>I can’t believe Trump would do something this cruel and inhumane!
>turns out Obama did it
>Temporary Administrative Detention Centers! Very rare! Exception to rule!
>I can’t believe Trump would do something this cruel and inhumane!
>turns out Obama did it
>Temporary Administrative Detention Centers! Very rare! Exception to rule!
Other urls found in this thread:
China (next global superpower) shoots their illegals dead and dumps them into unmarked graves.
Dems are just waiting until a kid ends up dead at a detention center. They will probably make it happen this summer.
When that happens all hell is going to break loose.
Meanwhile back in reality, the separation of children from undocument citizens was signed on April 6th, 2018 by white suprement Jeff Sessions
lol obama did nothing good
Pretty progressive, I'm sure the left has something similar in mind for all the WHITE MALES REEEEE
Dems will take care of it themselves.
Don't forget that the ninth circuit court set the rules for separating families.
Why would anyone go to China?
Repeal part of the 14th that grants birthright citizenship. Then the whole family can get deported. If liberals don't want to seperate the families then there is only one solution, and that's to repeal the 14th.
Tfw US and Canada are only developed countries in the world that grant birthright citizenship
No one on pol gives 2 shits about reality
do you only have 3 anime pictures you spam to pretend to fit in?
Boys, I think it's time we looked into this Chinese innovation.
The worst part is that the media didn't report it.
Meanwhile back in reality, this document says nothing about the separation of families.
Hook me up with some links man - Had to find anything on Jewgol
Also, my cousin was deported. Expensive jets were used to transport him from one detention center to another instead of deporting him on the date promised. He arrived to the U.S as a teenager, lived and worked here for half of his life.
I don't understand this argument.
Are the right saying everything Obama does is good, therefore what Trump is doing is also good. WTF is the argument here?
The argument is no one gave a shit when Obama did it. Now it's a problem, because Trump.
the argument is - as we all know - that the left are raging hypocrites, who are easily manipulated by fake news
you are quite literally participating in your 2 minutes of hate
well done
the argument is this is a manufactured outrage because if this truly horrific then it would have been horrific four years ago. And this is just people who don't like trump bitching because they offer no solutions and just whine like little faggots...sort of like you
Ppl are so blinded by their hatred for Trump and willingness to turn on America that they don't even feel the need to look into anything any further that a virtue signalling headline. They're totally fine with hitting a mental roadblock at 'muh feels'
That's how righteous these assholes think they are.
Your argument hinges on the idea that Obama used this same policy, to separate 100% children from parents, as a deterrent to prevent illegal boarder crossing. But the facts don't support this. Even if Obama administration was forced to do the same action, it wasn't done willfully as a deterrent or punishment. IN ORDER FOR THIS ACT TO FUNCTION AS PUNISHMENT/DETERRENT YOU NEED MORAL OUTRAGE which you clearly stated didn't happen during the Obama administration because you're all whining about there being lack of moral outrage.
The Fox sponsored echo chamber is shilling the fuck out of this idea, but the facts just don't line up.
A lot of these kids are being saved from traffickers and predators. You have to realize that most of these people can't even prove that these kids are theirs.
They will eventually be reunited or worst case put into foster care, nobody is getting taken out to the woods and buried in a mass grave.
What reality is this where a leaf makes sense
whoops, there goes america's kike party (aka democ-rats)
Of course it was done "willfully". It's the law. Execution of the law against lawbreakers is "punishment".
Obama had no scandals! Trump so mean..,
they can drown them while in the """""""""""cages""""""""". i dont give a fuck
Every liberal faggot cunt person I associate with is calling for 'protests' on facebook now. jesus christ kill me. What do they expect? Do they just want us to bring these illegal faggot kids into our country, give them a home, health insurance and free money for the rest of their lives?
They why delete all their tweets after learning it was under obummer?
History will know him as the first black president and nothing else. He did nothing good, and his main "accomplishment" (obummercare) will get dismantled under Trump.
>mexicans are not who we are as a nation
I agree
are they going to be reunited inside or outside the country? this is all fucking pointless if these fucking subhumans are gonna wind up inside the border anyways.
The outrage is right. The kids should be sent to jail with their parents.
lol my buddies gf is going full sjw and flipping out on him and all his friends, she's threatening to break up with him.
She's already said Trump is like Hitler and we're all condoning genocide.
Obongo having camps full of lonely isolated children is creepy, who knows what that pedo fuck got up to
South of the border
drumpf is a son of an immigrant and his 2 wives are immigrants and his mutted kids are immigrants
That’s funny. If it was a 2018 policy, how did Hillary Clinton endorse it in 2015?
Checkmate meme fag
Ayo hol up. Let's not forget the Obama administration literally ripping away the child of loving foster parents because the girl was 1.5% choctaw indian. She was filmed being taken against her will from her home. The saddest and most maddening thing I've seen with my own eyes in a long time.
WHITE immigrants. Important distinction!
Thank you Mr PRESIDENT for grabbing all of those pesky little illegal alien babies at the border and housing them in dog kennels and also for delivering every single Latino vote in America to the Democrats in November. Yippee!
Or Clinton with sending back Elian Gonzalez? It’s not new.
Oh you mean those people who actually went through the proper channels and did it legally? Not the people that try and sneak into the country and get caught?
And somehow still never applied for citizenship
Except obama didn't do it, the court's intervened and a judge prevented it. Jesus christ op how anout you actually learn about what your talking about instead of out of your ass?
>B-but Obama d-did it
Talk yourselves out of the Democrats takeover of congress in November. This shit is political gold.
>Also, my cousin was deported
because no matter how long he may have lived here, he didnt come here legally.
do you know how many people wait to become american with actual paper works?
i hope you deepy feel ashamed.
>Literally says nothing about separating children from illegal aliens
Lurk moar Achmed
Why does the media keep saying that Trump could end this policy if he wanted? The only other option is to literally not enforce the law and let the people disappear into our country with a court hearing they will never show up for.
When you are opposition > we need more compassion
When you govern > that’s what the law says
This is the summary of entire western culture
Post these to your SJW friends who are flipping out
>inb4 CBS are republican propaganda
>inb4 CNN and Obama are republican propaganda
if you could let me know where to watch fox, i'd appreciate it
i live in the uk, and it was removed off our channels over a year ago
but keep parading about your ignorant talking points, you colossal faggot
Avatar-fagging again today, are we? Didnt you get enough (you)s from the other threads?