>hur dur Germany is becoming a hell hole
Why is pol so absurdly wrong about Europe and crime? Homicide dropping even after your little "invasion"
USA murder rate over FIVE times higher.
>hur dur Germany is becoming a hell hole
Why is pol so absurdly wrong about Europe and crime? Homicide dropping even after your little "invasion"
USA murder rate over FIVE times higher.
Other urls found in this thread:
Same goes with rape, a crime that pol only seems to give a fuck about when immigrants are involved. Its dropping too geniuses.
>Why is pol so absurdly wrong about Europe and crime?
inbred yanks hicks aren't they?
get all their information from Breibart and Fox whilst hanging out in their shacks marrying sisters..
most don't have a passport, never experienced culture and finest dining they have are their fast food burger bars..
plus their passtimes are shooting and riding bulls..
no culture, no understanding of europe othen than what their facist religious leaders tell them..
>understanding of Europe
we understand that your a bunch of commie faggots and russia is going to dickslap you as soon as we get sick of subsidizing you're militaries
with your mad fucking tough guy president>?
wait until the space force bankrupts you and china and russia rightly take their place as the next super-powers..
who will you cucks run to then...
This. Chicago alone has a higher murder rate than the entire country of Sweden.
What about assault?
>not getting on board with SPACE FORCE
euros confirmed as soft men with no flair for the dramatic
russia had their chance and china will collapse
if America falls it will be india and brazil taking over, screenshot it
Dropping but looks like there was some change in classification in 2009 so the stats before then aren't useful.
Regardless. Assault is dropping, at least it was in 2014.
No one makes the claim Europe has a higher crime rate than America dipshit. We call certain EU countries shitholes because many of the politicians and citizens are apathetic to the crimes that are committed by people who shouldn't be there in the first place. Also you can't even defend your self against them like you can in my country
>caring about Chicago
Oh look , another shill thread.
Lets just snap a few pics, real quick!
does that statistic cover demographic violence, like say number of trucks of peace per capita?
>>not getting on board with SPACE FORCE
BWAHAHAHAHAH you fucking yanks, please tell me this is a joke..?
how exactly is it going to work, brains??
will you colonise the planets? put american flags on the meteorites?
am just waiting until you decide to let off a WMD in space and aliens come and make you BTFO...
BTW in case you weren't aware, chinese and russians are technologically overtaken you in terms of military and space explorations budgets.
>Sweden has monthly grenade attacks
>still somehow considered one of the safest countries in the world
Western Europe has gone full Soviet Union in covering up inconvenient facts to protect their image of a successful multicultural society.
becuase there are truck killings that are covered up by the media?
it does include 'peace' trucks. its also includes 'friendly fire' incidents in schools, nightclubs and Vegas..not to mention police brutality
Impressive. Assault constantly going up here
Many attacks are related to organised crime and extortion of restaurants and businesses.[9] Far right anti-immigrants have incorrectly attributed the rise in grenade attacks and crime with the migrant crisis
>not realising the stats are being rigged by retarded leftists
No , Russia learned from past mistakes. It's inefficient to be in Europe if you're not getting paid for it.
free tommy tommy!
fuck off back to millwall you cunt
>says the meme flag.
meanwhile. the world's satellites hang undefended above the earth.
show your real flag
it'll be a kinder gentler subjugation except maybe in ukraine. no 1968 again but plenty of subversive shit and cool spy stuff you won't know about for 20 years after
visegrad will resist but west eurocux will bend over as is they're custom
>police stop reporting crime
Killing of alcoholic elderly Hartzers by one another is down 300% because they're all dead... killing of 14 year old German girls to stop them from squealing about being raped is up 10,000%
Yeah but no humans are hurt
Do you have a license for that post?
>shitty non descript, anonymous sources..?
So you want...sources from the EU? From your government?
Your governments, which have been caught red-handed covering up rapes, murders, sex trafficking, child prostitution?
You're fucking retarded, bluepilled, and/or a kike.
>Stark zugenommen hat der Einsatz von Hieb- und Stichwaffen bei Gewaltdelikten. 2017 wurden bereits 1.060
Anzeigen registriert, 2008 waren es noch 272. Der Höhepunkt war 2016 mit 1.153 Anzeigen zu verzeichnen. Bei
den Tätern handelt es sich verstärkt um fremde Tatverdächtige (2017: 635, 2008: 109), aber auch die Zahl der
inländischen Tatverdächtigen ist in den letzten zehn Jahren gestiegen (2017: 516, 2008: 135). Zu den führenden
Nationalitäten zählten 2017 Staatsangehörige aus Afghanistan (143), Türkei (66), Irak (31), Rumänien (31) und
Serbien (25).
Austrian Crime Statistics as published by our Office for Crime, under the Ministry for internal affairs: bundeskriminalamt.at
Translation: The amount of cases involving weapons for piercing and stabbing has increased significantly. 2017 has already a recorded amount of 1060 reports, while during 2008 showed only 272. The peak was 2016 with 1153 reports. The perpetrators are significantly more frequently foreign suspects (2016: 635, 2008: 109), however, the number of domestic suspects rose as well (2017: 512, 2008: 135). Among the leading nationalities 2017 were citizens from Afghanistan, Turkey, Iraq, Romania, and Serbia.
So that's a 6x increase in crime from immigrants and a 5x increase in crime from citizens (they don't disclose the ethnicity of those, but it would be naive to assume that the offspring of generations of austrians would suddenly be 5 times more prone to violence). I can't really speak too much for the state of germany, since I'm simply not an expert on the subject in any sense, but if our numbers increased this drastically, it seems more likely that you're not looking at the right stats and are thus jumping to conclusions. It's literally impossible that our immigrants alone caused a 6x spike and theirs actually lowered their crime stats.
>lost to Mexico in the world cup
germany literally going to shit lmao
>Your governments, which have been caught red-handed covering up rapes, murders, sex trafficking, child prostitution?
[citation needed]
It's not even worst...
The problem with that statement is many Germans are well aware there is more crime than previously and it's mostly Muslims/roma. The US murder rate is 5 times higher due to blacks.
dumb nigger
>Crime figures speak for themselves. Over the total toll of «reports on denunced/arrested people» between 1st of August 2016 and 31st of July 2017 (provisional data from Ministry of the Interior), amounting to 839.496, the ones involving foreign citizens are 241.723. On percentage 28,8%.
>37,5% considering only rape
Imagine how happy could we be without foreigners.