> "SOCIALISM IS HOW A COUNTRY TURNS INTO A SHITHOLE" > Britain still not a shithole > Germany still not a shithole > France still not a shithole > Belgium still not a shithole > The Netherlands still not a shithole > Sweden still not a shithole > Denmark still not a shithole > Norway still not a shithole > Finland still not a shithole > Russia still not a shithole > Egypt still not a shithole > Syria still not a shithole > Jordan still not a shithole > South Africa still not a shithole > China still not a shithole > South Korea still not a shithole > Japan still not a shithole > Australia still not a shithole > New Zealand still not a shithole > Venezuela still not a shithole > Brazil still not a shithole > Argentina still not a shithole > Costa Rica still not a shithole > Spain still not a shithole > Portugal still not a shithole > Canada still not a shithole
none of these countries are socialist, all of them hella suck
Andrew Scott
>> Britain still not a shithole >> Germany still not a shithole >> France still not a shithole >> Belgium still not a shithole >> The Netherlands still not a shithole >> Sweden still not a shithole >> Denmark still not a shithole >> Norway still not a shithole >> Finland still not a shithole >> Russia still not a shithole >> Egypt still not a shithole >> Syria still not a shithole >> Jordan still not a shithole >> South Africa still not a shithole >> China still not a shithole >> South Korea still not a shithole >> Australia still not a shithole >> New Zealand still not a shithole >> Venezuela still not a shithole >> Brazil still not a shithole >> Argentina still not a shithole >> Costa Rica still not a shithole >> Spain still not a shithole >> Portugal still not a shithole >> Canada still not a shithole What universe is this?
>russia still not a shithole >venezuela still not a shithole >brazil still not a shithole >egypt still not a shithole >syria still not a shithole excuse me are we living in the same universe?
Stop associating My Hero Academia with this shit, you dummie baitposter.
Literally, the My Hero Academia setting is capitalism with heroes competing with one another for reputation and money, which makes them want to actually improve themselves as opposed to being lazy and content. All Might is basically an Ubermensch anyhow.
>The anime is fine if you watch anime you should be banned from ever posting on Jow Forums. fucking pussy watching chinese cartoons, go outside fuck boy.
Austin Murphy
...and you wonder how SJWs managed to show us all as racist, divided basement-dwellers?
Fuck me, just let him watch his Korean comics
Ryder Barnes
is this anime for retarded faggots i see this thing being spammed inside retardded threads
Aiden Cooper
>Finland is a socialism >Social welfare system and high taxes are socialism
Do not respond to the thread. This is obvious bait.
Jaxson Garcia
Umm Canada isn't doing so great buddy. debt is on the rise and our growth is slow. the coming trade war could cost us to the tune of 100billion USD a year in GDP. totally going great up here in the great white north.