>Libertarianism is redpilled
>gays can be redpilled as long as they stop fucking men
>BASED non-whites can be in the ethnostate
>Just supporting Trump is all it takes to be redpilled
>All cops are bastards fucking bootlickers
>No one should own guns except (people of color) police
>Not all jews are kikes
>Not all blacks are niggers
>White genocide affects jews too
>Some gays are BASED like Milo
>OMG don't say a bad thing about anyone famous they do good work
>Jordan Petersen is based just wash your balls and don't read 200 Years Together
>Antisemitism is a psyop by Israel, everyone who hates jews is a jew
>Trump is doing 1488 dimensional chess against the kikes, that's why all his grandchildren are orthodox jews and he let his daughter be KOSHERED
>Tattoos are degenerate because narcissism but lift weights for aesthetics because no one cares about ideas just whether you look like a kosher Chad
>Blacks are our natural allies against the kikes
>Mexicans are our natural allies against the black
>Muslims are our natural allies against the Kikes
>Jews are our natural allies against the Muslims
>Asians are our natural allies especially their submissive bug women
>National socialism was leftist because "it has socialism in the name"
>Anyone who wants me to leave my basement or do scary things is a FED
>We can save the world just by posting memeys on a mongolian child bride forum
>That's how Trump got elected, because we kept posting memeys
Shit that newfags believe
The unfortunate reality is that this is true. It's been getting worse since 2016. The thing is though, it's not even the /ptg/ guys, a lot of it has come from the influx of newfags since Jow Forums has gained so much publicity.
All of this desu
>Jow Forums alienates everyone useful to their goals because muh racial/ideological purity
If you think your white skin or that Sonnenrad will magically make everything easy for you, you're out of your mind.
shit's basically been down for all boards after moot
but for Jow Forums it was prob a psy-op
you could try 8ch but i don't know if it's any good
>abrahamic religions are redpilled
wrong, only Gnosticism is redpilled
And the purity spiral begins. You fagshits are no different from the commies you purport to hate
>give me full control of you lives and economy I promise I'll only use power for the good of the proletar- uh, I mean, the master race
Fucking over you
gnosticism literally is the root-cause of all the mess we are it. Its ideological notions have attained cultural dominance through all sorts of societies - "modernity" is defined by it. Layers upon layers upon layers. It is the path of the initiated projected onto the masses, the shedding of the human, leaving only the being. It's the reason why there is so much mass confusion nowadays... gnostics have robbed the being from its humanity.
And just as before, there will be hell to pay. Literally. It didn't work then, it won't work now.
Oh and btw... don't think that your little "space force" can stop them. They anihilate worlds with technology you can't even fathom.