Why does two consenting adults falling in love with one another upset you so much?
Why does two consenting adults falling in love with one another upset you so much?
Because OP is a fag.
Because they feel white women belong to them, but they are too beta to get a gf.
Thanks for contributing to the thread.
I don't really have a problem with it, but I know that a lot of the times it happens for the wrong reason. There's usually daddy issues, money, or drugs involved. The prevalence of BM + WF relationships is well overblown by the media. It's not like the relationship can't work or anything; there's just a lot more differences to overcome. As with any relationship, the more similar your ideals + life experiences, the better the relationship is
Because people are socially conditioned to grow up expecting to meet the perfect person for them without actually being encouraged to cultivate desirable character traits that would attract said individual.
Go to church.
t. mohammed
It's almost as if there are limited number of fertile women within each genetic population cluster in any given generation.
bc the "adult" on the right is 12
Love? When was the last time you saw an actual happy loving couple? 90 percent of people get married or have a relationship because they are afraid of being alone. Add to that the amount of race mixing the media preaches as morally correct and you have a decent amount of brainwashed couples race mixing because it's trendy.
beta females need to get stamped out of the gene pool just like beta males, this is a good thing
Well as Persian leaf, I hate niggers because my ancestors called them to be lowest form of life on earth.they can't do anything have ever heard nigger develop ballistic missiles or tanks or maybe submarines ???????
The only correct answer.
OP is a faggot.
It's beautiful.
Is brain washing really consent?
Because their children inevitably end up with identity issues, like the bloated cringelord here
fuck off paki NIGGER
look so ugly ughugh
t. kissless incels
Because it’s more of a marriage based on a sexual fetish than actual love which is why the divorce rate is so much higher for interracial marriages compared to same race.
I dont care, its honestly funny as fuck, especially when the mudsharks get all depressed then kill themselves, ducking gets me every time
fuck this sight
anything but the paki NIGGER
14 images that will remind you to kill all niggers and shit.
the shills are really out in full force today, is there a happening going on?
>white women should belong to me!!!
>can't even get one to kiss him
You know what they say:
Once you go black, you become a single mother.
>>can't even get one to kiss him
said the paki NIGGER
as whole I never find black women attractive they are ugly as fuck
t. mentally ill half breed child