What do you guys think of my list? Any corrections?

What do you guys think of my list? Any corrections?

>Good guys
America (Republicans), Israel, Russia, Hungary, Belarus, Poland, Serbia, Montenegro, Orthodox Christians, traditional Catholics, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Romania, Moldova, Iceland, Philippines, North Korea, Japan, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Eritrea, Syria, Italy, Malta, Greece, Mongolia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Cuba, Sudan, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong

>Bad guys
America (Democrats), George Soros, ADL, SPLC, Gypsies, LGBT, atheists, Protestants, China, Turkey, Germany, France, UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Norway, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Denmark, Georgia, Azerbaijan, South Korea, Mexico, Colombia, Canada, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Africa, "Palestine"

Iran, Saudi Arabia, India, Vietnam, Afghanistan

Attached: Trump Pence.jpg (1200x630, 188K)

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overall good list imho

israel should prob be separated into nationalist(zionist?) jews and international("globalis", "progressive") jews

pakistan should be on the bad list
cyprus on the good list?, and n.cyprus on the bad
r.srpska part of bosnia should be on the good list
here's a map

Attached: 1408446424944 - Copy.png (3016x1876, 127K)

and an even more autistic version

Attached: 1469540597187.png (4498x2225, 408K)

Yea, we are the bad goys, not bad guys

>good guys

Jewish cum guzzling MAGApede strikes again

You’re a retard.

No such country.

-t. southern macedonia

Back to the_Donald

>making lists
This is peak /lol/ autism.

Op needs to share his tendies or go back to Jow Forums

we will gas the fucking kikes, mark my words

Attached: 1518460979075.jpg (633x758, 236K)

>sharing tendies

You commies will hang for such a suggestion

Put Syria on the Bad Guys list cause Based GEOTUS Trump will make sure that globalist Animal ASSad is deposed and replaced by based Moderate rebels!


Stopped reading right there mate, neck yourself and eat a SAGE

Boomer level: >9000

> israel should prob be separated into nationalist(zionist?) jews and international("globalis", "progressive") jews

Pissrael is evil no matter which side they are on, and the only take one side (at their core): Conservatism for themselves, libdegeneratism for the goyim.

The only reason why there is a conservative-liberal kike split right now is because Kikes are currently performing the 'legitimizing Pissrael' ritual, which requires kikes on both sides.

If you take a very good look, you will find that "conservative" and "liberal" kikes actually support and stand on the same side: they only disagree when to hop on the Trump bandwagon, and who should continue sacrificing liberals to get the train rolling.

It's the most insidious thing I have ever witnessed.

Can anyone tell me why a Spanish speaking toddler seeking asylum in the united states would call out for "mommy"?

Careful, friend. Your means of tendie production are dangerously close to being seized...

One Korea should be under good guys. Uniting Korea will make Trump go down in history as the GOAT

Russia on the bad list. Everytime we have tried to kill invade a country to kill shitskins to generate wealth for our corporations, everytime, Russia gives the shitskins weapons and money to fight back. Talking about globalism they waged a massive war to unite the world under one (communist) government.

put israel on the bad list

This. There are no good jews

>Sorting nations out just bc of what the local bureaucrats do.
>Saying all Protestans and Atheists are the same

The stupidity in this one is strong

To this day Russia refuses to integrate with the west. It’s not that they dont want one world government(they do they fought to create one) its that they want to be treated as a major player when they have a spain tier economy. of course that can never happen, russia is corrupt and poor and should be treated as such. But this angers the Russians and prompts them to provide weapons to any shit skins that the west is trying to invade/rob/steal from.


Slide thread. /sage

Jews coached her for their cameras

First of all, there are no good guys.

Second of all
>, Israel, Russia,
>Good guys

Just wait for 2020 nerd.

Attached: 1510217469441.gif (284x176, 571K)

GOD bless Israel amirite?