Brit/pol/ - Sculpture Head Nationalism Edition

>BREXIT LIVE: May's 36 HOURS to save Brexit as Barnier threatens to BAN UK from EU security

>What we’ve lost in the Glasgow art fire

>These are the best under £30 swimwear on the high street…and they’ll suit every body shape

>Mother beaten up for daring to ask teenager to stop climbing on her shed

> Heather Locklear is hospitalized after threatening to shoot herself

>Tory rebels will struggle to defeat Brexit bill as allies are lost and waverers alienated

>Sajid Javid announces government review of medicinal cannabis

>Medicinal cannabis use to be reviewed by government

>Judge says fracking not banned in Scotland

>Couple's anger after 'stillborn' son died in their arms

>Aidan McAnespie: Soldier faces checkpoint killing charges

>Abusive Birmingham husband 'beat wife and locked her indoors'

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is now a Daffers thread

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Start eating seaweed you found on the fucking beach.

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kek brilliant thread

will you even try to run?

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>but we (Sky 2)
lost my shit

The absolute fucking state of poles

can't fucking stand pillars

Time for spiritual warfare! Who is with me?

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Remember to pray to Jesus, God and Mary
They are your family!

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fuck off Catholic scum. this is an orange thread

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Rawr. I'll bite you

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Based Ed backing legalization

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That was a good thread.

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>the only way out of this mess is to pay the Catholic Church and listen to them over Jesus because you have no personal relationship with God
fucking Catholics

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Man: Woaah Mary is really cool isn't she, i mean she birthed you
Jesus: Careful big guy, god only
Man: Oh yeah

literally from the bible

rate this brown person. do u like him brit/pol/ ?

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how much are you going to pay me to watch that

I'm the only based ed around here

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Away with your papish idolatory.

I'm actually not a catholic, but Mary is important! She is the mother of humanity! Being the mother of Jesus makes her the Mother of God! She is the beating heart of Europe!

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There's nothing wrong with praying to Mary mother of Jesus! She is a most wonderful spirit!

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2 (you)'s , just watch it init. dont be a cunt

>Jesus: Careful big guy, god only

Hmm, I wonder if this could be a.... lie? Most amusing dear. Jesus loved his mother! Why would he disparage her like that?

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Protestantism is idolatry of the self and leads directly to modern humanist liberalism.

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This tbqh

>"you're asking me if I vote and I told you I don't, I don't know why you think that's a bad thing. For me we have a monarch and the Crown is what I respect as it comes from God, politicians are just soulless career driven rats, why would I vote for them? only one vote counts and that is God's and he voted for the Crown"

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Love Mary. God save Queen Mary

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>having no spiritual hierarchy

i made it to 1:34. what is the point of this twaddle?

Luke 11, and verse 27, “It came about while He said these things one of the women in the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, ‘Blessed is the womb that bore You and the breasts at which You nursed.’“ Sounds like a pre-Catholic Catholic. The Blessed Virgin. “‘Blessed is the womb that bore You and the breasts at which You nursed.’“ But He said, “No, just the opposite. Blessed are those who hear the Word of God and,” what? “Observe it.”

>"people always seem to love to attach their personal feelings to things which are very simple in reality, take fascism for example, it seems obvious to me that it's just an amalgamation of the powers of state but everyone keeps trying to attribute unrelated things to it, economy for example is not inherent to fascism the same way it isn't to democracy, either
may be socialist or capitalist but that doesn't make either system inherently socialist or capitalist. This seems obvious to me, but not to other, maybe I'm just smarter than most, I don't know."

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That nigga head says sex

We closed our session last time talking about the fact that the Roman Catholic Church teaches that Mary had more righteousness than she needed to get into heaven. She had more merit than was required and so her excess merit was deposited in what is called The Treasury of Merit, and you can take the merit that Mary gained and deposit it there and have it applied to your life as a Roman Catholic so that it can shorten or eliminate earthly discipline. Or more importantly, it can shorten your time in Purgatory. This is the doctrine of The Treasury of Merit, the doctrine of Indulgences, or Absolution. You receive a certain amount of forgiveness by the merit or the righteousness of Mary being imputed to you in life and in Purgatory. Her good works, the good works of the Blessed Virgin, are in the Treasury of Merit. Roman Catholic theology, you’ll remember, says that Treasury of Merit includes the good works of the Virgin, immense and unfathomable, and pristine in their value before God.
Inventing this goddess who has nothing to do with the true Mary of actual history, the mother of Jesus, inventing this goddess and giving her powers of mediation of all graces, giving her powers of redemption, and giving her powers of imputed righteousness to the accounts of those who appeal to her is a fabrication. It is, as I said, the inventing of a goddess by the mingling of paganism and Gnosticism with Christianity. It really all is paganism, and all is Gnosticism; only the name Mary is borrowed from Christianity.

In 36 hours we'll have left the EU

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>Inventing this goddess who has nothing to do with the true Mary of actual history, the mother of Jesus

Mary Mother of God is a Goddess! She is God's wife! The mother of his son!

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Set phasers to fun user! We're leaving the EU!

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there is no point to it, was just asking if you liked him or not

There's a christfag general for this shit lads. If not, go make it and argue with yank "fundamentalists" and 3rd world catholics to your heart's content.

no pakis out

>you worship mary and statues!!!
You've had over 400 years to come up with something new.

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anonymongs BTFO

How much have you had to drink now? You're spamming and talking to yourself.

I like you :D

Hmmm sounds like he's revering his mother here. I don't see anything about "Don't give my mother respect, she's nobody" Mary is put down by haughty little boys who have no respect for their own mothers! Most disappointing!

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Go and read The Doctrine of Fascism Eddie.

Thanks lad. I aim to please

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daffers btfo you anonymong

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i want


i need
this woman's cock inside me

>"did you seriously just ask me if murdering babies is okay? go away this interview is over"
Daffers on abortion

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That's pretty fucking degenerate m8

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brainlets won't even comprehend how epic a get that is

just watched the Tree of Life with my gf, mum and sister
i personally enjoyed it but the three of them were bored silly and wanted it to end at every moment

didn't realise the "films women will never understand" meme was true until now

Is that tranny your new avatar?

>letting your gf meet your mum and sister

Did you know that 7 is a God number?

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Skynet is coming.

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It's summer, I'm living at home, gf comes over all the time. What's wrong with the gf being with my family?

little bit too blunt imo
at least let them pose the kill the baby or the mother dies scenario or even ask if that includes the morning after pill (72 hours ladies, don't forget that)

yes it's also a prime number

keep business and personal life separate

Malick films are a shit choice for a family movie really.

>72 hours
that is old info desu
might slightly longer now
check with your gp or at your nearest family planning or sexual health clinic

interest moral/legal question has just pooped into my mind

what's the status of forcing your girl to take the morning after pill?

why don't you tweet mate if you disagree with her

give a tweet to reply to?

99% sure legally you cant force her to take a pill. morally of course.

Il Capo? on brit/pol/? why!?!

What are you guys planning on using your Brexit dividend on?

Birth control and abortion are morally wrong. You are setting a bad example for your woman.

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>you cant force her
you can

i'm not advocating physical violence of course
but under certain scenarios
she would get a constant tongue lashing until she did
if she was catholic (or any other denomination i suspect would refuse to abort the moment she misses her period) i'd double that to telling her mum

Wait a moment are you saying Art Attack was a British show? Damn I loved that show and now you ruined it.

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as is sex out wedlock
but it still happens mate
and "you" have to work out what to do?

take poison and kill a dozen cells
wait a bit, take a stronger poison, kill an almost baby
wait longer, snip a babies head off
wait even longer dump a baby in a children's home

do nothing and end up a single mother?

buy a ticket to france?

you said legally. you could murder her in practice, not legally.

Eternal Anglo does it again.

Does that mean we need to assemble a team of aliens, time travelers and ESPers?

but what's the line on coercion?
and is it even a crime to coerce someone to have an abortion?
i like this question needs properly qualified legal advice and i shouldn't have asked it desu

how the fuck could it not be a british show you stupid cunt
did they have german commentary or some shit
for a show you loved you know fuck all about it
bavarian retard

>i like this
i feel like this question needs an expert

The Occult war has already been raging. Pay attention.

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Have you considered donating blood Hans?

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>you can't be 11 and like a show without knowing where it's originally from
>localization doesn't exist
Anglos are so stupid.

This haemo-draught is absolute torture

>11 year olds don't know what a British accent is
I have a theory that you are an actual literal demon from hell

>Anglos are so stupid.
Maybe, but you can't touch our papier-mâché skills.

Hello benders, what's occurring?
Is a fucking muslimshite going to be hosting QT then?

Joe Rogan
was announced this morning

>British accent
>in a show on german television where everybody speaks german
True Anglo intellectuals in here.

So for all you know all your best childhood programmes could be british....

Are you speaking about the German version of OUR show beelzebub?

I like the idea of Disney buying Sky.

He is. They had their own version with their own presenters.