just trolling me though.

There is just as much genetic variation within ethnicity as between ethnicity. Obviously there are many white people that are as dumb as a rock, just as there are many bad blacks, Latinos etc. I am sorry for your sister having an anti-social child, my man. However, the moral of the story is: Don't sleep around, but restrict yourself to having meaningful relationships with marriage-material type of people. I am sorry to say this, but your sister should have been much more conservative in her partner choice. She can be glad she found a good and loyal man after already having two children out of wedlock...

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>He does get visitation from his biological father and his family.

Seriously I would look into this if the visits aren’t supervised. It may not be abuse but that’s the first place I’d be looking. Try to get the kid some help cause something is really troubling him

>she was young, dumb, and full of cum
Maybe was isn't the operative word.
Tell her to stop watching degenerate tv shows with faggots on them. Tell her to stop being liberal. Stop being biased yourself. I admire you for wanting to stay black and there is nothing wrong with it. The kid's skin color isn't his fault. There's a 75% chance the kid will turn out to be a piece of shit because his father isn't around. The government is partially to blame. Your sister needs your help, not the government. She is probably fucked. The kid is probably fucked. Time will tell.

First of all, I'm man enough to admit my sister had thot behavior when she was young and naive to the ways of the world. No one asks to get raped. That's a rapist's mentality.

Moreover, my sister has never been a liberal, and like myself, was raised by our parents never to fall for the liberal narrative spewed by mainstream media.

She made a mistake, and my family told her don't take it out on her child. But that's that Southern Christian Conservative bullshit for you. They even forgive the rapist father and allow him visitation.

The kid is a worthless mixed mutt piece of human garbage while his naturally black siblings are prize examples of American kids. So stop all that pretentious projecting...the glare is blinding me...

That's the kid's finger, you brainless troglodyte. But you're right: Racemixing IS disgusting!

god damn it I want a wholesome black gf

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Black American girls seem ratchet af, black British girls are superior.

you can't even get wh*te sluts, what you talk about blacks then

>So here's the deal: My sister, who is dark-skinned black like myself, has four kids by three different baby daddies because nigger stereotype. In all actuality, she was young, dumb, and full of cum while in college, where her two oldest kids were spawned. She's now married to the latter two children's father, and living in a racially diverse upper-class suburb in Maryland.

>Nice excuse. This kid gets the same discipline that his siblings get. Our mother and my sister are both child care professionals with college degrees It's just that this little faggot's white genetics can't survive life as a full-booded black.

Don't know what to say other then you're a nigger, your sister is the spawn of niggers. This behaviour is clearly not high IQ, as IQ correlates strongly to impulse control. If anything she hit the fucking lotto locking down a beta male provider who cleaned up her disgusting sloppy thirds.

Your bastard nephew is like his mother, an irresponsible little demonic shit stain that should've been aborted with her other bastard offspring.
As for his dysfunctional behaviour I wouldn't be surprised, single mother's are the #1 abusers of their children followed by their boyfriends.

>wigger who basically raped her while she was still in college. I say "raped" because he fucked her while she was passed out drunk and got her pregnant

"Raped", so you're telling me in basic logic she went to some party, got flat out trashed with a bunch of horny dudes in the immediate vicinity and got fucked? Hate to break it you but this isn't rape, women do this all the time, especially if they're in a sorority.

50% white + whatever, more then half the time the child does not get the IQ or the aptitude. Most of these mixes become the subhuman element, doesn't help
if she tried breeding with a subhuman white either.

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*big black dick is superior

If black penises are what you are into, who am I to judge?

>kid's finger!
Welp its confirmed, either OP is a lying faggot or a true piece of shit who forces a 10 year old to see all the shit he posts of him online.

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>blame white genetics for nigger behavior
u tried

This a proper LARP op.

as a white male I agree with OP.
race mixing brings demons.

>your head
Don't blame our black genetics for this kid's rapist heritage. If I had it my way, the kid would be a blood stain on a gauze pad rotting away in a landfill by now...

You mean the easy and comfortable life our middle class status affords him? You see, that's the problem with you whites: You coddle your own. You let your degenerates get a pass, and that's what makes you inherently racist. had the right idea to cull the degenerates among you, but you've all been brainwashed into thinking that "white can only do right" just so you can cling to some misguided notion of status above niggers at all costs.

Nah, bro. Your genes are poison. Keep them to yourselves.

Never thought I'd agree more with a post on Jow Forums in my years of lurking here.

In all honesty, both he and my sister were drunk at the time my nephew was conceived, which is why I put quotation marks around the "raped" in my OP. I hold my sister accountable for her thot behavior.

As for the father, he's your average white Todd WASP who was going through his wigger phase when he knocked my sister up.

The ability to get a white gf is completely separate from ability to acquire a black gf my black friend

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It was kinda obvious already but his last post basically proved it.

keep dreaming, wh*teboi

>muh personal experience trumps statistical fact. checkmate white people

You quite literally just dodged my argument, nice larp OP, either that or you have some serious stupidity/issues

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Take another SAGE

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Lol, you have no idea how often I see black girls with white guys here. It's an up-and-coming trend.

>"Refutes" anecdotal evident with anecdotal evidence

Ya, you're a trisomy 21 victim. Look up what that is because you never heard of it before. At any rate, that's you.

Pathos driven little bitch, I'd kick your teeth down your throat after beating in you in a 100m dash and a Calculus exam. You are genetic trash and your posts prove it.

The kids fucked up because the wigger freak raped your sister in her sleep and impregnated her with a child she didnt want

Feel sorry for you man

The kid turned out shitty because he received shitty dna from a homo erectus ancestor(your sister). All groid kids are bad, which is why wypipo leave the area when your brothas move in

>she was young, dumb, and full of cum
>"raped" because he fucked her while she was passed out drunk
>she was passed out drunk

While I'm happy to see you want blacks to keep black, your sister doesn't sound like a jewel sonny.
And yes, mixed race people are generally the worst. In Brazil for instance actual blacks are only 13% or so of the population, most favelados eating people's hearts on liveleak are mixed. Not that blacks are upstanding people, but proportionately there are more respectable blacks than mixed. Yet another reason not to mix

And again, sorry to break it down for you, but regardless if your family is a "Bible-thumping Christian stereotype", your sister is a whore.

With all of the above in mind, it's obvious she would only attract trash whites

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>2/10 for eliciting this reply
I'll say again: He is treated the same as his siblings. Both my mother and sister have college degrees and professional experience in child behavior. We have had this verified by third-party specialists.

YES, I'm stating plainly and for a fact that this little faggot's white genes are to blame.

Our family has a rich, outlier heritage in this shithole country you call America. My ancestors were wealthy, and owned their own land in the North while other niggers worked as slaves in the South. We have a history of public service, including law enforcement and government agency.

Just give up, kid. Your assumptions will do you no good with me. You've got to come better than that. I'm not the nigger you fool yourself into believing.

who cares
wh*te race is dying out anyway
we will take over the caucasians
one day you all will be african


Black people are 20% white already. You already are a product of race mixing retard. I’m always surprised when black people don’t already know this.

>ITT: things that never happened.

african communistic feministic judaism is the best through
any edgelord still not converted will get gas

is not a dream if it is real my man of melanin

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This is Obama’s leaf, isn’t it?

I'm the latter: A true piece of shit. Just like the rest of you deplorables. It's just I'm man enough to admit it and nigger enough not to let it slow my role.

But how nice of you to assume that this little mutt has the reading comprehension of your average 10 year old. *Spoiler Alert* He doesn't. In fact, he's been held back a grade due to his low reading skills. Meanwhile, his younger naturally black sister has better grades and a higher reading level than her older brother. Hmm.

obama is not leaf, you brainlet

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I wish the things you have said were true and that in a week you could add that everyone died horribly in a fire but sadly, I suspect you are just making the whole thing up.


Every white person:
> statistics over anecdotes

Your response:
> Bullshit. My family and I have constantly outpaced, outperformed, and outclassed whites

You really are stupid


Missed it for a fucking second time.

Like I said, because of his mixed race, get it? That means no amount of your "perfect" Genes or middle class money or stable family can change.
Let me say it again so you understand.
HE. IS. MIXED. And probably hates himself for it, thus acts like a little shit.
If you didn't get what I was saying this time then I just give up.

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Has he been tested for dyslexia, or autism?

holy shit that hand looks underage as fuck

don't you have homework to be doing?

what dumb fuck
being whitoids means you are number autist lol
west seriously needs to replace it's people
otherwise we get disgusting wh*toids being degenerate and shiieett

Imagine being half White and born into nigger surroundings. Literally cutoff. I imagine you would act out too.

You know this board has IDs, ya? That you meme flag can’t hide you?

Will one of the oldfags here please explain to this knuckle-dragging poltroon that you can't sage with a pic attachment?

Okay, let's all live by statistics alone. Let's all live our lives by the result of data analysis that only define the chances of a particular outcome.

By that same token, let's all stop driving and take flights everywhere, since statistically, we're more likely to kill ourselves in a car. And let's all stop taking showers, given the high likelihood of us slipping and falling and killing ourselves.

Meanwhile, the rest of us will just have to deal with real issues IRL will just go ahead and deal with the fact that a set of statistics isn't deterministic in any given set of probable outcomes.

Dont even bother, this is my third attempt trying to explain it to him.

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tl;dr racemixing is bad
no shit

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You need to enslave thouse white roasties with that big, juicy black cock of yours, and then just outbreed them.

>overconfident Black who thinks Affirmative Action means his family is worth something.
>Thot fucks whiteboy, claims rape because muh Kwanzaa pride
>Family turns against kid, Blacks are the most racist tribe and everyone knows it
>ostracized, emotionally-abused kid is angry and unstable
>self-fulfilling prophecy (always with the minorities)
>Racism toward sister's one-night-fling with White Male who wouldn't commit to her even includes charges of sexual molestation against a minor
>OP possibly diddling nieces
Good fucking job OP, you've ruined at least one human life with your black Affirmative Action, dependent, inferiority-complex bullshit
take your family with you

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>I say "raped" because he fucked her while she was passed out drunk and got her pregnant
>Throws tantrums and cries like a little fucking bitch at all times
I don't even need to explain why european genetics are superior for this one. Ever thought that's because that kid was fathered while the mother was piss fucking drunk you retard? She probably drank and smoked during pregnancy too.

>our family's proud black heritage

he's not white, he's mixed and these are the consequences, of your negress slut sister, i hope he makes her suffer his entire life.