How stupid do they think we are?

#1 the swastika is facing the wrong way as usual, unless you were trying to stage a hate crime by tibetan buddhists, #2 that’s not how you spell “white”

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Other urls found in this thread:


Content Producer for Fox, huh? That’s wierd..

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Why do all nigs draw swastikas like they're dancing

>wite pride

Attached: 1525920537854.png (1628x2220, 101K)

>wite pride

Attached: 5999e1064dcf3537008b4a5d-750-563.jpg (750x563, 106K)

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Niggers spray paint their cars with swastikas and then blame white people, typical.

Attached: 01947902245bcd4ff3ff936b1aafd1a4c72690955f174fc5ff241f7908d87fde.jpg (380x258, 37K)

pretty decent as far as spastikas, could have been believable enough to normies for mainstream meteor to make it a national story if it wasn't for the WITE

>wite pride

Attached: 1490215267439.jpg (680x935, 85K)


Wonder is she might know anything about the dindu in the 2nd pic.

>wite pride
sounds legit

Attached: 1527982148078.png (590x1294, 485K)


They've been visited by the Aduf Hortler

as if a 'white' person would ever spell white wrong
really wite?


Back in the 80s there was an episode of the sitcom "Family Ties" in which "neo-Nazis" spray-painted a black home with "Whits Only". The misspelling is supposed to alert you to the fact that WNs are knuckle-dragging morons, unlike the enlightened leftists who want to turn the entire Western world into something like Mogadishu.

Racism plays the same role in our society that witchcraft did hundreds of years ago, and like witches actual racists are in short supply


Looks pretty photoshopped to me.

The truck is probably in poor mechanical shape due to neglect. Vandalism is a pretty easy way to get an insurance payout so they can get dem pickup trucks and shieeet.

What white person writes “wite”? Literally who?

>wite pride

Attached: niggers.jpg (600x525, 33K)

No white would. That dumb nigger doesn't know how to spell the word white.

Let me guess, they set up a go fund me and Reddit has already sent them a million.

>What is car insurance fraud.

>White misspelled

Good God, Watson! The proof was laid out plainly before us!

I think a racist flock of birds took on a shit on that truck

neither would any "nazi" draw a swastika like that

*slips pigeon training manual quietly into desk drawer...


>inb4 white spray can sitting on her counter

And she spelled nigger with an R. She must really want the white dick.

It's been proven that racists have the lowest IQ of all people so it makes sense they cant spell

I bet good money that there’s a gofundme for this.

>#1 the swastika is facing the wrong way
HAHA this guy doesnt know about the left and rightward turning swastikas!
Haha :D

>Produces her own content
Check mate racist pig!

if the real hardcore white supremacists you faggots are so fucking afraid about can spell anything its the word "White"

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Maybe you should read the rest of the sentence before making yourself look like a retard..

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These false flags are designed to manipulate the left, not us. It gets them gibe via gofundme. See Also, as a news "reporter" she will get extra airtime and attention, where she will plug said gofundme.

No charges will be filed, and no statement will be given to the police, so no crime is committed, aside from exploiting gullible lefties.

It's sad that the only job a black man can get nowadays is late-night message deliveryman for the Klan.

Fascinating how there's not a single scratch in the paint. If I was an angry neonazi larper I would have keyed the car.

patreon in 3,2,1.....

Attached: HateCrimeHoax-370x242.jpg (370x242, 16K)

>not pouring paint stripper all over the car
Why are you even trying?

yeah that's why they pronounce it as "huyte"
racist are dumb as fuck both white racists, black racists, and the sjw "look at me look how not racist i am"
all of you are retarded

Heil Hibbler 1388 my Argonian brothers

fucking kek

Expensive and requires effort.

Niggers can't swastika

>look at me, look how smart i am
kys captain

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>spraypaint on wet truck, dry driveway
>confirmed "independent journalist"
Well well well...

Attached: 1519146053251.jpg (680x635, 111K)

Typical Nigger Behavior

>Jews Gonna Nig


>nigger couldn't spell white right
>nigger could spell nigger right

Attached: 1a0.jpg (319x316, 10K)

>paint on a giant swastika with aircraft paint stripper

>commit a false flag as white nationalists against an immigrant business
>use a threatening letter obviously written by an immigrant

Seriously, he couldn't have found some white cuck to proofread his shitty Engrish? Or does that kind of planning require an IQ higher than 70?

Brake fluid works too. Any good "redneck racist" would know this

also, right wingers don't efface property with spray paint; do they think we're leftists anarchists or something?

>Dey's even copied ours handwhritin', sheeit, how did whitey do dat shiet

Dual motivation
>cant make payments
>fake some nazi vandalism
>insurance payout
>white guilt

Must be nice being a nigger.

Attached: niggalaugh.jpg (324x410, 18K)


Attached: 1519393227318.jpg (518x546, 79K)

>backwards swastikas
>wite pride
niggers are so dumb it's laughable.

I don't get it

Attached: download.png (179x281, 7K)

>neither would any "nazi" draw a swastika like that
Its on the hood of a car
The point would be that it would look right in the rear view mirror

atleast this dindu was smart enough to write nigger on her property instead of nigga.


God dammit not this shit again

Attached: 1525195422424.png (2708x2428, 1.94M)

no the nigger spelled nigger right.

Maybe the kid is a nazi?

>wite pride*

Attached: 1447203170536.gif (260x289, 1.57M)

Can we find out for how long the truck loan has been in default?

Tibetan pigeons vandalized her car. They can't spell white but that accuracy with a flying shit attack is impressive.

I had these negroid neighbors once upon a day, they would literally blow up one car every year in their driveway, surely to collect insurance. They have no honoru.

Daily reminder should you ever have a problem drawing a proper swastika:
The Nazis were a RIGHT wing party. So the swastika points in the RIGHT direction.
Thank me later

this would only make sense if they'd put it on the rear window tbqh Mein Fuhrer

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>"LOL they spelled 'nigger' wrong, stupid NIGGERS XD"
kill your basedlf.

So has anybody asked for the police report yet?

Have any of these ever turned out to be real?

I wonder when black people will realize that we don't really do this because we don't think about them.
Also jiquandaleesha, you gave it away that it was a female nog that did this based on the way the "G" is written.

Attached: nogs.jpg (500x281, 81K)

Wite prid word wyde

It fits perfectly if you read it with an Indian accent.

sensationalism makes a good headline

Still creating web content

>Backwards swastikas
Fake as fuck

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you would think that having too much pride in their skin will never commit such a typo

pretty sure those are suppose to be lighting bolts/SS

Something tells me Jiquanda's parents own a truck and house that are insured, and Jiquanda doesn't.

Well, she was smart enough to not write "nigga". Probably took notes from the last time this happened with the black landwhale who spray-painted her house and vehicles with red Rustoleum paint. That one used "nigga" instead of "nigger".

>wite pride

Go to the hardware stores in the area and get those purchase records for white spray paint.

That doesn't even look like paint. It looks like that spray on holiday snow.

>abducted from a bus stop in broad daylight by five guys with red hair & bundled into a truck with flames painted on it where a red headed older guy is inside with a tat saying I Hate Black People.


Anyone know if there was a follow up to this one?

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totaly real wow this is terrible americans should be ashamed absolutely disghustang