Is this molecule along with psilocybin illegal around most of the world to suppress the potential capabilities of...

Is this molecule along with psilocybin illegal around most of the world to suppress the potential capabilities of humans?

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Yes. The elites are literal satanists, of course they know the truth about psychedelics and want to restrict access to them.

The same greek root is used for both pharmacueticals and sorcery: pharmakia.

Yes. Second post best post cause first post was leaf.

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dmt isn't illegal most anywhere

and you're not going to get any more potential from psychedelics than by being sober, you'll just get to experience things differently and, yeah, maybe that can help some emotional aspects or you can get enough of a bad trip to make you physically realize how shit you are prompting you to put effort in change when sober but that alone isn't gonna do shit

in other words, at best it's an interesting experience that can traumatize you enough to realize you're fucking up and at worst you can take it to face value and too seriously and get lost in a self-absorbed reality where you are more enlightened than the rest

i've done dmt and acid and it's pretty neat but once the trip is over the whole potential part is on you, because 12 hours of weird visuals/synesthesia/"epiphanies" aren't going to do shit alone especially long term

Theres more to it, both are extremely potent, long lasting anti-depressants (less than 5 hits/year) that literaly cost peanuts.

>meanwhile you only coffee to finish your 8-hour shift, borrow money and feed the Beast for 45 years.

ketamine is a more potent antidepressant. Lasts 1-2 weeks up to a month in some cases and you need sub-recreational doses for that, and the recreational dose of K is one of those rare cases where it's less than the therapeutical dose that's supposed to knock you out

it works because apparently serotonin isn't the most important mechanism in depressive episodes and we don't even understand how serotonin pathways and ssris work; glutamate seems to be more important and ketamine being a glutamate antagonist (i think, don't quote me on that) has good properties

I've found that the best drug for depression is sports, long term. Not just lifting weights but cardio/actual health-oriented sport is really good on mood and productivity.

DMT is quite illegal, even in the jEU. Also you're full of shit by saying the experience can only affect you by traumatizing you. There is much to learn about pleasant trips to hyperspace.

We produce it to dream.

It's a co2 molecule difference to melatonin

>grows in the forest naturally
cuck moar fagit

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he is right, most psychodelic users are normie scum that want to be entertained by pretty colors

they call thinking a "bad trip", HAHAHAHAHAHAHA what a bunch of fucking shitbrains

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Just because you've had the experience and didn't take something amazing away from it, doesn't make that will be the same for every other person.

There have been waaaay too many reports and studies that show a huge medical potential for psychedelic drugs, which sort of makes your post look super ignorant.

This. But quite a few pyramid building civilizations used it in unnatural forms. Acacia confusa bark in egyptian, israelite incense, Ayahuasca for South americans etc

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They're not necessarily satanists. They seem to take a path of occultism that seems to promote the subjugation of the masses, however over recent years the universe has been generating groups like kekestanis that bring chaos to that terrible order.

drugs don't give you superhuman abilities
they just make you realize how utterly meaningless what (((they))) try to make you think life is all about actually is

That's not what he stated at all. Also if you're doing psychedelics like DMT you aren't necessarily an enlightened Yogi but you're definitely not a normie either.
In fact id wager that psychedelics are the most effective way out of normiehood.

Aaah where is that based ayahuasca hueman when y'all niggas need him

This shit is the real deal. Forget about it being a drug. Its a gateway to another dimension where you can communicate with archonic entitys and get juicy cosmic knowledge. Most of them are sneaky leeches tough, so beware.

>Inb4 hurrduurr durrr its a drug in your brain. You know nothing kiddo.

"Kekistan" was invented by Sargon of Akkad and has nothing to do with OG Kekism.

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What happened to the kraut that got busted selling DMT through the deepweb not long ago? First case I've learned about since most cops don't even bother going after DMT.

I love psilocybin but I can see the reasons for its outlawing, it’s a genuinely scary drug. How do we regulate sale of it? Should we sell dried shrooms in 1g packets, 2g packets, 5g packets? Or do we sell extracted psilocybin itself? Are you allowed to drive on 1g of shrooms? 1.5gs? What should the age to acquire it be? How do we handle all the idiots/foolhardy people who are going to go for 10g doses and then end up running in the streets tearing their clothes off and screaming? I think the best probability is something like making official sale of it in stores illegal, but decriminalizing growing it and possession of it up to a certain quantity. This way, you stop criminalizing innocent people who just want to expand their consciousness. You keep use and sale of shrooms as something personal and intimate instead of something commercialized and perhaps extremely disruptive to society at large if it’s easily accessible at stores and stuff. People can still grow it themselves and sell it to other people on a personal basis without being arrested and charged for a relatively harmless drug (actually, the safest recreational according to a study). Not bad on your body, not bad on your mind (in terms of neurotoxicity), and a reliable means of producing deep introspection, spiritual experiences, lasting anti-depressant effects and a changed outlook on life for the better.

God, the one time I did shrooms was fucking wonderful, and I only wish I can get access to some again before I die. But it’s psychologically so powerful that I can see why the government is afraid of making it legal and available in stores/pharmacies. Ditto this whole post for other classical psychedelics/hallucinogens. Also, the whole Timothy-Leary-psychedelics-open-your-mind-and-help-you-be-more-rebellious-creative-and-open-movement definitely intimidated the shit out of the government. By making psychs illegal, the revolutionary hippie movement was cracked down on indirectly.

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No idea. havent heard of it. If he was busted selling through darknet he probably fucked up himself and was selling other drugs also.

I still have to read some rational argument on how psycs are supposed to enhance our capabilities.

>inb4 muh higher plans of existence
I said rational arguments, not new age religion.

Instead you should look at real scientific studies that document how psychs can treat a magnitude of mental ailments.

Instead of saying, "someone come and tell me why..", why don't you go have an independent look first and just for yourself?

>There is much to learn about pleasant trips to hyperspace.

What have you learned?

>t. low iq wop

i guess if you're a brainlet to begin with, then you're right

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>treat a magnitude of mental ailments
That's not enhancing our capabilities.

I agree partly since I've heard ketamine is end-of-the-line treatment for depression . However indole amines work by putting everything (several different receptors ) into overdrive and it lasts for a long time to have them run out of juice again.

They simply give you another perspective, which you may use to enhance or destroy your life. It's like seeing yourself in a mirror from a new angle. Potentially helpful, but not necessarily significant.

Considering capabilities can be severely blocked by mental ailments (which actually effect a much larger % of the population), yes, they can be enhanced when these blockages are dealt with.

I am as convinced as I can be that consciousness doesn't reside in the brain, rather the brain acts as a receptor and your consciousness as a signal.

Anyone that has brokethrough can confirm.

What perspective? Seeing elfs and bubbles of colors?

That's like saying medicines are enhancing our capabilities because they treat diseases.

>wtf dey supress dat capability to bite off other people‘s face

In my experience it's not the trip itself but the days and weeks afterwards where you integrate the experience which yields the most change

100% unironically yes. Imagine a drug that is produced by your brain and can undo years of social programming through television, school, pop culture etc WITH ONE DOSE.

Meanwhile alcohol causes tens of thousands of deaths per year as well as a ton of health problens and its heavily advertised in nearly every society. Consider why logically and without falling for the faggot "muh degeneracy" shills. They are really afraid of people breaking through the black cube's illusion and all that entails at a social level.

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so, like in avatar, we are just using our bodies and our real self is sleeping in a cryogenic tube??

Well I'm meaning in other ways too but technically yes.

A lot of people will be very incapable of doing things because of particular ailments. Their capabilities increase when the their ailments are treated.

So not much of anything.

>feel x
>x is true

Understandable, but not reasonable.

>What perspective? Seeing elfs and bubbles of colors?

Consider seeing something that you experienced as a child and re-experienced as an adult. The thing did not change, but your perspective of the thing certainly did. Same thing. Something that you are used to seeing as a tree will suddenly be bark, leaves, roots and more. That kind of thing. Psychedelics bypass preconceived notions of what things are about and enable you to experience them as if it was the first time.

You're still talking about limited people by start, not normal people enhancing any shit.

This is what normies think, all drugs are all exactly the same. However in practice, hallucinogenic drugs are almost all non addictive, save for ketamine, and almost all have high LD50 scores (meaning they aren't very toxic or dangerous physically) except for Ibogaine. Basically, it's a class of drugs that is more difficult to actually abuse or be harmed by than any other, and all of them seem to have therapeutic effects.

That being said, moderation in all things is important

At no moment have I been talking about either in particular. Those notions have been brought to this exchange by you.

>most of them are sneaky leeches.

Yes. Do not fall for the hippy shit about colors and unicorns. If you arent careful you are opening yourself up to other dimensions.
I see the shills started showing up. You are thinking of bath salts. Are you going to make up stories about kids suiciding themselves after "consuming 20 marihuana joints" next?

The people who believe their hallucinations and other projections are real are the same type of people who would start believing the matrix were real if put into it.

Well, in you said
>Something that you are used to seeing as a tree will suddenly be bark, leaves, roots and more.
Not being aware of your sorroundings is being mentally impaired, not the normal condition of a human adult.

Dear lord why do Canadians have to be such abhorrent posters? They arent cunts like aussies, they arent funny like poo in loos. They are like that annoying slightly fat and snobby kid and in grade school who always had a "proper answer" for the teacher and was careful to not say anything really meaningful that would cause concern but who everyone else hated because they could sense his phoniness.

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Fuck hippies. Wasn’t Leary cia?

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I don't understand what a psychedelic trip induced by psilocybin actually shows you in the slightest.

It just makes you into a mild-mannered psychopath.
You can also endure multiple psychological breaks to "de-program" yourself.

Shite, I meant you* lmao

Let me guess, you're one of those people who believe they can commune with cosmic entities right?

Whether you see the sum (tree) or the parts (bark, leaves etc) is a matter of perspective, not mental ability. I could give you a glass of water and tell you its warm, then I could give you the same glass of water and tell it is cold. Your experience of the temperature will differ due to oppposite expectations. Neither is a wrong or right perspective.

I never claim it to be fact, it's simply my interpretation of the experience. Even then the subject is shrouded in mystery, who knows what the truth is.

No. Im a christian who believes in evolution and doesn't consume illicit substances, I like drinking beer though.

Another abhorrent post from a leaf.

Well you factually claimed that there is a lot to learn from positive psychedelic experiences. When I inquired into what these lessons could possibly be, you shared a single subjective interpretation. That does not seem to me like there is much to learn.

Well I believe that the majority of the population around the world is suffering from some type of mental daze or clouded by a fog which keeps them in a certain loop of thoughts, reactions and emotions.

In this respect, I'd consider most of us pretty unwell, mentally, even though we may seem extremely healthy. So again, in this respect, I believe psyches have a huge potential to allow general people to gain a new insight on themselves, others and on their life.

This new insight can remove mental barriers that many, many people place on themselves. For example, many come to realize during a psychedelic trip that they are holding themselves back due to clinging to ego, which allows them to feel more open to new information, expanding their capability to learn.

Im convinced most people arent ready to break through the darkness Saturn stands at the gate of.

>Whether you see the sum (tree) or the parts (bark, leaves etc) is a matter of perspective, not mental ability.
Being able to reason on different levels of abstraction is literally mental ability.
>Your experience of the temperature will differ due to oppposite expectations.
That's because "warm" and "cold" are arbitrary concepts which lack of formal support.
You still didn't say how DMT could enhance our abilities.
>Take DMT -> the water isn't neither cold nor warm
Wow, such an enhancement!

Yes, but the problem with these drugs is even thought they are mind-opening, a majority of the people using them know fuck all.

These drugs massively assist the collaboration of existing knowledge in the brain, which to a poorly educated and not at all well-read person that basically amounts to:
>Common conspiracy theories
>Simple math
>Celebrity shit

Which is why so many fucking normie drug users believe in fucking numerology, flat earth, lizard people shit.

If people who had much larger scopes of information did it, shit would be amazing.
>Or if these other people actually read more, which they won't, because they're fucking free-falling down a rabbit hole of pseudoscience and they love it.

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>For example, many come to realize during a psychedelic trip that they are holding themselves back due to clinging to ego, which allows them to feel more open to new information, expanding their capability to learn.
Just read a fucking book about buddhism, then.

If you overhear a conversation between people that spoke in language you couldn't understand it doesn't mean there is nothing to learn about the situation, you simply lack the tools to put in context. Same thing with these experiences, you can only rely on your interpretation of reality to even fathom an answer.
Have you even tried it? You're arguing one of the first prenotions of the experience that get rekt the fastest.

>Being able to reason on different levels of abstraction is literally mental ability.

If so, then yes, psychedelics increase mental ability.

>That's because "warm" and "cold" are arbitrary concepts which lack of formal support.

So are all abstractions.

>You still didn't say how DMT could enhance our abilities.

See your previous point:
>Being able to reason on different levels of abstraction is literally mental ability.


I am talking about psychedelics in general.

>Wow, such an enhancement!

I reject your retarded quip.

I hope you can believe me when I tell you that there are many people in this world who will never be moved or convinced by words.

They need to actually experience what it's like to be detached from their ego.

There's evidently lots about psychedelic drugs that you are unaware of and I don't blame you.

However being arrogant when it regards a subject you aren't well-informed makes me think it's worthless trying to convince you that there is a lot of value to be gained from these molecules, especially when it comes to the growth of humanity.

lel. DMT dosent enchance any physical abilitys.

>Take DMT -> the water isn't neither cold nor warm


>>Take DMT -> the water isnt important because you are straped to a rocket that is being shot to hyperspace were you are immidiatly swarmed by sentient entitys that try to communicate/hyperspace-rape you.

DMT isnt some hippi happy psychodelic that you take to see bright colors and have shiny feelings.

>Psilocybin truffles are legal in The Netherlands, and they aren't experiencing the rampant social decay you're describing.
>Psychedelics need to be treated with the same respect as fire arms.
>A culture would develop around ethnogen use, and establish rules/guidelines on how to use them
>The reason they will always remain illegal comes down to their inherent anarchy. Psychedelics show you that you must let go, you don't need or want control. This puts them quite contrary to the goals of our society which is to control every single aspect of the human experience.
>My experiments with psychedelics have greatly alleviated some of my autism. In the after glow of my hardest trips it completely made me normal for a few weeks.
>Although it wears off, I understand myself and my mind better and my life has improved dramatically since my first experiments in my 20's.
>Psychedelics are probably the most intense form of psychotherapy available to our species. They force you to face the actual evil present in your life.
It's an incredible responsibility. The actions people take during 'bad trips' you hear about are a result of people irresponsibly using the substance, and getting wrecked by their innate psychological and spiritual ailments as a result.

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stay mad mutt

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>If you overhear a conversation between people that spoke in language you couldn't understand it doesn't mean there is nothing to learn about the situation, you simply lack the tools to put in context.

I assume the conversation is a metaphor for the trip? What are the tools in question? If these tools are not innate to the psychedelic, then how can the psychedelic experience itself be of any more guidance than listening to a lecture in a language you don't know? Sounds more like self-reflection is the true teacher you are referring to, regardless of the experiences you are reflecting upon.

>Have you even tried it? You're arguing one of the first prenotions of the experience that get rekt the fastest.

Yes. I'm interested in poking your conclusions and the reasoning behind them to see how they compare to mine.

Oh wow! Another smug mutt christcuck, I actually didn't expect to have to read so far down do find one.

Psychedelics are not a magical instant way to achieve enlightenment or "universal truth". Anything that sounds too good to be true usually is. Life is a stuggle, learning to cope with that stuggle and find purpose and meaning within life is (I believe) a big reason we are on earth. There are no shortcuts, you get the answers you deserve and work for. Psychedelics can be a tool alongside true spiritual work. Or they can lead you to hell, depends on the direction you're already traveling. Assuring one's direction is complicated and arduous.

>learning to cope with that stuggle and find purpose and meaning within life is (I believe) a big reason we are on earth.

What does succeeding in this purpose lead to, in your view?

referring to "big reason", just a clarification since you also used the word purpose


I've done hallucinogens, they just make you high for a while. Nothing profound or magical about it. It's just temporarily breaking your brain like any drug.

he was clearly being sarcastic you dumbass. All you retards are pathetic.


Did you use them for any specific reason? For a challenge in life? To learn more about yourself?

Or did you just wanna trip balls lol

shrooms are amazing, i highly recommend them

just make sure youre in a happy mood though...

That's enough. Fuck you kike. Get the hell out of here. Fucking nigger mongol.

How does one use hallucinogens for a specific reason?

i think you mean ensuring

You can use intention to direct your experience.

Ibogane needs more reasearch, sounds like a hard core medical breakthrough is just round the corner with it , curing opiate addiction with one fell swoop.

This is my best guess for why it's illegal in the west. Mainstream Christian ethical presumptions manifested in law. And since the west more or less set the standards for global civilization other countries followed suit.

The funny thing is, Christianity owes it's existence to psilocybin use.
The first super was as type of ayahuasca ceremony most likely using shrooms (bread/flesh of god) and a liquid maoi created from syrian rue (the wine/blood.) Think about it.
Easter as a holiday falls around the same time a bunch of shrooms start to fruit. The Easter egg hunt probably started as a mushroom foraging activity. The whole process of fasting from meat for lent was to mimic a MAOI diet necessary for ingesting the compound.
Of course all of this was lost as Christianity moved away from being path mankind could take to have its most profound life experience and to one of a life of sedation.
Watch videos of lamb slaughter facilities. The same thing effectively is happening in this day and age to Christians on a mass scale.

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>psilocybin has been used to treat depression and PTSD, successfully.

i love how you retards put so much spirituality into the act of getting high.

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The main issue is that we can't know the true nature of the experience, is it real or just your brain tricking you? If it's the latter then it's not that farfetched to think that the serotonin induced reality that we live in is nothing more than a lifelong trip that we've learned to accept. If you open your eyes while on DMT you'll see your surroundings textured into an insane blend of ancient egyptian / mesoamerican patterns that cover what you know is there.

I don't know enough about the subject to come to terms with any answer, but the trip itself is so alien and far more coherent than mindless hallucinations to discard as nonsense. I haven't even accounted for the beings you literally interact with.

Aye, it's not like psilocybin or N,N-Dimethyltryptamine played a role in the establishment of religion or anything...

should i start collecting crystals and shit too?

I mean "a" big reason. One of possibly many (I can't say I have all the answer, or know all the reasons). But life is a test, the "struggle" is a way to prove ourselves I suppose.

Any hypothetical afterlife (presumably with far less suffering) wouldn't be worth anything if we didn't have the "struggle" of living on earth to contrast it with. It's all very complicated. And what I perceive as "truth" is difficult to really explain with words. It's more a feeling, but a feeling that conveys ideas. And I recommend anyone looking for "truth" attempt to find this feeling. It will reveal itself through struggle and pain and hardship. I can't speak for others though, but for me that "feeling" is absolute truth. Once you have it, the details are irrelevant

I've also done psychedelics. And overdosed more than once and was technically dead. The psychedelics did nothing for me overall (aside from the initial trip)

Drugs that make more productive slaves or have a high profitability are what's legal.
Psychedelics make you question the situation in, you don't need to take it often enough to make it incredibly profitable, and people can make their own if the cost was high.
Potential? Maybe, but mostly it makes you harder to farm.



Also. Nice digits

Yes. I'm tired. Thanks though