Has anybody here kind of opted out of politics in general?

Has anybody here kind of opted out of politics in general?
I mean, I still follow what's going on, lurking, but without actually voicing your concern
I've grown somewhat apathetic to what's going on now and I'm happy about it, compared to people on Facebook who do nothing but share anti-Trump posts and memes and take any opportunity to virtue signal
It's all become so tiring having to see politics interjected into everything nowadays

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You've done your bit user. Train yourself. Get ready for the battles to come.

Nihilism is the only way to survive this prison planet

No, I tell everyone everywhere I go the gospel of national socialism. WAY more people are receptive to it now than ever before!

Max cringe. Gotta Click em all.

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lol, didn't read. fuck you

I certainly have. I've gotten my shit together, moved out of mommy and daddy's house, and have started adulting. I quickly realized that I don't have time for the Outrage-of-the-Day.
Heck, I hate Jow Forums's positions almost more than when I was a normie.

Bottom line, unless something is happening directly to me or people I care about, then I have bigger shit to shovel.

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I try to show people the light but when i talk about splitting the ocean with a stick and animiating a pile of mud with my lungs they start to think im retarded or jewish and quit listening

Tried to do that from the get go, but then politics kept invading things. They were always there, but it just got so bad. Yes, though, I would prefer just opting out of it for the most part.

Way to break the conditioning, bro.

Nah, I'm just preparing to become Brazil or South Africa

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you need a brickslap to the fucking fat face you fucking mutt

Your book collection is entirely mass media entertainment

You have zero imagination nor a taste for literature, you disgust me

current politics are worthless, same as everything else.

time to burn down rome again.

This is my girlfriend's house, this is her bookshelf for non-historical shit

Yes. I still defend and advocate for my beliefs when confronted or exposed to bollocks, but I’m about at the point you describe. There are no sane groups to join, I’m not well off enough to start a real organization, and I cannot subvert the local republican/rightist clubs. America is just so big. I can only hope for a percentage of people to naturally move in my direction and, more importantly, for a powerful hero to unite us from the top.

Same here user, I keep track but focus on increasing internal power levels instead of giving away the nectar to those unworthy of attention.

once the world got ruined by jews a third time, the remaining non jew survivors will build a better empire.

>for non-historical shit
pls don't post her "serious" collection, i'm fucking having a lunch here

Yeah because people are more retarded than ever

Yes.I dont think Ive even watched a single Trump speech. I see investing in him emotiannly as a waste of time, watching him a waste of time. because imo the die has already been cast.

She has a history degree, it's mostly boring shit about ancient China and 10th-15th century Italy.

Tell your girlfriend she’s dumb for putting a bookshelf over a vent

modern politics being jew infested kike holes is pretty much the last red pill, there's no political solution to any of these problems. Just keep being better and make white families.


Jeez I didn’t even notice. OP should probably fix that.

I'm the same, user. I've grown to not really caring. Political scene here is abysmal. It's like a reality television.