Jow Forums People of Light general - SALT edition

We all know how important it is to use PEOPLE FIRST LANGUAGE which is why we have started the People of Light (PoL) campaign.
Start calling people out on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, and Jow Forums when they use racist terms for people of light such as "white people" or "cracker" or "unseasoned."

BOOKMARK this direct link to the "white people" twitter search term (ordered by recent) and EDUCATE people about the new term "People of Light", including a meme from this thread."white people"
Somebody tweets the outdated phrase "white people" every 5-10 SECONDS so we have a lot of work to do!

Twitter is great for reaching out to PoC but we also want to reach out to SJWs so we are also going to start spreading People of Light to Tumblr. Create an account and bookmark this link:"white people"

Past Threads:
8 c h /qresearch/


Attached: stop the w word.jpg (1000x936, 199K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This person is triggered because People of Light SMILE at her.

Attached: stop smiling at us whitey.png (648x1192, 119K)

Being told to "go to hell" for asking that PoC use people first language

Attached: girl go to hell.jpg (620x769, 60K)

Attached: fucked up lol.jpg (594x417, 35K)


Attached: Screenshot_1.jpg (607x532, 58K)

this person thinks PoL are equating themselves to god, just for using People First Language. Remember - People of Light is just short for "people of light skin" - but the full term is unweildy just like it would be for "people of colored skin"

Attached: collossal amount of hubris.jpg (608x944, 141K)

Spiritually superior, even if atheist. Well, I agree.

Jow Forums- /people of light/

all indigenous people welcomed people of light because they thought they were gods... because the alien gods that visited before were white.

the sun emits white light which contains all the colors.

8 c h in the bottom of the thread. Is that meant to say 8ch? If so, I refuse to work together with literal r*dditors. Look at their site, it's the equivalent of r*ddit. Sniveling little shits.

This has potential dont fuck it up

I fucking hate """people""" of darkness

The only people you are triggering are physicists and people who correctly understand the English language.

Enjoy being white forever, nerds.

those are salt threads my good man, on the /qresearch/ board. They are ultra-triggered by PoL

Here's a new emoji meme, formatted to display well on twitter

Attached: emoji meme twitter format.jpg (1440x754, 138K)

another meme i've reformatted to display well on twitter

Attached: twitter formatted PoC and PoL women.jpg (2428x1288, 294K)

Brings to mind Mega Man.

Attached: murdertheenemy.png (605x467, 53K)

I love that they're automatically projecting themselves into "people of darkness" moniker. They inherently know it to be true. They're doing exactly what I predicted would happen and getting booty blistered about it.

>that's your internalized oppression speaking

Attached: 1529323984815.gif (330x236, 271K)

>People of Light
absolutely brilliant.

So we are making fun of them? Okay. And the whole working together with niggers part is ironic right?

Actually what did they mean by this?
I don't understand the message behind the word salad.

since this PC speak has been shoved down our throats for so long, we can speak the language like natives. Anti-PoLs don't stand a chance.

Attached: POC POL stars.jpg (1881x1321, 244K)

i thought the PoL thing was gay the first time i saw one of these threads but now i see its potential. it really seems to trigger the fuck out of nigs

It's critical we use the PoC phrase as much as possible.
they are still "people of color"
we still need that term to legitimize "PoL"
and put it above reproach.
the power is in the juxtaposition.
We are hijacking their memetic energy.

Attached: POC POL UNITED.jpg (1320x770, 192K)

I'll just post the next two images just 'cause I like this moment.

Attached: fullycharged.png (604x476, 55K)

Person of light reporting in

Attached: light.jpg (600x360, 29K)

>bigoted Wily btfo

Attached: megaMAN.png (604x483, 51K)

i don't understand how they can be so insensitive and use the W-word when nobody is calling them the N-word? Where's the mutual respecc?

Attached: the_w_word.png (795x543, 63K)

Of course. Because "People of color" is a Jewish-invented term to otherize white Europeans as being uniquely non-human. "People of light" both subverts this weaponized mainstreamed fracture point and forces our opponents to either admit to normies their racist genocidal intent, or admit how trivial and stupid the "PoC" term is. Our enemies weaponize language against us, so we're doing the same to them, and they have no response except to yell.

I like this, good job on the thread leaf. For anyone looking to promote an idea in future, take notes. Start with your premise, then post examples as a proof of concept. Bam.

Yeah this could work. I kind of like the idea of using this to expose well meaning white girls to the actual hate nonwhites have for them.
In general it also offers a chance to shed some of the negative connotations "white people" as a term has.
Not to mention just saying it triggers nigs like a drive by at a KFC

I'm going to write a python script to automatically tweet at people that say "white people" but I need ideas on what the bot should reply with. Maybe just the picture in OP? Also, what should the twitter handle be?

Fight the bigots
PoL is the true way forward

Attached: People+of+light+this+reminds+me+of+that+shitty+antimormon_f68e53_6641863.jpg (1200x1109, 167K)

Alright, how about a yes or no? Stop being such a faggot. I understand you had 2 successful threads so far so your filled with a lot of adrenaline but I don't like classifying myself with niggers, and that's certainly not the idea Jow Forums wishes for. Maybe you and your people of white can go suck off tyrone, but I won't. Is it ironic, yes, or no.

fill a folder with these meme pictures to shuffle through, then mention something about stopping racism

Have a bump

don't forget to use plenty of sunscreen, people of light!

Attached: people of light need sunscreen.jpg (616x733, 86K)

that's right, remember whenever you are engaged in a conversation in the public space, you are not so much trying to convert your conversational opponent, but the observers who sit on the sidelines.

Attached: ty dt pol.jpg (1320x770, 249K)

bro dont you understand how propaganda works? do you think jews actually believe in the "equality" they push? they hate niggers as much as we do. in order for the term "people of light" to gain acceptance it has to be seen as anti-racist

"People of light" sounds like some gay Elder Scrolls bullshit. You can't let the shitskins get away with calling themselves "people of color."

Instinctively, everyone knows white people are the most beautiful race and that the brown races are ugly. Take advantage of this by deconstructing their own language, "people of color."

You have the ability to force memes. You should take advantage of this ability, not squander it with your shitty social engineering skills. As I said this morning, you'd be lucky if Vox picked this up for a short article mocking Jow Forums with a capital C for our pitiful attempts at social engineering. Calling shitskins "people of brown" is just funny.

Also, jews' lips produce smegma.

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This is going to backfire once the term "white" stops being ironically racist and becomes actually racist.


That's part two of the plan.
Accelerationism my friend.

>Ask to be addressed with the same amount of respect and sensitivity as everybody else
>blacks implode, make fun of us, and tell us to go to hell

I love these fucking impromptu social experiments... They really get the noggin joggin....

Cringy as fuck, but I know it'll send shitlibs into conniptions.
So I'm conflicted.

remember to refer to it as the W word. There is plenty of evidence that the word "white" is used a racist slur. It's time we shed it and shame people for using it!

Attached: stop using W word.jpg (584x377, 61K)

I'm talking about here retard. You know redditors actually come here and call niggers based? I was wondering if he was one of them. I'm not talking about outside of Jow Forums, I'm asking if he's simply talking about niggers outside of Jow Forums for the sake of propaganda, or for the sake of actually uniting us. If it's the later, than I won't help, but if it's the former, I will. But he's being an adrenaline filled faggot avoiding the subject. He needs to learn your either against them or with them.

Have a bump, this is funny as hell.

Attached: 109.png (807x968, 673K)

Calling someone white is racist. What are you, some kind of bigot who wants to go around calling people white for no reason at all? Gosh. The people of light are people too y'know.

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this is the most influential culture on the internet. If we can change the terminology people use here, it will automatically start to spread to other sites, then it will spread to real life.

In a few months, normies will start to use "People of Light" ironically.

Then unironically.

Attached: PoC PoL scares establishment.jpg (1200x606, 129K)

Also thread theme!

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This comes off as a generic anti-SJW meme and not an actual social deconstruction. You can't imagine anyone who's actually a white advocate or someone who actually holds a position of power calling themselves a "Person of Light." It's something some pasty fat nerd who plays World of Warcraft would call themselves. Which is understandable, since that's basically what you are.

But white people are the most colorful, figuratively and literally. We should stick to deconstructing their nonsensical use of language.

>people of light
Give me a quick rundown


Attached: 1524958166938.jpg (500x370, 77K)

It's Jow Forums's new gaslighting tactic.
Signal boosted.

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gosh you sound like you're some sort of anti-light. why do you hate people of light skin, we are people too!! #LightLivesMatter

Attached: lightlivesmatter.jpg (500x386, 80K)


> Piggibacking on their meme is support

You are new here, you don't understand how Jow Forums works. you will never make headlines like that.

i dont care how cringey it is so long as niggers and liberals get triggered. the triggering is all that matters

the cringe factor may even help because it will cause the left to mock it and talk about it more which will only further implant it into the public consiousness

we don't use the word Niggers here, this is a board of peace and unity. Racism is against the board rules (rule 3)

we also don't use the word "white" here, for the same reason.

Attached: POL collage.jpg (775x644, 143K)


Potential formatting. What if depressed asians and south americans need other lightys to talk to. Also is saying lighty pc?

Attached: Q-POCAFinal120112-1.jpg (960x720, 57K)

The photoshopped colors on the left really give the impression that this image was made by a toddler with no ability to discern fact from fiction.

This has great potential. Will use and spread.

>White people are the REAL people of color!
This tactic is Boomeresque and doesn't work. You are fighting weaponized language which ABSOLUTELY has a hold over some very low-IQ people who treat it as a faith. This is not something you can appeal to logic over. Yes, white people have more genetic variation than everyone else on the planet, but that does not matter in this context. Everyone else on the planet is brown hair, brown or black skin, and brown or black eyes, so Jews calling for "People of Color to stand against whiteness" is Jews demanding non-whites kill whites for Jews. Terms like "People of color" otherize whites. So we are disarming them of their language manipulation.

You don't have to like it but any commentary to the contrary will be disregarded.

You're doing Jesus work user, thank you

>Supporting niggers
>reddit spacing (no paragraphs, so i can confirm)
>meme flagging, kekistan of all the memeflags aswell
>checked, but you're gay
>you're new here
Nice one.

Can you put trigger warnings in front of your post if you use n- or w-word in future?

>This tactic is Boomeresque and doesn't work

Attached: Emilie de Ravin.jpg (480x672, 232K)

yes, i'd be happy to.

Attached: kanye real quote.jpg (640x640, 84K)

We need to infiltrate the colleges with flyers like these. Q-POL Queer People of Light

> Reusing an argument that got rebutted

not wasting my time on (((You)))

Make your own thread, then. Infest this one and try to derail it, and you're a confirmed shill.

Attached: 1528298565319.png (950x529, 672K)

>who's actually a white

Get it right, its person of light!

Fuck off bigot.

I don't have 1 trillion proxies and sock puppets on twitter to shill my shitty meme with, do I?

Attached: 1522888717188.jpg (576x576, 51K)

oops! we're attracting the attention of a Person of Usury - I've been purposely avoiding that because they are unfortunately very hard to convert to #PeopleFirstLanguage and respect toward Persons of Light.

Attached: what kind of fuqery.jpg (613x476, 63K)

Thank you. As a someone who has been called a w-word, reading it makes me have panic attacks.

"People of Colour" is meant to be an Anti-Whyte Rainbow alliance, to build a counter-movement we would need more than just Whyte People, People of Light would hav to include Orientals.

posters are a great idea, i'll see if i can come up with some for a future thread

Attached: pol composite.jpg (500x750, 89K)

So you're just going to sit here and try to counter-signal and derail. Got it. And filtered.

Attached: 1513877272457.jpg (334x287, 48K)

Next up the G word.

We are not cattle, we are People with Soul

Attached: 419961fec6bf7ee15174d62790ac1c81.png (420x420, 103K)

Americans aren't light though. They're quite overweight.

I totally agree with you, this is a rough diagram I have created, but we might be able to include more people in the term "people of light"

Attached: pol pol alignment dnd d&d.jpg (3358x1800, 933K)

Also, remember to report all Twitter accounts for hate speech that use the term white people in a racist way. They also say "nigga" a lot. Mark those tweets as well.

Attached: Capture+_2018-06-19-11-19-13.png (1439x2293, 228K)

We're white you fucking kike.

Please post more, Im fucking dying. xD

It doesn't really matter if you filter me if you'll just see me on one of your other proxies, now does it? lmao. As if you'd mute anyone anyway, you fat perverted attention whore. You're so starved for human interaction that you talk to yourself all day.


Attached: Screenshot_20180505-102629.jpg (1574x1175, 887K)

He's with us lads.

shoo, shoo!

person of gender WEIGHING in.

Attached: person of trigger weighs in.jpg (616x762, 85K)

But that's the whole point. If the term "white" is racist then it implies that "black" is also racist. I don't want to go back to the days of calling blacks "African-American" or even worse, the PC bullshit "People of color".

hmmm two IDs ITT who are either too retarded to understand this op... or are pretending to be

Attached: cjfjoifuuaeca8i2.jpg (501x504, 63K)

This is fucking delicious,
It’s ok to be a person of light.

Attached: 9EC9C512-FBC1-46EF-8C26-085B45C30784.jpg (768x1003, 136K)

Where's the second image from

That reads to me that Russel Harland is the common enemy of pol and poc

Makes sense to me. Im sure there are disenfranchised lightys in the PoC movement. There is north vs south india, china folks, korea vs japanese, and then euro south America vs others. Tons of lighty infighting that has no outlet in the west

he was in the last thread too, he tacks on hateful, anti-semetic language to the ends of his posts for no reason at all so I'd say 100% shill

Oh, all this salt. I can taste it already.

Attached: feelsgoodman.png (800x585, 123K)