Nice “family values” you guys have , Conservashits
> the party of family values has unironically created children concentration camps
Other urls found in this thread:
Illegal invaders should be shot like they are in China.
>Render unto Ceaser what belongs to Ceaser"
We want family values for our people, taking care of shitskins is not that
If Jesus came here illegally I'd want him deported. What is your point?
Why don't you head to the border and do it yourself then, tough guy.
You posted this yesterday. Go away shlomo.
At least we know what bathroom to use.
Fuck off with your stale spam.
Report for breaking board rules.
Good thing I'm a conservative but not Christian huh? The appeals to emotion and mysticism don't sway my reasonable and logical judgement.
Stop shilling this thread all the time. It's spam and plus it's false since the poleece is Christian.
I would do it, but it's illegal, you know LAWS, shit your niggerspics can't even fathom. As soon as they give the word I'll be poppin heads and slayin reds with the rest of the AMERICANS.
There's nothing reasonable or logical about separating kids from their parents.
>don't believe in Jesus
>shame people using Jesus
>as soon as they give the word
So, never.
Have fun playing out your edgy fanasies in your head, bitch.
I hate when communists pretend that jesus was some sorta brown faggot anarchist instead of a ardent antisemitic monarchist/theocratic guy that preached against betraying the laws of the land
>There's nothing reasonable or logical about separating kids from their parents.
Cool, time to go on a murder-rape spree. Can't send me to jail and separate me from my kids, amirite?
>Point out it was happening under Obama
>Gets ignored and reposted a hundred times.
Holy shit jannies suck
>brown skin
jesus was white with blonde hair and blue eyes
unironically this
>hey I’m an atheist
>let me use your religion to shame you
>now let me mock you and your beliefs
I honestly wouldn’t care if these kids were being mass executed at this point.
He meant Mexicans. It is illogical to separate Mexicans from their children who go on murder-rape sprees, because Mexicans can't help them selves.
haha fuckoff paco. The govt gave me an ISIS hunting permit, I'm sure I can swing a chalupa hunting one in a few years.
>Illegal invaders should be shot
>logical fallacies
You can enforce the border without resorting to this sort of shit.
As far, as i know, Jesus didn't crossed the U.S. border ILLEGALLY
>Oy vey, you stupid christcucks OBEY!
>says the guy who aborts families away because "Muh Vagina"
>ISIS hunting permit
Which you've not made use of in the least.
Made by the Varg gang
Yes, thats best part of it.
>its okay for parents to bad things to their kids because its illogical to take them away
american indians lost the war. it was their fault for having millions of people and never organizing to defend the area from others. it is rightfully ours now.
>You can enforce the border without resorting to this sort of shit.
Maybe so, but why should we?
i love cherry picking jesus to make him some hippy
But its not, parents are breaking the law. You're just getting triggered because you think with emotion and not facts
Please proofread your shitposts prior to submission.
>Cuz everything belongs to Caesar.
>even tho dictator and his uncle was assassinated.
>even tho the State is evil, unjust, and owns nothing except what it can steal with force
you are retarded as fuck.
poor Paco is triggered because he doesn't understand english. Should I type slower and in CAPS for you?!!
Are Americans stupid? They must be if propaganda that claims that children should be locked up with adult criminals works on them.
We didnt create them. We didnt even create the policy.
The parents have caused the problem because, thanks to the liberal 9th circuit, we are only allowed to keep children in government custody for 20 days.
So these parents come in And immediately claim asylum status (which takes +40 days), thinking that law enforcement will not want to take them from their kids. Obama’s AG changed the law to where instead of ICE giving these children to detention centers after 20 days they just let them into the country, no questions asked.
So Trump got in and changed up that rule (of allowing any illegal who claims asylum status in) back to what it used to be and now the msm blames Trump for it.
You either have a border or you don’t. Just because a few kids cry doesnt mean we can bend over and allow anyone in, the same way we dont allow a drug dealer to get by just because he has a 3 year old at home.
What happened to native americans when they failed to fend off invaders?
How was Jesus white? He's from the fucking middle east - where your 'sandniggers' come from, right?
or israel
Well for one, it draws a whole lot of unwanted attention to the operation. All that'll do nake it more difficult for border pattol to do its job.
No, you're just being an idiot. Here's a thought. Why do you need seperate camps for kids? Keep them all in the same place and expedite the parents' processing. Minimize the time and distance kids are apart from their parents to a few hours and a couple hundred feet away.
That would make it easier to both defend this policy AND send them all back.
Are you saying illegal immigrants should become militarized and forcefully annex Texas?
Powerful point. If they would have just enforced their borders then we never would have taken their land.
Important lesson to learn for why we need border security
Thousands of US citizens are separated from their children when they get arrested for breaking the law EVERY FUCKING DAY.
Thousands of children are taken away from their US citizen parents EVERY FUCKING DAY.
Why should illegal foreign invaders get special treatment?
Where is the Liberal outrage over this?
Is it not obvious that if you want to enter a land without permission and occupy it against the will of the people that are currently there that you must use force?
Liberals are upset about this? I'm kinda liberal myself, but even I think that's retarded
I'm cool with sending the entire family back. Personally I never understood why the kids couldn't go back with the parents to their native country.
They're kids, not fetuses. Gas the little shits for all we care.
Nuke mejico. How that about?
So if you had a pregnant woman, you'd only gas the kid after they're born
I don't have an issue with that either.
What I do take issue with is putting the kids in camps and shit. Regardless of whether you think it inhumane or not, it just seems incredibly retarded and counter-productive.
They should put kids in adult prisons with criminals? Thats retarded.
The liberals are using the "b-but Jesus fled Herod to Egypt according to Matthew so he was a refugee"-argument, while they miss that even if it's true they never left Roman empire.
>he hasn't read the bible
ask me how i know you're a pleb
God yes, let the national guard wipe them out.
Haha! Let them fight it out with the pit bulls you shit faggot.
Syrians can have light skin and eyes, Lebanese can have light skin and eyes, but Jews 2000 years ago can't? They might not be white, but they were whiter than you Muhammad.
Pagang & nazbol are from the same kike discord you imbecile faggot, it's literally jidf antichrist antinazi shills.
You're missing the point.
There shouldn't even be a need to send the parents to a prison. The system should be expedited to facilitate a 24hr turnaround time between illegal crossing and deportation. Whats more, everything should be handled in one facility.
Keep them all in one place, get all the paperwork done quick. That reduces any possible psychological strain on the families, makes it easier to send them all back AND easier to defend the enforcement program.
That wouldn't deter ANYONE from trying to make the crossing. What you suggests sound quite pleasant. The slow turn around time is to disrupt their lives and make a failed crossing have worse consequences.
SJW's, stop trying to get high off emotion mixed with self deception. These are the results of CRIME committed by scum illegals.
>Jesus would be a democrat
Lol no.
What was it he said about selling your cloak and buying a sword?
Is it a general population camp, or a bunch of cells? Spics molest kids a lot, so if it's general population then a separate camp for kids is a more humane option. If they were in cells, with each family in a cell, then it might be safer to keep kids with the family.
>ICE has to call and confirm each deportation with the president
No wonder it's taking so fucking long.
I'd make them pay for the ejection process by putting them to work in chain gangs and fitting plugs and stuff before releasing them back where they came from.
If a failed illegal immigration attempt only took 24 hours they would be back in their shitty jobs and apartments before they lost them. Their kids probably wouldnt even miss school.
Do it on a weekend!
Two problems with that. Fear tactics like that attract lots of unwanted attention, like what's happening now.
Second, these people making the journey will not be deterred. Their living conditions are so shitty they'll still take the risk to cross, regardless of any family seperation boogeyman. Also, that won't work at all if they have no family/kids to be concerned over.
The only way to truly curb illegal immigration is for the nations that are bleeding citizens to stop being such shitholes. And I say that from firsthand experience.
American conservatives already revere a degraded form of the family. It only makes sense.
We lock up our own citizens separating them from their child. What is the difference? Criminals get separated.
How is Jesus paying taxes to the Romans without an SSN?
There are lots of reasons that it takes more than 24 hours. Due diligence. Duty of care. Refugee applications. Law. Making them disappear from their shitty lives for months on end means they lose what little they do have in Mexico.
And making them lose what little they do have makes them all the more desperate to escape their shithole homelands. Which in turn makes them more likely to try and cross again.
jesus was white as well as the other real israelites
The white race, the caucasoids are the actual chosen people, the Israeli people. This gets clear already when you see that Mount Aratat, where Noah landed with his arc is the same place where the white people, caucasusoids, come frome from, the Caucasus
It is also known that the blue eyed people all have a common anchestor
Which most likely was Noah
Furthermore the blue eyed white people are known across the world to come around and bring technology and knowledge and rule them for some time.
The sumerians believed the blue eyed white people where gods, the annunaki (even though i came to believe that the blue eyed possibly are other people during the sumerians, they at least have the blue eyed people and swastika as well).
The Aztecs as well, and describe them from coming over the sea with a ship that moved on its own.
The chinese talk about blue eyed and blonde haired people who created the first civilization and ruled in the early time. A lot of egyptians mummies are shown to have had blonde hair etc.
Hitlers Ahnenerbe tried to find out about the origins of the white people, and maybe he did find out the actual israelis are the whites with the jews being the blue eyed people, who are said that they will spread across the earth and rule everywhere. Same they did during colonisations. Hitler found out the (((jews))) of today arent the jews of the bible who are just
>those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead.
The "white privilege" people go on about, is actually the blessing of God
The bible story is actual real history. This gets clear when you look at the story of Joseph alone. Joseph, in the bible, was sold off as slave to egypt, where he became friends with the pharao and married his daughter. He was given authority over everything. Compare that with the Yuya-mummie which was blond by the way.
Hitlers "Herrenrasse" probably was meant to mean "Rasse des Herrn" "Race of the Lord"
The 1000 year Reich was meant to be the 1000 year Sabbath, the 7th day which never happened because Satan interrupted it and which is for God like a thousand years.
This is why the Nazis had a sense of superiority like the Israelis had for the goyim.
The (((Jew))), like everything, stole their identity from others. Just like they took german names, have plastic surgery to look more white, act white when it suits them they stole their whole identity of being a jew from the whites
>20 King Arius of the Spartans.
>To the high priest Onias. Greetings!
>21 It has been discovered in a written record that the Spartans and the Jews are relatives and are both of the family of Abraham. 22 Since we have learned this, please let us know how you are. 23 On our part, we write to let you know that what is yours—your livestock and property—belongs to us, and ours belongs to you. We therefore command that our envoys report to you in keeping with this.
>disagrees with me
>must be Muslim
American capitalists want unlimited immigration so that they personally can get richer. that means that its bad when you enforce borders. Its as simple as that.
You want maids and gardeners right? Illegal ones that will work for near nothing and have no protection under the law. You want ever rising rents and stagnant wages right? You want ever increasing numbers of customers so your business barely has take risks right? With a nation divided by ethnicity that means money can dominate politics even more than it does since the white middle class will be even more eroded.
Nazis went to the North and Southpole, both said to have openings, as well as tibet which has legends of an underground kingdom, shangri-la/shamballah.
Did Hitler find out that the whites, or at least those people who spreaded knowledge (which may have nothing to do with whites today) came from the inner earth, the biblical paradise, and from there spread their knowledge with others. Is this why (((they))) want to get rid completely of the white people?
the hopi indians, also have the swastika. and their legends involve humanity coming from out of a hole on earth, and during the end of the 4th world/cycle (i think it was the 4th) when the flood hit (whch probably was the same the bible mentioned as well as many others cultures) other people came out of the earth, the ant-friends or ant people, brought them underground and ensured their survival until the earth above is habitable again. further more. further more the word "anu" means for the hopi indians "ant" and naki "friend" while the sumerian gods were called anunaki, so probably those were the same.
All have legends of the pale blue eyed people and the swastika
>The aos sí ([eːs ˈʃiː], older form aes sídhe [eːs ˈʃiːðʲə]) is the Irish term for a supernatural race in Irish mythology and Scottish mythology (usually spelled Sìth, however pronounced the same), comparable to the fairies or elves. They are said to live underground in fairy mounds, across the western sea, or in an invisible world that coexists with the world of humans
>As part of the terms of their surrender to the Milesians, the Tuatha Dé Danann agreed to retreat and dwell underground.
Another interesting thing is that "Paradise" in the bible originally came from the word meaning "walled enclosure" which would be pretty much fitting to the inner earth.
We talked about the advanced white people coming out of the earth and spreading knowledge etc.
I believe that the swastika is a symbol used by this civilization living inside the hollow earth which possibly are angelic (I believe them to be what we call the Nordic Ays, the Pleiadians or tall whites as opposed to the reptillians and grey ayys who likely are demons and fallen angels) and that at some points they come out and guide humanity on the surface. Atlantis and Hyperborrea I believe to be an outpost of those that existed in 2 different points of time in different locations. If its not the angels themselves then they might be a splittergroup of the aryan/real israelites that spreadded across the earth and brought their symbol of God
In general I think its a symbol for the sun and thus God. The biblical year, which is absed on the movement around/of the sun has 360 days, like the 4 rightangles make 360 degrees. some also say its meant to mark the northern polar star (pic related) and the seasons, but the seasons are again based on the sun making me think thats the symbolism at work.
Pic related is the Oronce Fine Map from 1531, it depicts antarctica even though it officially was only discovered 1820.
>Terra Australis (Latin for South Land) is a hypothetical continent first posited in antiquity and which appeared on maps between the 15th and 18th centuries. The existence of Terra Australis was not based on any survey or direct observation, but rather on the idea that continental land in the Northern Hemisphere should be balanced by land in the south.
this is their excuse on why antarctica is seen on maps before its discovery (there are multiple around). furthermore they mostly show south america down to the southest part, but then suddenly werent able to discover antarctica which is just just next door?
also take a look at the northpole of this map, and compare it with...
...this one of hyperborrea. remember, the northpole, just as the southpole is rumored to have an opening
Sounds like you are just making any excuse you can for them. Prevention is better than a cure. An attempted crossing needs to be not worth it.
What you suggest makes it cost less.
now this map supposedly shows the inner earth and were released by the KGB (at least all sources claim so and i didnt find any sources debunking any of it) which they seized after WW2. Nikolai Subbotin, russian journalist who seems to have some reputation, has an interview about these documents. but sadly its in russian with german subtitles only. but if you speak either of those languages:
however to note here is that it shows asgard, the land of the nordic gods to be inside the earth
Exactly as many people dying at these ones as at the nazi ones 2
schlomo in pic related later appeared in another thread again, said he asked his rabbi who just stated that its a nothingburger and that there is nothing to it seemingly not wanting to talk further about it.
also regarding pic related:
the hebrew alphabet doesnt have any vowels, so both paradise and pardes would both be written the same (prds) giving another connection
The Sacred Cenote (Spanish: cenote sagrado, American Spanish: [ˌsenote saˈɣɾaðo], "sacred well"; alternatively known as the "Well of Sacrifice") refers to a noted cenote at the pre-Columbian Maya archaeological site of Chichen Itza, in the northern Yucatán Peninsula
>According to post-Conquest sources (Maya and Spanish), pre-Columbian Maya sacrificed objects and human beings into the cenote as a form of worship to the Maya rain god Chaac
throwing stuff in a hole to worship their gods which leads me back to subterranian worlds too
also think of wishing wells
Or a more recent one
>After she learned to speak English, the girl explained that she and her brother had come from Saint Martin's Land, a subterranean world inhabited by green people.
>implying they are gona arrest a jew
Jesus did not have brown skin
Saged KYS
>brown skin
>depicted as classical looking Jesus in pic
The Left truly couldn't make a good meme to save their soul.
No, you just don't understand.
The risk will ALWAYS be worth the reward for these people. Only way to stop them is for their home states to improve living conditions.
Those places were running for all of obama's presidency as well.
once again, when did it ever say that? Mind quoting?