Sweden YES

Syrian immigrant beheads neighbour because he thought she maid a racist remark.


Mördade ung svenska med 130 knivhugg: "Hon gjorde en rasistisk rörelse"
Publicerad 18 juni 2018 kl 17.25

Inrikes. Den 26-årige kurden mördade bestialiskt sin 21-åriga granne på LSS-boendet i Vetlanda – med 130 knivhugg. Motivet: Han ansåg att hon hade stört honom och gjort "en rasistisk rörelse". Han knivhögg även kvinnans syster, men hon överlevde. Nu döms mördaren till livstids fängelse och utvisning till Syrien.

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> she maid


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Well if she was racist she deserved it.

man at least our police really crack down on the shitskins really hard from time to time. plus the shitskins know just how fell armed rural whites are and just how much they're itching for a race war.

countries like Sweden or bongistan are up shit's creek

Did he atleast rape her first?

>Well if she was racist she deserved it.
Clearly Mohammed.

No after.

Well she shouldn't have been racist, not defending what the guy did but racism is never acceptable

>life in prison AND deportation
How does that work? Will he be put in prison in whatever desert that spawned him, or will they put him in a luxury hotel for a couple of years and then send him back?

>absolute state of sweden

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I love google translate

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Oy, that's the Queen's English. Ya might not like it, but it is.

It's not rape if they're dead.

life in prison in swedistan is like 5 years

>no video or pics

lurk moar

I tried to use Google translate for this article but it's a terrible translation did he actually being 130 knives with him to kill this woman and injure her sister?

Don’t worry pol. Knowing the based Swedish govt, they will surely give him what he deserves. They will not only grant him citizentship, but will also give one to his whole family.
>the absolute state of sweden

>131 murdered in violent attack on racism
>celebrations being held in town square

is that considered a crime in Sweden?

Racism only occurs when you mix the races


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"The blood was pouring down the shower drain, her sister explained during the trail.
The woman desperately pleaded and apologized to the kurd during the attack.
He said "It's too late" - and slit her throat
-OWIE THAT HURTS - the victims last words, her sister said, who survived by playing dead.
He then said "I hope you're dead you piece of shit" before he left. He had inflicted 130 stab wounds.

Fucking racist provoked the asian kid. It’s totally understandable.

Meme magic claims yet another victim.

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How much money does her family owe him for enduring racist remarks?

These things literally NEVER happened before the influx of shitskins into the country, but now these sort of things are an every day occurrence. How do swedes reconcile with that fact or do they all pretend it doesn't happen and everything is fine?

>the victims last words, her sister said, who survived by playing dead.
Do you feel a cultural connection with these people? do you feel pity for them? I've started to hate americans.

I feel so much for the poor victim. No one should be a victim of racism. I hope he recovers well and get reparations for this horrible act.


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>He hates the victim instead of then (((guy))) whos fault it actually is

Another white euro girl less in the world


This. A savage beheading is the only reasonable reaction to a remark you kind of think might be slightly offensive, especially if you are a mudslime.

Is the news source reliable, Sven?
I wanna know if this actually happened.

Most people in the west aren't part of their national culture, in some aspects not even functional citizens. They're apart of this globalist capitalistic jewish culture springing from the US/Hollywood.

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Everything is fine
To say otherwise means you are a horrible Racist who deserves to be beheaded

Victims allow themselves to be neutered, especially when it's a slow process like this world culture shift that's been happening for over 100 years.

>Is the news source reliable
Yes, Friatider is one of the bigger newspapers there.

They're quoting a court document so I believe so.

Seems European whites took the 'we are equal' lie to heart, so they mentally block it out. Their experience is nil compared to us and Australians who know better by now. It's actually good this is happening, what took two generations here to see past the bullshit will only take one there since their governments are activity against their own.

Sounds like bad fanfiction written by an 8 year old child.

Discount Merkel

Absolutely, imagine how that would spread if he didn't, clearly the guy did a right thing by beheading the racist.

Cucked shit like this is why leafs are the worlds joke

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Fuck off newfag that's literally prime leaf baitposting. Hes tending a (you) farm

What was the racist comment she made?

Where was the man of the house?

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It's a shame he could only kill her once, luckily she'll boil in hell for eternity for probably saying something that was maybe racist.

That would be racist!

>Murdered young swede with 130 knife stabs: "She made a racist gesture"
>Domestic. The 26 year old k*rd beatifically murdered his 21 year old neighbor at the LSS "compound" in Vetlanda - with over 130 knife stabs
>The Motive: He believed she had disturbed him and made a "racist gesture".
>He even stabbed the woman's sister, but she survived
>The murderer is convicted to life(max penalty) and will be expelled to syria once the term is served.
(they just claim everything is racist in an attempt to get a lesser sentence)

So his punishment is 5 years in jail, then to Syria, then straight back to Sweden or another EU country.

Society is fucked mate, just hope repercussions like these will happen more often, so people learn from it. Racism will not be tolerated!

it was a gesture, probably she moved her hand too fast or looked the wrong way at him.

>Syrian immigrant beheads neighbour because he thought she maid a racist remark.
That's not what the article says though, it says ''rörelse'' which is better translated to gesture in this case.

What is a racist gesture if the guy is a sandnig?

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Sven has to elaborate life is 21 here (though you can be held indefinitely now if you get "forvaring" like breivik, they reconsider you after the term is over). Think it's longer in sweden like 30? or so.

Anyways they also cut time off and after that they will return him. He should never have been there to begin with

In Sweden? Maybe not to suck his dick instantly.

>Playing the victim card after committing a terrible atrocity
Is he following his people's handbook too closely?

Syrian immigrants are the pitbulls of the human world.

''life'' is 25 years, usually cut by 1/3

What maid her say that?

based swede young males do not give a fuck unlike those cucked italians who go on impotent and failed shooting sprees when mudsharks get knifed.

Good chance both the sisters were leftist whores so good riddance.

cam we just nuke the islamic caliphate of sweden already

Dead can't consent, so it is.

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Nordcucks are secretly some of the most based males in europe.

and no im not an anglo but a southron

Daily reminder to sell your cloak and to buy yourself a sword

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>"I hope that guy doesn't cut my head off some day."

>token non cucked bible verse and max cringe warrior jesus pic
Gtfo chr*stcuck

I have to sell my katana to buy a cloak first.

At least get yourself a longbow then

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I still don't get it. Why specifically this two items?

Katana is fine too

Wet wipes for cleaning after the bulls visited and hummus for little cucky to eat in his cuck shed.

This is justifiable. People would respect whites if they responded with even 1/10 of this intensity to antiwhite animus. but they don’t

Was the woman swedish or another non white?

Hummus obviously for being harder to perish and nutritious. Wet wipes I don't know, but probably for some hygiene purpose that's largely overlooked by preppers.

Slight misrepresentation.
Life is life unless (until) paroled. Usually in case law means 25 years cut to 16

>the ultimate state of westoids

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Also dominican immigrant accused of raping and murdering a 16yo, he's also suspected of killing a 27yo in the same location two months ago.
>On the night of the February 20th killing, the sisters barricaded themselves in their bathroom, where they repeatedly apologized to their attacker.

“It’s [too] late,” he said.The surviving sister played dead after being stabbed in the lung while the man cut off her sister’s head and began stabbing the body 130 times.

>During the trial, a lawyer asked a coworker of the victim if she had a history of expressing "any criticism of immigration." In addition to not recalling such criticism, the coworker voiced how that could be connected to the murder.

How is the leftist media spinning this in Sweden?

>be a Swede
>have pic related
>give it all to Arabs and niggers


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What event?

i think she was swedish and she had aspergers, if you live in these care homes, your new roommates are shitskins. this is why i hate boomers, they will murder their own children by proxy.

Why wasnt she living with her parents?

Look at this and think harder before you accept that Brit flags are British ITS THE SEMITES AGAIN
Muslims and Jews are the same things.

I guess everyone that didn't laugh at Stalin being silly was summarily executed

I'm prepping for 8+ years now and wiping your ass innawoods is the last of your concerns when SHTF, believe me.


just another kind of Anglo

>looked the wrong way at him.
This happens more often than you think.

Attached: Teen disembowelled man for 'the wrong look' in front of victim's foster mum.jpg (1263x1072, 307K)

Or he's not a Canadian just a filthy Islamist.

Not really, many anglos here have blonde hair and blue eyes. I have dark brown hair hazel eyes.

>Syrian immigrant

It's not top priority, but if you want to avoid getting uncomfortable then it's needed. Same reason why pads/tampons are listed.

>many anglos that got vikangizised got blonde hair

They bear a remarkable resemblance to pitbulls.

>the man cut off her sister’s head and began stabbing the body 130 times.
Why the fuck would you do this?
I mean once the head is off