Why do black people always act so suspicious?

So I generally do not consider myself a racist person. However I have been living in the city for a few months now and I can't deny that I notice differences in how certain racial groups act. I was wondering if Jow Forums had any insight on this.

So I generally believe that most blacks don't want to commit crimes, however, I still think they tend to act suspicious even if they don't realize it. Here is behavior I notice:

>they tend to just walk around city blocks with no real purpose, in the middle of the day
>they tend to walk really slowly and shiftily into a store or just around town, looking around; whereas white people tend to walk with more purpose and have a goal in mind of where they want to go and what to buy
>they tend to walk really close to other people and cars, sometimes right next to one; whereas white people tend to give a lot of space

It's just something I notice. They walk around and look around suspicious and it makes me nervous how they walk so slow without apparent purpose. Even if they aren't intending to do anything, it always gives off the impression they are about to do something bad. Is this a common thing in black culture? Whites often give off the look that they are somewhere for a reason, whereas blacks often give off the look where they are figuring or scoping something out.

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>not racist
Lurk moar faggot, but thanks for the thought.

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because they are always guilty senpai

It's called "anxiety" and you'd feel it too if you were in a country with too many white people and run by a mentally unstable and racist orange-colored dictator

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>they tend to just walk around city blocks with no real purpose, in the middle of the day
Blacks have higher unemployment leading to more free time. With black crime rates being higher than any other group, this leads to crimes being committed in said free time.

>they tend to walk really slowly and shiftily into a store or just around town, looking around; whereas white people tend to walk with more purpose and have a goal in mind of where they want to go and what to buy
Correlation=/=causation. There are whites who do the same thing, intentionally or not.

>they tend to walk really close to other people and cars, sometimes right next to one; whereas white people tend to give a lot of space.
Could just be a cultural thing or something else but I don't have any sources for that so it could be for any other good reason.

"walk around and look around suspicious"
Is that a potential bias you've used to pick up on this? Ie, knowledge of blacks committing crimes at a higher rates, thus leading to a higher rate of scepticism of blacks as a result?

"Whites often give off the look that they are somewhere for a reason"
This could be as whites are more employed so they're doing work for example more than blacks. This could also have a lot to do with where you live.

Its simple. Around blacks never relax

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I think it is the black version of altruism.

The more innocent black people hassle the cops, the harder it is for the cops to catch the criminal blacks. It's like how white people evolved the willingness to die to save their nieces cousin - ultimately the herd prospers

based vpn from an obscure country that would give you away as a ban-dodging shitposter if you didnt hide it behind a meme flag


Probably afraid some pig who wants a 2 week paid holiday might blow them away for no reason.

>Anxious people walk around with no real purpose in the middle of the day
>Anxious people walk closer to other people and cars

Are you retarded?

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>and you'd feel it too if you were in a country with too many white people and run by a mentally unstable and racist orange-colored dictator
I would feel only hope and pride. He legit lightens my depression. Also, why are you hating on skin color ? That;s what your side does ?

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Furtive movement is embedded into their DNA. They can’t help getting shot at.

>be american
>complain about too many "white people"

fucking kek. your shitposting days are numbered, memeflag faggot.

>So I generally do not consider myself a racist person.

Stopped reading there. Goodbye newfag, have a bit of Jow Forums herb.

>>they tend to just walk around city blocks with no real purpose, in the middle of the day
>>they tend to walk really slowly and shiftily into a store or just around town, looking around; whereas white people tend to walk with more purpose and have a goal in mind of where they want to go and what to buy
>>they tend to walk really close to other people and cars,

Truth is they get off on it, they enjoy being feared, its really all they have.

"im not a racist'
>follows that up with racist views

baka fucking turnipsters.

Underrated, this this this

but its just strange behavior i notice. why do they look around so much as if they're wondering who's watching? like my family visited me a few days ago and we got ice cream and were eating it outside, and what i noticed:

white customers:
>just walk straight into the shop and order something
black customers
>walk slowly toward the entrance, staring at everyone, look back as they open the door, walk in, look around the shop, finally order something

Its just bizarre to me. even if they're not stealing anything its the kind of behavior they exhibit

I work in the city. The only annoying black people I see are the homeless ones always begging for handouts...and this is coming from a black person.

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Being around black people will do that to you, its the darndest thing

Their young men congregate in groups in shabby clothing. In Ireland a young white man in shabby clothing takes this heat because there are very few blacks.

Sometimes taxis wont stop for me. Black people, its not racism. You look like shit.

When a taxi doesnt stop for me and when white women clutch their hand bags when I pass its not racism. Its because I am drunk and look like a leper. Also muh dick mufuggas.

Dressing like a toddler that dressed himself doesn't help especially when you try to get non niggers to take you seriously

Just sounds like you're spotting people that are planning to mug people or rob stores. Blacks are pretty infamous for doing that, so go with the obvious.

Dude it's how you act when you ARE going to do something bad or have done it before or been raised to do it.

I live in Louisiana, I know what you're talking about. Black people are sometimes dumb when it comes to not looking like an obvious criminal. I know guys who just carry weed on them, so they just smell like it. They make no effort not too smell, instead, just acting shifty to avoid people smelling them.... It's just dumb people giving away shit they're trying to hide because they're too dumb to hide it properly.

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And the non obvious, dont relax around blacks... Ever.

I can tell you that you are completely right. My dirty track suit bottoms, hoody and unshaven appearance earns me the stink eye from everyone.
Im a skinny fat white boi in a skinny fat white boy country.

Well hello there, fellow Abibas wearer

I bet there is a business that specializes in over priced diamond chains and they sell these diamond chains in bulk to record labels to fool young niggers.

Blacks are in a constant state of anxiety. Most likely associated with inferiority complex.

Sort of like fat bitches. They have the worst attitudes because deep down they're ashamed.

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Is true am nog, I used to try and be polite in public but after being scorned I just enjoy looking like evil incarnate, feels good when I can walk down the street and have people move away from me...

They are basically animals, they constantly engage in animal posturing, taking up space, being loud, etc, as a way of showing dominance. Watch a nature documentary about chimps, then go watch black people.
They do not really belong in civilization, they never created it and they cannot adapt to it. They see those stores the way the ape sees the fruit tree, they see other people walking to work the way the ape sees another ape walking through territory it wants to control.

jesus, I've never put it together like that, but you've described them perfectly.

That is probably a lot of it. I figure that sort of behavior wasn't too much drama in a small tribal village, because you could sort the dominance stuff out and establish a pecking order, but it's a shitload of trouble in a metropolis where you are constantly running into strangers (no established pecking order).

Blacks were forced into a society that had gradually socially evolved over thousands of years to cope with modernity, and they never went through that process before being shoved into it.

holy shit you absolute mongoloid, go visit detroit and see how fast you're gay ass views change

Noticing differences between the races is racism? Weird, I didn't realize. Maybe racism isn't as bad as I thought.

>Noticing differences between the races is racism?
Yes. That is literally it. The Jews have successfully criminalized recognizing reality in many countries. It is a method of control and of making it less likely that the goyim will ever overthrow them.

I just binge watched 3 seasons of "The first 48" not one single non nog killer yet. They aren't acting suspicious, they are just suspects.

Great! Thanks for answering that question, now why do all black men walk with a limp?

All of this

how horrible. we should send them all, ALL to Liberia then

Because they're frequently being followed or targeted in some way, so they stay alert. On the road, could be a cop about to shoot them. In the shop, could be a guard following them around.

Or because they're going to do something wrong. That happens a lot too.

once a nog always a nog, you tried to be polite but no one bought it you stupid fucking nigger. now kindly become part of the black on black crime statistic

because y'all crackers keep looking them suspiciously

Women do the same to a lesser degree

Victim/vulnerable mentality then?

No, they are just up to something. The mental gymnastics in this thread are amazing. They look guilty because they have done something.

every time I see blacks walking down the road I get anxious
is that natural?

It's got to be both.

Sure, you get a lot of niggers being shifty because they're about to steal shit or do something.

All it really takes to look shifty is looking around and being hesitant though. With CNN telling them cops are hanging out windows with rifles looking for points, and the fact that they very frequently are followed by security even if they're doing nothing wrong, can quite plausibly make them more cautious. Which makes them look more suspicious, so the police stop them more, guards follow them more, etc.

CNN and the like need to just shut the fuck up about how bad they think they have it. Blacks are privileged as fuck and untouchable right now.

>implying the american flag is not a meme flag
>the year is 2018

is negrophobia a mental disorder?

man the Reddit faggots and shills are out thick today. Fuck off

It's not just because they are "about" to do something, it's because they have already done so much dumb shit that they can't remember they did. Is the police be looking at me cause I smell like weed? Is they lookin at me cause I gots warrants, is they look in at me cause I got caught on camera stealing tools out of a work truck? The possibilities are endless and the average nog is guilty of something in the past 24 hrs.

kys fagget

You're an idiot.

White people are more nervous than black people. This is science. Black people walk around and act suspicious because they are less nervous than white people.

>It's called "anxiety" and you'd feel it too if you were in a country with too many white people and run by a mentally unstable and racist orange-colored dictator

they can always fuck off to Africa

> cop about to shoot cuz black
According to the statistics this is a myth.

No I'm a realist, denying reality doesn't make you intelligent you fool. Every example I listed I have seen first hand. No impulse control animals do shit constantly.

why not leave the west if you feel scorned? it's obvious you and your sub species don't belong here, so leave. Go make a place you can call home. A place surrounded by your own people where you won't feel scorned and forced to act the way you do. A place where your children and their children won't worry about those things either.

Why don't YOU leave the west? You don't have anymore right to be here than the next person.

It's called "RACIALLY INSECURE" and they have adopted this mindset for centuries.

Probably just cultural difference

Except studies show that blacks have less anxiety than whites when around each other.

Its because they are the most superstitious, paranoid group of "people". They always act like someone is out to get them so they act real cautiously not to draw attention to themselves, but in turn they just get more eyes on them acting that way. They are too stupid to realize that acting suspicious makes you even more suspicious.

At my work the ones that greet me and get what they want and come back raise no suspicions. They know what they want and dont have time to play around. However 90% that come in don't greet me, take too much time and hold too many things at once (like wtf are they scared of a basket?) And they just mumble or talk on their phones to ignore you.

They know that they aren't human.

Most people never consider how they appear from the outside in. I'm sure people make a lot of assumptions about you that you would never guess.


white boys walk like little virgins. they walk quickly with their heads down and are scared lil pussies so they give tons of room to other people. black people dont give no fucks we take up as much space as we want and we gonna go wherever we want on our own speed aint no bitch ass white boy rushing us.

thats why yall white women love us. white boys gonna go extinct so eat shit cracker

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Which is odd, seeing how blacks are at least 9 times more likely to get killed by other blacks than if they were around wipipo. ODD!


Read "Erectus Wa;ks Amongst Us" to answer your questions.


There is truth in this.

You all must just take casual strolls in the hood then.

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>blacks often give off the look where they are figuring or scoping something out.

That's what tribal instincts look like in an urban environment.

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Low inhib alphas rule this planet and get the most pussy. If you into science or some other boring shit then you is a faggot. Bitches like you deserve to get bullied in school cuz you ain't a real nigga.

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>trying to breed your money tree out of existence
Sasuga the stupidity of a nog like you.

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>be Black
>Suffer years of institutionalized discrimination.
>Adopt behaviors deemed antisocial by an oppressive society to protect self.
>In constant state of anxiety, depression and paranoia as society drives itself forward through systematic oppression of minorities like me.

Because they either just finished committing a crime or are about to commit a crime.

Really? Japan is living proof that white people aren't that nervous. Now please rethink your post or else we will turn your cities to dust and re-order your entire culture forever using school uniforms and cartoon porn.

oh jew

You fucking ape, the institutions are the ones trying to do away with discrimination. You are so fucking disgusting and criminal the government has to make laws so we cant act on how we actually feel about you.


I held the door open for a white lady today at McDonalds and she seemed very nervous about it. I was just being polite. lol

Their penis is weighing down one of their thighs?

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Predator Vs. Prey

This is the only right answer.

You might not know what they did but THEY do.

politely eyeing her purse?

They usually have either leg gunshot wounds, gout, or both.

Because they're scamming for SSI and narcotics.

>Why do black people always act so suspicious?
to evoke a reaction and play the victim card for gibs/publicity

just look at that bitch who's truck has been vandalized "by nazis"....these people literally had the back of the truck say
(pic related) literally PRAYING some nazzee sees that shit in traffic and goes and break their truck so then she could cover it on the news station she was working on

it never happened, they got impatient and finally did it to themselves with backward swastikas (of course) and almost writing wypipo pride on one side

its a race full of ridiculous individuals, but you should know that already when they have ebonics (which is english with bad grammar) as an official dialect and they name their kids shit like JIQUANDA

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No just holding the door open on some "ladies first/gentlemen" type shit.

In a way you have to feel kind of sorry for them. They have no culture or really anything that they can fall back on to make them secure in their identity which is why they are so aggresive and have massive inferiority complexes. they think (correctly) that they are born worthless and its up to them to make people "respec" them. this plus low IQ leads them to see "respec" as making people afraid that you will physically and violently assault them at a moments notice if you make eye contact with them.

>be Asian
>Suffer years of institutionalized discrimination.
>Adopt behaviors deemed productive and industrious
>Have better quality of life than average American after 4 generations
Wow, black people have it so tough.

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I dont know m8...they been living for more than a hundred years now in a society where they can literally see, daily, black people being successful and normal average citizens going about their lives but 99% still cling on to this oppression olympics bullshit and ghetto culture....thats gotta be saying something about them in general

It couldn't have anything to do with white people hating Asian people less than blacks.

Because they are poor and hungry with nothing to do.