Where do you get your philosophy from Jow Forums?
Who are some based Philosophers/Intellectuals?
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Zizek is a marxist. Read literature and grow your own mind.
molyneux taught me everything i know
Thats fucking sad. He is not in any way a philosopher, he has 0% connection with the God energies of Old.
Dr. J. Goebbels - Our Existential Crisis
Sizes is a cocaine addicted fuckwit. Seriously check out him repeatedly sniffing in his public talks. It's fucking pathetic.
Instead, try John Zezan. He hates both the Left and the Right. Especially hates the Left for its bullshit.
>nothing by Nassim Taleb
Shit list. I mean some of that stuff is good but a lot of it is too abstract to be useful. Especially to a beginner.
Naturalism/Gaia Hypothesis
Attacks secular humanists and western liberal democracy.
Size -> Zizek
>God energies of Old
That's pleb filter, Žižek is actually based.
Explains the nature of the Jew from a biological and a metaphysical POV
Who are we cheering for Jow Forums?
dragan glavasic
based serbian
kevin alfred strom
from the national alliance
certainly not ziziek.
the daily stormer
Myself, because i'm not a brainlet
"The Jew" by Joseph Goebbels
A lot of good life lessons in this article.
Jordan Peterson
Timeless arguments against universal suffrage and against Marxist Socialism.
Forgot pic
I'd rather call him cpt. Moron.
Great ways to milk the goys for shekels
Kekistani flag... cringe
Philosophy is just theology for the degenerate and broken.
>Where do you get your philosophy from Jow Forums?
from spending just as much energy thinking about how things are false as how they're true
theology = bluepill
philosophy = redpill
You mean Zerzan, correct?
You would recommend a former flower child Thoreau wannabe whose claim to fame is that he became the Unabomber's BFF after reading the Unabomber's Manifesto?
From books, nigger
Nietzsche, the greatest philosopher of the 19th century.
>theology isn't useless slave morality
Jow Forums is 18+
Zizek is a fucking Marxist retard, why the fuck are we not fucking burning OP at the stake right now? Has pol gone insane or have the bots learned to communicate with each other?
>slave morality cuck thinking his brainlet opinions matter
The age rule really isn't a joke. Pls leave.
Why learn from a philosopher? Any knowledge that you do not supply for yourself is simply stolen, and does not mean you are a smarter or more enriched person.
the mayor of flavor town, guy fieri
Is Zizek's stroked out face thing fixed yet?
Most of Jow Forums is illiterate and they get their worldview from podcasts and yt videos. The probably don't know who this man is. Then again most leftists don't either.
Standing on the shoulders of a giant is not cowardice or a sign of weakness, but rather of humbleness.
Zizek is really very different from typical leftard onions, he is fairly reasonable and makes convincing arguments.
I suppose one reason to read philosophy would be not to make stupid mistakes like thinking ideas can be stolen, i.e. removed from whomever you've stolen it, and that someone else's ideas are less likely to make one smarter or a more enriched person than ideas you supply for yourself.
I'll just take my chances and hope it's as clear to the mods that you're too young to be here. I'm hiding you now, person whose misused wojak is indicative of a mind too underdeveloped to realize their thoughtless name-calling isn't hurting anyone's fee fees.
Leftists claim Zizek is a fascist because he proposes counterarguments to their persistent kvetching, and because he likes to tell sexist and racist jokes just to make a point about his audience's ideology.
Also Zizek is pretty clear about how he feels about the pitfalls of the Marxist-Leninist and Stalinist states, he's a very interesting post-Soviet speaker who basically BTFO's people on all sides of the spectrum through his (sort of contrarian) synthesis.
Dude is also pretty hilarious, he is way more intellectually stimulating than someone like Peterson. He does tend to ramble, though. It's clear he has actually read and reacted directly to the "post modern" bullshit that Peterson can only vaguely describe; if you read any of his books he cites frankfurt school stuff directly (Peterson only waves his hands and says "these guys are no good because they aren't individualists [citation needed]"
Praise Hegel.
You won't be able to keep up with thousands of years of ideas produced by true thinkers. One of the abilities that made us the apex predator is the ability to share and pass knowledge. You'd be dumber than a fucking animal to think that it's not wise to learn from others.
His lisp bothers me and I can't listen to his lectures.
Mencius Moldbug and to a lesser extent Nick Land
Nietzsche. He hated the state, loved violence and war, and thought that women should stick to making more men. the people you call soiboys and basedboys he called The Last Men, and meant basically the same thing. Nazis loved him for a reason.
Moldbug is like Nietzsche in that he's good at diagnosing problems but utterly useless in providing tangible solutions.
Milton Friedman
*schniff* just keep *schniff* listening and you get used to it
Alive? None really.
Christian Philosophy for the modern era.
>I was only 19 years old.
>I loved Žižek so much, I had all the books and films.
>I pray to Žižek every night, thanking him for the knowledge he's given me. “Žižek is love” I say, “Žižek is life."
>My dad is Jordan Peterson. He hears me and calls me a cultural marxist. I knew he was just jealous of my devotion to Žižek.
>I called him a pseudo-intellectual.
>He hits me and sends me to sleep.
>I'm crying now and my face hurts.
>I lay in bed and it's really cold. i smell something...
>It's Žižek! I was so happy.
>He whispers in my ear an obscene joke.
>As I laugh he grabs me with his slavic hands, and puts me on his lap. I'm ready.
>I am all ears for Žižek.
>He penetrates my mind and expands my view on the current predicament.
>It hurts so much, but I do it for Žižek. I can feel my neoliberal illusions shatter and my eyes starting to water as i am picturing future authoritarian regimes in the west.
>I want to revitalise the left.
>He sniffs a mighty sniff as he fills my young mind with his wisdom.
>My dad walks in.
>Žižek looks him straight in the eye and says,
>"Capitalism is approaching an authoritarian phase."
>Žižek crushes him in a debate and leaves through my window.
>Žižek is love. Žižek is life.
read his books then
So is Zizek a (((leftist)))?
Retards learning from retards.
I've read some of his articles, I currently have Welcome to The desert of the real on my bookshelf.
He's clearly not stupid, but I don't necessarily agree with his conclusions.
Sadly true. I like his patchwork Idea but there's no way to implement it (especially in the US) that wouldn't require hercules tier effort.
The one way of achieving this that I can think of is to wait for charter cities (Look them up, especially the one called Neom in Saudi Arabia) to become more widespread and for one of these to eventually become totally independant. I don't think you could take away land from the US Government (the strongest government in the western hemisphere) but if someone sets up a charter city somewhere in the third world and eventually seccedes from the local state that might work.
Alternatively we could just remove kebab from Germany. If that happens I'd be content with living here as opposed to moving to some privatized Singapore rip off :^)
Gee does he actually do coke? Ffs he looks blitzed
and he's fucking rambling, no point, no structure, obscure references, can't physically speak... man.
He's basically rattling the old leftist propaganda.
>muh utopia
>muh equalitarian society
Conclusion: he is a (((leftist))) and a degenerate.
lotta spooks itt
Bryan Caplan
Michael Huemer
>muh zizek
What the fuck is this entry level college courses in 2008? Get a grip gramps.
yes and no
Slavoj on "Antifascists", Neoliberal establishment
Slavoj on Political Correctness
have you tried reading his articles? i really like them
haha clean your room XD
got one in particular?
What I get is that he acknowledges that capitalism is necessary for a healthy society. So he's basically turning into a welfare state faggot, correct?
Slavoj on how normies hate immigrants
google zizek the guarian articles,
>So he's basically turning into a welfare state faggot, correct?
Aren't you the guy that always posts Christian stuff with an anime picture? Isn't that kind of a contradiction?
Quick rundown on Neom:
Quick rundown on patchwork:
Based Spookposter
In other words: he is turning into a neo-liberal, i.e. the left's version of (((neoconservatism))).
Did anyone honestly even read Stirner until recently? I feel like he was a forgotten footnote that got memed into semipopularity lately.
> the ego is a spook
he just gets btfo and laughed out of the room if you bring him up in university
i don't think so, mate
Stirner was a really big influence on "KNEE-CH-UH" and Evola which is pretty evident from the way they write and the ideas they have. Personally they were much easier for me to "get" after read the ego. Not only that, Marx was so triggered by Stirner that he wrote more trying to refute his arguments than all of the surviving works of Stirner combined. He is unfortunately underrated and not given nearly as much attention, but his ideas are, to pardon the pun, a ghost that haunts philosophy even to this day.
He and later Nietzsche adress this exact point. Clearly you haven't read either.
A neo-liberal is a leftist that acknowledges and praises capitalism. Might not exactly be the same as a neocon, but it's the same parasitic behavior.
Just read a book or something
cite it, mick
wow, this is some solid schizoposting.
I lol'd at "This book is dedicated to my grandmother" immediately followed by a naked girl covered in bacon grease
(srsly though seek help)
does it matter? we can learn so much from zizek
Like what? I'm open-minded.
I know he BTFO Marx and made him incredibly asshurt which makes it worth it as far as I'm concerned.
does it matter what he believes in? if what he says makes sense why not listen to him
I'm not going to go through the whole book to find a single paragraph buddy, especially when you have just admitted you haven't read the book. Do it yourself, I'm not your professor. None the less, they both state that solely pursuing self interest is putting egoism above yourself.
never heard of the guy.. who is he?