Ha, we found out Jow Forums, the left wins this round
Ha, we found out Jow Forums, the left wins this round
>implying that because of who did it this totally invalidates the irrationality pointed out by them being committed by the LGBTQ community
>implying that postmodernism gives a fuck about being intellectually consistent
WHy not “drop the b, add the p”
A source familiar with our thinking claims
(Wasn't this whole thing just obscure bickering we adopted rather than invented?)
0 days without 9gag tricks.
This actually is a thing /LGBT/ says. But they're usually more about dropping the T
>make false flag
>post it here
>write news story about the false flag you posted
>look how ebil they is
I-I did this?
I don't remember doing this?
Did you guys do this?
When will the hacker known as Jow Forums be stopped?
Is the media literally just making up shit to pin on us now?
discord gg/A2Gu9a
add a .
too late, the damage has already been done.
but grats on being late to the joke
Intellectual consistency is ableism anyway
care to explain how losers win?
Didnt they add another "Q" for questioning?
What’s funny though is there already is massive infighting between LGBT.
It’s focused on white gays, the claim being that being gay doesn’t erase their white priv.
I kid you not, white gays who have been the leaders in LGBT acceptance are being stabbed in the back for not being oppressed enough.
I agree. All gays need more oppression.
Bisexuals are scum. I'm fine with gays and lesbians and transpeople, but Bi's are the most annoying godforsaken people on this planet. Next to the French of course.
This wasn't us.
Literally the first I've heard of this hashtag and I've been here every day for a decade.
I want Jow Forums shut down so it stops being the Boogeyman of everything the left doesn't like.
nah they added the Q for Queer faggot
Don’t forget the trans folk hating on the lesbians for discriminating against feminine penis
It plays to our advantage, ultimately.
Like the CIA, people assume that we're far larger and more competent than we really are, that brings it's own strength. But we have the advantage of actually being halfway competent. This site has accomplished more disparate tasks that had real world impact in a decade than the CIA has managed to do in nearly a century.
Unfortunately this
>be a reporter with a deadline and no idea what to write about
>go on Jow Forums, start one thread, write article about some bullshit conspiracy
I am legitimately bisexual and I wish they'd take me out of their shit. It's not a secret how much gays hate bi's, calling us "sexual tourists" etc and you won't catch me in some parade with my junk hanging out.
This is a real thing. There's a les girl on youtube that tried to defend her self for not being attracted to transgirls and she was flooded with hate
they hate trannies too. it seems wrong to them that someone has to play the role of a woman in order to have sex with other men.
I actually never understood why the T is part of it.
I thought their argument was that transgendered people just are the gender they want to be. If it is a sexual orientation then that is the opposite
Why would I waste time awkwardly disrupting a social cause campaign and leave the place where I can brappost, look at anime girls with big tits, and joke about worthless hobbies?
I think there should be a movement to get "fagsexual" added to the lexicon. Pronouns are fag/fag/fagself. If they try to say it's offensive, that's fag-erasure.
Just replace them all with an 'F'.
Jow Forums realized that was happening years ago and it somehow became even more bullet proof.
I've been here 13 years. The gen pop is more willing to come here or know what we are than ever before.
There are millions and millions of "Jow Forums candidates" out there that are tired of this lefty bullshit, and don't actually come here.
The Jow Forums is pure evil motto just doesn't fly anymore. People willingly come here for open discourse, we aren't coercing anyone.
Works for me.
Left can't into journalism, official.
>inb4 they don't have journals either
Time back on the clock due to usurpation from a she-boon!
Bah Gawd!
This shit is like wrasslin'
>because anyone reads the Daily Dot
>burn every single one of them alive
"Did you hear that xirs? They are trying to make us fight between ourselves"
???????? Just fucking die of aids, all of you. Is it too much to ask?
This is a board of peace. I don't know why so many try to villainize it.
If true, why would god make gays gay?
We discovered the joke
Except there are queers who really do think the B should be dropped, and now they are pissed about being lumped in with Jow Forums's notorious Jow Forums board. The trend towards chaos will continue no matter what any one of us does. There are bigger forces at work here, fellas.