Capitalist pigs destroy nations

When will you finally accept this? Only Nazbols can save us.

> INB4 Not All Capitalists

Attached: capitalism.png (1114x444, 45K)

Attached: muhGDP'n'Constitution.jpg (900x1274, 237K)

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Attached: US wages.jpg (1063x1200, 131K)

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But Ben Shapiro

i don't understand this.

are they supposed to arrest the children too or just abandon all border security?!


Need a QRD.
Looks like meme bullshit from here.

Attached: 1513203554246.png (578x393, 410K)

The latter. This is a push for completely open borders, but “progressives” are too big of pussies to actually come out and say it.

Attached: 66C874CA-D5B7-4C99-B706-B4B3A0421B6E.png (200x170, 35K)

>"Please end this policy separating criminals from their anchor babies"

Attached: sick ape.gif (320x300, 221K)

They unironically want to just let everybody in.

congratulations btw, you recognize they're trying to orchestrate a catch 22

The problem is that poverty is cost by urbanization. The only solution to a perfect form of capitalism is that most of society is agricultural.

Have ever consider the ideology of Jeffersonian Democracy? Or Georgism? Or even physiocracy?

All 3 promotes agriculture. These are the ideologies that can save us all.

Attached: Agragrian republic.jpg (2541x1962, 1.42M)

But not everybody can vote in those so can't you see the best system is one where politicians can import voters?

Yes I agree. End this vague slogan of "separating children" with zero context or detail provided that in reality is pathetic attempt at moral extortion.

Can this business group prove that all of these undocumented adults are indeed, those undocumented kid’s parents? Do they support human trafficking?

Capitalists love cheap brown labor. Christians love dumb, brown congregants to give them donations and more political power. The solution: Pagan National Socialism.