Have you noticed that whenever Horowitz makes findings he uses, grammatically:
1. the active voice when making findings in favor of deep state
but then
2. the passive voice when a negative finding.
Example 1: “we found no bias in the decision to decline prosecution”
Example 2: “we were concerned and unconvinced that agent strzok was free from bias”
Yes, Horowitz is a good guy
Fuck him, this is all a show to get you to stfu. This is the equivalent of being sent to the principles office with no follow up because you’re on the football team
have you read the report ? He literally went to the Pentagon, gave them Strozk/Page's phones and they used secret technology to find all the texts
Gowdy is a shill. Don't be fooled.
Fuck Gowdy, he's all show and no bite.
did trey gowdy's nose get cut off?
his nose is unrealistically small
To be honest here, I wanted more from the ig. He didn't give me enough.
But, he did give me every appearance of being as "fair" or not leaning right or left.
We wanted him to publicly shame and recommend for prosecution, the FBI and doj. But he followed the evidence as best he could, and made his report. He's pretty neutral really.
Meanwhile, the left wanted him to come out and declare that all is well. He didn't do that either.
He may be the only non-partison in DC.
Not true. He took them to the DOD and FBI, still failed to find them, amd then IG only found them in their own Quality Assurance check AFTER THE THIRD CHECK.
Not true. This is a coverup.
Didn't Gowdy get blackmailed and now he can't do shit?
Bengazi, Part 2. Why was GEN Ham never called to testify in open session? Why are Boomers so gullible?
Yes. It is also why he is not running again this year.
Not a good one then, since the ig and wray have admitted that there are problems.
His report, with the examples of bias can easily be used to nullify muller.
I think wray and the ig want the same thing.
Clean up some messes, and get the doj on track, without over doing the mud slinging.
>Report blackmail to the FBI
>Get blackmailed by the FBI too
This fucking banana burger republic is hilarious.
What kind of thread is this?
Why aren't you guys busy arguing with bots?
Don't you know our machines won't get better at shilling without your help?!
This is a delusional reading lf what is actually happening, user. I hate to say it.
Gowdy has been hitting the news show circuit hard for the last week.
Bread and circuses
Nothing ever happens
Arent you getting sleepy?
I have already noticed two Jews on the Democrat side. Nadler and one wearing a literal Jew hat (kippah).
Nadler is such a fucking sociopathic piece of shit
yeah. I thought he was /our/ guy because of his fashycut, but the haircut lied.
idk. just got old awhile ago watching these rat faced liars
We want heads to roll.
We're not going to get it. They're going to do all they can to save face.
Lol at that nigress
Supreme Court is in his future
Yeah. I was shocked when I realized Gowdy was not a national socialist
He came out as a traitor recently, check the archive.
Just cathartic yelling that isn't going to change anything. You people should be ashamed of how ineffective your government is.