How did we get to the point where hatred of white people (specifically: hatred of white men) is socially acceptable and...

How did we get to the point where hatred of white people (specifically: hatred of white men) is socially acceptable and is a part of mainstream discourse in the West?

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Well, slippery slopes are not so subtle when you see the stupid citizens that slide down them

who knows

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allowing it to happen without retaliation

also democrats

wrong vidya sry

Because kikes control the mainstream narratives in the West.

>Anrgywhitemenistan is supposed to be an awful anti-feminist/muslim/beaner/lügenpress/homo/elite/non english speakers
>non-whites still want to live in it in the drawing

Really made me think.

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white men have tremendous courage, so it will remain a mystery why they're disrespected

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just a coincidence

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That is unironically exactly what i want

Even in reality these illegals from down south want to live in drumpfsghs fascist Amerikkka so bad they're finding out any way they can to enter. I remember someone talking about how nonwhites realize that more whites = better living for them and they will live even in some openly racist communities because getting stares is better than living in the ghetto.

No wonder. Everybody is attracted by it's supreme economical power, unmatchable quality of life, safety and health of it's population and breakthrough scientific and engineering advances.

funny how immigrants keep wanting to go to angrywhitemenstan

where is this angrywhitemanistan, and how do i seek asylum?

>whites oppress every other group for centuries
>oppressed groups finally start calling white men out on their evil

>that pic
Fucking kek. Oh Jew!

Can't wait to gas these little weasels

>Flock to white nations regardless of the racism you may experience
>Start to attack the people which gave you that high quality of life since you'd rather live with whites than your own kind yet don't realize that by destroying what you came into you're going to destroy it

I unironically want to live in Angrywhitemenistan, please let me in!

It all began after ww2.

Our forefathers have been doing too well, comparatively.
And modern paradigms are applied to past events, making our history look devastating and inhumane.
However, white culture is human culture and war is not exclusively white culture.

There was a very brief moment of clarity of what the left is actually about, I think this is quite important.
During the past few years, when the left was utterly dominating the discourse, there was a heavy subtone of revenge.
POC were openly talking about revenge and payback for past misdeeds of people of light.

What awaits around the corner, once we really are a minority in our homecountries is, without any shred of doubt, ostracizing, marginalization and 2nd class- citizenship.

There can be no real doubt about this.

People feel 0 shame coming here and exploiting us financially, abusing our children, stzealing, subverting the culture.
This is the utmost lack of respect.

However, I think the liberal cancer is already at an advanced stage.
People really are too stupid to realize the incredibly dangerous potential that forcing different cultures together brings.

BTW why do you guys oppose anarchy? I don't mean those propaganda mohawked biker gangs or degeneracy melting pot ones. I'm talking about the freedom to form communities. We could have White Federation, Feminazi Reich, LGBTABCD...XYZ Republic, Islam Khaliphate, Actual Kekistan, East-slavic Ethnounion, etc. Everybody gets it's own community most relevant to your beliefs and stuff.
Don't like the one you're in? Wanna join some other? Are they okay with it? Fine, go. What? Jews got kicked out of every community again? Well, to bad for them, they can form their own one, there's enough land.
In just a decade world would be a much better place I believe.


Whites are the only people capable of stopping the disgusting jews and their satanic cult.

They really want their 2800 goyim slaves.

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watcha' doing there Schlomo?

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That's the irony of that comic, all the shit on the outside is willing to risk death to get in.

Is the author here implying that we should encourage thug culture? The fuck?

In 100 years how do you think history will look back on these jealous darkmen

>It wont be kindly

The west lost the Cold War

Hitler failed to stop the international jew. Then they helped the civil subversive movement happen. Rest is history.

No muslims allowed

found the kike

> Black 48% yes

Kinda sick

How can one make an argument that thug culture is actually desirable

As much as they need to go back I respect hispanics for actually believing in having to put in hard work to get places. The problem is a lot of them have no problems being forever in the lower income welfare class their entire life

The current leftist agenda of hating white men comes from the efforts of Cultural Marxists who reworked the traditional economic causes of conflict in society, business owners versus the proletariat into the current dichotomy, oppressors versus victims. This narrative, which attempts to undermine the foundations of Western society and thought, has been pursued by left-wing academics since the 1960s under the likes of Foucault and Derrida, have you their "social science" theories of Deconstructionism to effectively deconstruct our societies, and our societies only, to find and locate "victims" in society which they can use to usurp power for themselves. Rather than attempting to change the base superstructure, the economy, which Marxists believed to be the source of conflict in society, the Marxists of the 1960s decided to attack the social institutions of society, the family, the church, traditional gender roles, marriage, views on foreigners, multiculturalism, etc. They summed up that Western societies were too authoritarian because they supported a healthy European nationalism and traditional values which ran against their ideology of supporting the "victim" class of those who did not enjoy the same standards of living as Europeans. And to this day this emanates as supporting feminism, LGBT, illegal immigrants, multiculturalism, and so on. It is all designed to deconstruct and breakdown the foundations of our society so that they can push forward with their progressive Marxist agenda. Nationalistic white men are the "oppressors" in their eyes. Their disobedience and unwillingness to give up power is sort of like their greatest threat in a way, so that's why they've been pushing for this normalisation of hatred towards white men that is so prominent in today's media. There's no room for respecting the "oppressors", the evil white man they do preciously love to hate.

It will make us stronger eventually.

the funny Thing is Claim to hate White men and say White men are incapable but they still desperatley want to live where White men are

This is a paradise sign me up.

This is very true and I've heard the same. Talked with an older black guy in the 90's about why he was the only black guy in a small town of 2,000 and he said because he always felt safe and slept well. He didn't mind being the outsider because everybody left him alone and somewhat begrudgingly accepted his presence.

True point. Maybe we can create a white ethnostate and keep it going until it creates a separation from everyone else.

How did you get to the point where you can fit all of Daquans dick down your throat?

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Hitler was controlled opposition of the Zionist Jew, that's literally how they got Israel.

>since the 1960s
Integration and shit came much earlier. And there were years of preparations before it. Embrace the red pill - (((they))) set up WW2 to get influence.