Jow Forums what really happened here?
Jow Forums what really happened here?
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Quit playing video games. It's mental illness.
Looks like nigger OD'd.
Happens all the time.
nig nigging another nigging nig who nigged out about non nigs.
nothing of value has been lost
industry hit job
Top kek. Looks like Mr. Trump JFK'd him. Really makes one think :D Is snoop dog next?
Why would Trump sully his hands with this shit?
From what I've heard(which is admittedly very little) he's a controversial figure.
A "controversial" Black "gangsta" rapper would likely have a lot of enemies who could easy shoot him.
um he's joking u sperg
2 nogs got him.
we already know who and where.
waiting to see broward fuck it up.
broward county...
fed prosecutor found dead on beach...
pedo sheriff israel...
bridge collapse....
debbie wausermann shulz district...
2 little nogs got him and took his money bag.
they'll be dead soon if broward cant get to them first.
I have an extremely low opinion of finnish posters.
It would not suprise me if he was deadly serious.
a worthless nigger got shot
heart shot
he look really sleepy when he was in the shop. I guess he fall asleep. Then all the jews swoop in and begin recording footage
Not nogs
Hanging white children
Karma spike
Family people
This isn’t the movies dipshit. When you shoot someone, blood doesn’t pour out of them & cover everything in a five foot radius.
over dose 100%
>Why would Trump sully his hands with this shit?
Did he get caught? Did the guys who JFK'd the JFK get caught? Those secretive organizations has lots of power.
>literally showing the normalization of black on White racism to a child via a"lynching"
>Lynching is a allegory for discriminating and ostracizing
>He's saying that treating whites the way in the way that blacks used to be treated will not solve anything and only further the cycle of hatred in America
>jews drug him inside motorcycle shop
>his little hands clench into fists
>put him inside the car
>begin recording
>start big media hype
>start wacky internet rumors
It's Florida. Project Argus. Real time playback of all events state wide to the license plate 3M level. In other words the NRO sees every inch of the state and can rewind time.
No shit. They are cute like mouse hands.
our guy took him out
who gives a motherfuck about this no talent druggie cretin
A nigga ded
Who is this? Just a random nog or is he famous?
I think if he OD'd his manager/controllers of his estate would probably want it framed as a murder to get that tupac/biggie promotion effect
Finngolian IQ confirmed to be lower than niggers.
He's not depicting the hanging of a white kid as a good thing.
X played Minecraft, listened to emo music, and didn't like dark skin; he was implicitly white.
Nigger is never 'implicitly' white. It's a nigger, after all, a sub human.
This, who the hell is this supposed to be and why does it matter more than just more nog-eat-nog violence
A nigger got shot by another nigger. It happens about once every minute in this nation
Looks exactly like an overdose.
He was trying to live a life he didn't have any business living. If you get out of the hood then you stay out of the hood. If you aren't from the hood don't pretend to be.
Im a medic, and this is what fatal shooting look like. people that think pistol rounds make peoples heads and bodies explode are ignorant.
problem is that the majority of niggers that'll watch that video won't get the metaphor
wtf where are the blood splatter decals from my video games???
you implying his fans are smart enough to understand that metaphor and that's quite generous of you but sadly they won't get the message
>His T-shirt looks fresh af
He is wearing a hoodie and a jacket.
literally who gives a shit
anyone that listens to ''''''''''''''rap''''''''''''''''' is a fucking retard
soldier kidd killed him
The same could be said for you gooks :^)
They're never gonna find the culprits, too many black people look the same.
hes not dead you fucking gronks