What a douche.
What a douche
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i agree, let the palestinians in!
Fuck off Goldstien
Was that supposed to be an argument
No, it's only the right thing to do. Borders are archaic. You need to remove them and let the rest of the world in. Stop being bigoted toward your neighbors.
Israel can't open it's borders. Egypt is not Canada
Cmon chaim, it's time to join the rest of the world. Borders are so 20th century
>bigoted toward your neighbors
The Palestinians are not nice like your neighbors we can't let them in
You can either have open borders or welfare. Both is not possible.
That's a Nazi meme
open borders for Israel!
Yeah, and Mexico is Egypt. But you already know that kike
>Both is not possible
Sweden proves you're wrong
Meanwhile back in reality, E.U. countries like Belgium and the Netherlands don't have a border between themselves and are prospering and doing just fine - crime is at its lowest point throughout Europe since 1992
Sweden is imploding you retarded kike.
answer for you>>>
Mandatory Palestine.
Mexicans aren't terrorists
>oy vey everything I don't like is a Nazi meme
>but no srsly, open your borders goyim
Wow, what an Islamophobic thing to say.
pretty ironic coming from a land stealing fraud like you. also, SAGE
>what is MS-13
Jew troll is obvious
lol are you for real? how about that for ashkenazi high verbal IQ?
so fucking much this
Haven't heard Sweden welfare collapse, if anything the opposite
Again, Nazi meme.
This is not Land of Israel
It is Nazi to call Israel to to to open it's borders
How very antisemitic of you.
Meanwhile in Sweden, a gunman shoots at people after their retarded soccer game victory. Truly, the progressive utopia we've all been waiting for. Not to mention the grenades of diversity.
I'm talking specifically about ISIS terrorists in Sinay peninsula
ummm what
No one asked you to stay on this thread
What is op #NoBordersNoBarriers ?
>Encourage everyone who is for Open Borders to remove their the gate to their community, their fences, their locked doors and windows, their security system and their self-defense
lol... Molenbeek... World renowned place for its explosive flavors.
I really think this initiative can help Israel to make diversity their strength, fully support.
Of course they're not...
Wtf, I love diversity now
That's very rare
How can we let them all in? We must keep our culture safe
so why are you still here
What does that supposed to mean I wonder?
Wow that's new to me, weren't familiar to the fact that the Palestinians are part of the Jewish people
That feel when everyone is against boarder control but everyone ignores the one country that has almost no fucking problems is the one with the highest boarder and immigration policy out there. Switzerland.
Funny how people ignore that country, the one that's tells everyone to fuck off they are full.
>gets stabbed
back in reality,
>daughter gets gang raped
E.U. countries like Belgium and the Netherlands
>dodges truck attack
don't have a border between themselves
>nail bomb goes off
and are prospering and doing just fine
>jailed for racism against muslims
crime is at its lowest point throughout Europe since 1992
Israel will only survive due to strong border and military
More people die in car accidents
we had a country once. once.
then the kikes destroyed it so we had to rebuild.
now they destroy it again. you know what comes next.
Um like wow, can you like not. Thats islamophobic and antisemitic. Not all muslims bigot #letthemin #freepalestine
Not very funny actually, just somewhat ignorant
We will drop our borders once you do Mort.
Semitic doesn't mean Jewish, Arabs are Semitic and Arabic is a Semitic language.
Semitic doesn't mean Jewish. It means Semitic.
time to nuke that shithole called tel aviv
I've never generalized nor ever will. was very specific
We will nuke you back
Well its not like you can stop them, walls don't work, its just their culture, you need to integrate them.
get off of my board, loser.
it means you are a fucking idiot.
Well, technically.
When people use that term they usually relate to Jew-hatred
>replying to a kike thread
He doesn't even mention how it will benefit america "just open your borders goyim, not israel tho". No points no arguement, sage this shit
Oh yeah, you’re right.
My whole world has been rocked how will I ever recover?
hi shlomo, hows the Holy Land doing today?
Kill yourself and your family for the betterment of mankind.
look, you are a shill and a liar. stop making your country look worse.
Aaannnnddddddd /thread.
>What a douche.
Yep, he's still hated by all the right people.
Reminder to sage all threads by Satan's Chosen "People".
Ignorant maybe. At least its not hypocritical though.
by ((())), they can try to distance a word from its origin meaning but it wont work.
Pretty good actually, GDP growth for last quarter = 4.5%
14 shekels that will you make support Israel and shit.
not bad, watch this
No one asked you. Feel free to run (and fuck up) your own country.
You can use whatever term you want, it is just words. Antisemitic = Jew hater
anti-Palestine = antisemitic
>when the kike gets kiked
I feel I have responsibility to state my feelings and opinions about atrocities and other events occurring worldwide
Bait thread. Great replies goys
Everybody hates Jews. There doesn't need to be a word for the default human state.
Remember all those wedding rings collected at the Holocaust?
Well, now we have dead Palestinian children.
Yea but Palestinian terrorists are quite different than perfectly calm and civilized African/south-American people
You might but.. you see.. that would further drive home the point that Jews simply avoid reality whenever possible and are nazi murderers. Why not just say Jewphobic or anti-jew if not to dehumanize your victims using the culture of your parasitical host?
Can you really not spell Sinai, glowing faggotry?
>Q predicted this
>hurr durrrrrr
Where are the videos of Palestinians skinning people alive and cutting out their hearts? Your faggot enemies have nothing on the animal spics we deal with.
That pretty much summarize the current state of the new Nazi America
let the Palestinians into Israel you fucking liar!
Israel should open it's borders and cease it's killing of humanitarians and aids workers. You can't archive an entire group of people as terrorists or security threats. Most of Israel's neighbors have never attacked Israel or have any hostility towards Israel. It is of the utmost hypocrisy to criticize POTUS Trump, who is the most ardent Israel supporter in the world.
Palestinian are throwing rocks, rock can kill you unlike harmless tribal traditions
nah, he's 100% right
borders aren't real, man
Fuck you kike. Israel and all its supporters will burn
ouch lol
reminder that they do have a wall to protect themselves, but it will be useless
slam dunk
No. Mr. President. We, the people, don't believe children should live in conditions like these:
sockboy's balls aren't real
I agree! Israel needs to open up to Syrian refugees ASAP!