why does every shithole country in the universe think they have a right to enter America?
Why does every shithole country in the universe think they have a right to enter America?
easiest way for the world bankers to destroy americas power is to kill it from within
post yfw the entirety of your space force consists of communication/observation sattelites.
Because it says so on the Statue of Liberty!!!!1!1!1!1!1
>Because it says so on the Statue of Liberty!!!!1!1!1!1!1
literally written by a jew.
The west is ruled by traitors.
why does america thing they have the right to enter every prosperous country and make it into a shithole?
>why does low IQ make countries shitholes
So you admit youre just a jewish command center. Just hang yourself now
Do you admit you're a Jew?
>So you admit youre just a jewish command center. Just hang yourself now
it's just a plaque with a poem.. but it was written by a jew.
And it IS about becoming a "Melting pot", as it were...
I think it subtracts from the beauty of the statue itself.
The most important fact about that "poem" is that it's not a law and has nothing to do with the constitution.
Ah but it is one of the symbols of America, you are literally wearing a jew stamp
Oy vey goy stop bein evil and separatin children at da borda
So if I have a doormat saying welcome I should let refugees sleep in my bed?
Because your federation is always looking for people to come work for the kikes. You have open doors, faggot.
>The most important fact about that "poem" is that it's not a law and has nothing to do with the constitution.
Agreed.... I wonder how much (((They))) spent to put their propaganda on this gift from france?
>Ah but it is one of the symbols of America
says the leaf.
Because we're a nation of immigrants, after all we stole this land from the Indians or some shit...REFUGEES WELCOME FUCK DRUMPF!
Kys and your kin.
Um, sorry sweetie but your grandchildren are going to be brown and IT WILL BE BEAUTIFUL!
Freedom is a privilege, not a right.