this is fucked up on so many levels.
European (((socialism))) everyone.
How Cucked Spain is?
Other urls found in this thread:
Assuming this is real, people need to start being ripped from their homes and executed in the streets.
looks like a bug infestation taking place, fuck
like a disease
Calm down, mutt. The Spanish are very tolerant people who overwhelmingly welcome refugees, support interracial relationships, and love LGBT rights. They will be more than happy to sacrifice their livelihood for those less fortunate.
sounds gay
Not as cucked/blacked as france.
Being decent human beings with a heart for children who starved in a dinghey for months after escaping a country torn by war (started by white people) =/= being "cucked"
Turns out every zombie movie ever made was a metaphore for niggers taking over civilization.
fuck off nigger, there's no children, nor women.
also look at the Hazmat suits they are wearing.
just kys.
I would burn it to the ground, preferably with the mud people inside
World War Z
zombies are based on voodoo / african mythology too
OMFG it's like zombies in world war z
Honestly, we just need to have armed guards shooting at this point or else society will collapse.
>citing infowars
>Hazmat suits they are wearing.
It's 99% jews that are running these boats and they know full well what they are unleashing
>Muh meds are masculine Chads
>Only the North is cucked
No one excepts the really far left wants them to stay here. We remained clean until now, so normal people kind of just have the feeling to aid those people in "danger". But the majority of people wants them to be aided and expelled.
The left is losing votes every day, and it's easily seen. Only the youth supports them. Their last "win" was due by the corruption of the right party in power, b
I love how the left clings to its fake news (CNN, huffington) while the rest of the world laughs at its inability to discern obvious propaganda and move with everyone else in the 20th century to legitimate media
Should be a new law that any politician who supports letting in these people have to personally house them. Watch their "humanitarianism" die instantly.
I can offer refuge to one qt spanish girl that wants to go away from these africans and arabs.
are catalonia left wing voters?
I'm currently studying in that same center, and that's just not true...
This is unironically the based thing to do. University is infested with leftist propaganda and brainwashing. By attacking it's very students at a vulnerable and critical time in their life, we're giving them an antidote. This is much better than tent camps in parks and is applied systematically, will change a generation forever and cure Europe. I hope my country starts doing this.
I'm not going to fight for this country or its people that's for sure.
If they want me, then pay me.
>Aquarius migrants sent to Valencia
>They gave inmigrants 45 days of free walk in Spain, but they have to go to sleep at inmigrant centers
>They decide to call their families and leaving Spain because they don't want to live here
top kek our lazyness wins again
It's not a university tho, it's more of a high school
No, the based thing to do is to fucking make the boats go back in the middle of the Mediterranean, deny port docking like Itally and not allow to lefty scum overide the law and bully the public with identity politics.
Fuck off you filthy snowdweller cuck. Stalin should have ravaged your fucking country so you would be afraid of Markxism like Poland that you resist left wing propaganda and identity politics.
So because I think infowars is shit, therefore I watch CNN or something? Maybe if you read a book, or some well writen news, you could learn some critical thinking
>a few panzer divisions
try an u-boat
This is some Planet of the Apes shit
there's the spanish source higher on the thread, do you read spanish? fucking degenerate retard.
We should use latvia as canon fodder again.All in favor say Aye!.
so a few young spaniards just got redpilled. excellent
>When they see white booty for the first time
So mostly the exact people who screech for wanting them all to be let in, lmao it's poetry.
Condolences to those who aren't that way.
Spain belongs in the garbage. They've been shit for ages now
Yea I read both and if you had read either you wouldn't be defending them so passionately. Some shit written on a regional spanish website and an infowars article isnt really that convicing. Clearly it doesn't take much to get you excited though
Guys I'm studying in that same center, and that is just not true, no one has been forced out of nowhere, classes ended a month ago, and all rooms are empty. Also, they're going to locate the migrants on a currently abandoned building in the area, that's literally on the other side of the complex where students are.
In that same campus there's a very crowded police station, where rookie cops go to train and learn cop stuff, that happens to be right next to the abandoned building where they'll stay.
I'm currently there doing my firefighter training, and we've been using that same abandoned building to practice rescues and structural fires, trust me, is not a good place to spend even a single night.
I don't know for how long those blacks will be staying here, but in september the place will be full with students, some of them are girls aged 16-18, so maybe then we could have a bad case of swedish style rape lol we'll find out.
madre mía...
Well, time to move your stuff into storage and burn the place down.
Sí, madre mía, qué raro que la Sexta o Público no estén informando sobre esto...
Lmao when is your nation going to get again?
Lmao this guy doesnt know how to take an L. Log off bro, take a break. You're embarassing yourself
No te pongas así hombre jaja, yo no he mencionado la Secta o Púbico para nada, ni siquiera me gustan, pero citar intereconomia o 13tv como referente de sinceridad mientras dices que cnn es fake news, pues que quieres que te diga, ni tanto ni tan calvo.
además como ya he dicho en estoy estudiando ahí mismo y te digo que no es verdad, esta misma mañana he estado ahí haciendo unas prácticas en el parking y he visto el percal, y te digo que no es como lo están contando, no me hace gracia que nos metan a toda esta gente con calzador los sociatas a los dos días de tocar gobierno, pero simplemente no es verdad todo lo que se está diciendo
everybody see you're a shill.
i'm hidding your replies.
memeflag israeli rat.
true, spain claims to be socialist but is extremely broke and poor so they offer lesser gibs than our government do
if those lazy niggers could have the same comfort in spain they'll stay here
(((you're))) not a human, you are below us
Almost Sweden tier
should've held the line at stalingrad , faggot.
Cant hold the line if the enemy has tanks and airplanes while you use rifles.
lol. That bitch sunbathing literally has no clue what just happened. She is lucky that the hordes didn't rape her on the spot. She probably has laredy been raped by this point. I can't wait till Europe at large starts purging these niggers violently.
But you can switch sides at the last moment.
Reminds me of this time I saw a law float ashore while fishing and a ton of rats came out of it.
You mean after they took and ravaged our capital after they went on a raping spree? Yeah I guess we didnt have much of a choice, also all high ranking generals and officers got killed at the end of the war for being considered a threat.
This gotta be fake news. The news sources this guy is giving out are famous for manipulating reality. I am not sure about "Info Wars", but Intereconomia and CasoAislado tend to exaggerate and manipulate lots.
>Critical thinking
>Is a degenerate that like to other men’s cocks in its ass
That's fair, sorry for the mean joke pham.
>Immigrants from countries belonging to the former Spanish Empire (mainly in Central and South America–Latin America–, Asia–the Philippines– and Africa–Equatorial Guinea and Western Sahara–) can obtain Spanish nationality after legal and continuous residence of 2 years in Spain, after which naturalized citizens are no longer counted as immigrants.
>Since the end of the 20th century the number of foreigners who have obtained Spanish nationality has grown steadily, as Spain has been the EU country with the biggest number of approved naturalizations since 2010 until 2015. 1 out of 4 naturalizations made in the European Union in 2014 were belonging to Spain. Most of these naturalizations went to citizens coming from Latin America (which explains the massive decrease of these citizens counting as immigrants in Spain) mainly from Colombia, Ecuador and Perú, although Morocco was amongst the top 3 as well
>In the same way the majority of children born in Spain between 2000 and 2010 are children of immigrants despite not counting as such. Considering these data, there are sectors of Spanish society who oppose immigration that affirm the real number of immigrants in Spain is 10–11 million, or about 25% of the total population.
Would really appreciate if you could provide sources for that greentext. Thanks in advance
t. a Spaniard
We must leave before it's too late
fuck off israeli meme flaggot
How many refugees are you hosting in your own bed Hans? Besides the bull for your wife of course
Ok now we're invading your part too
Which used
And also the INE
you're typing this on a computer.
why haven't you sold your computer for cash to help feed the refugees?
Thanks m8
Spain has an extremely high unemployment rate. This will back fire on the Jewish elites.
and you visit pol? what a coincidence
or they will end up in France..
That Macron cuck already said he'll take some of them.