The poz arrives in yet another great European nation.
LGBT comes to Russia
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I'm not surprised that a faggot doesn't know about Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Rachmaninoff, Chaikovsky etc.
All works of cultural merit produced in slavic nations are derived from well established western european traditions.
This is the pettiness of Brits. Rather than actually focusing on the cultural marxist problems facing the world, you engage in food fights over your own greatness. Meanwhile, Tommy Robinson is in jail for exposing muslim pedophiles.
Can a fucking mod ban this shitty bot?
Gradually I began to hate the Anglo
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Of course it's all wahmyn, it's the same here, the only czech people you meet at a pride are all women and the men are usually american expats.
I always like how the opening stages of faggotry are championed by attractive teens and young adults, but before long the stinking obese degenerates, foul old men, and small sexually abused children start showing up more and more.
Many of them do it because it's 'fashionable'. Sry for my eng, hmmm, melp me choose a word in eng which means popular activities?
I know 3 'lesbs' in my school who have a bf.
They consider themselves non-conformists but in fact they are the same conformists
But there are also really cancer degenerative activists on the streets and in soc networks
Also are you a russian shill?
On this board there are russians from each country.
Even a rare chinese anonym is russian
Kek, they're coming out during the World Cup because they know Putin's hands are tied, soon as the World Cup is over those faggots are deservedly getting the shit kicked out of them
fucking LGBTIQ`s are a plague in my country.
Tchaikovsky was gay u fuckin' idiot
Fashionable seems close enough. It adds a small touch of literary flair.
off to the gulag it goes
How am I a Russian shill if I am saying that faggotry is coming to Russia?
You shill for famous Russians who lived literally in another country
My english is terrible
t. improve my english on 4ch and read books for summer reading (Yes, I'm on summer holidays)
Accidentally throw gasoline on them and light them on fire. Accidentally of course.
Sounds more like he's praising some Russian writers. Are you a Chechen muslim by any chance? Or you just hate yourself so much you insult people who praise your country and its people?
when will white women stop shilling for gays? so fucking stupid. they dont even realize what comes next, them bitching a decade or two later about how they can't find a 'good man'.
But he wasn't pozzed
That's a cute dyke. Shame
You had it right the first time. It would be “you shill for” or “you are shilling for”
>Of course it's all wahmyn
That's what I was thinking. I thought Russian men being less effeminate than in the West would counter this. Perhaps fag propaganda is being pushed strongly. At any rate Russians get their nationwide shit test, too. Don't fail it, Boris!
Why is it always women?
Women are dumb emotional herd-thinking acceptance-seekers.
Beat them up like you usually do!
sauce for OP's foto?
otherwise gtfo
Jesus I so fucking sick of this.
I could name the same amount of british, german and french too. I appreciate European culture.
Doesn't Russia have a law against the public expression of homosexuality? I hope those faggots are jailed, and beaten to death!