Pol owned

>Whitest team in the World Cup gets absolutely BTFO by Senegal

Just admit that blacks are physically superior.

Attached: Senegal Poland.webm (852x480, 2.34M)

Who gives a shit? Intelligence is far more important. These folks still live in huts back in Africa. All blacks have is sports and entertainment. They're still enslaved, really. Think how sad it is to not have options outside of those two choices.

Who gives a shit? You must live in a bubble, mutt

There has never been a more appropriate time for this meme. Wojak just got BLACKED.
Note: Wojak is Polish

Attached: 9ec.png (350x350, 41K)

wtf was that hahahhahaha

You should care burger, the white man's time is coming to an end. And it won't go peacefully.

Attached: black girls beating up white girl.webm (376x476, 1.47M)

>Whitest team
Did you miss Iceland?

Nobody gives a shit about fagball in the US except spics

"In the US"

