White privilege

Using less than 10 words, prove to me that white privilege doesn't exist

> Ba-ba-ba-but the Jooooos...

Jews are white. Next!

> Ba-ba-ba-but poor white people...

Sob stories are literally not an argument. White people have access to more assistance than anyone else. Next!

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White is another term for European Christian. Jews are neither. These are our countries if you don't like them get the fuck out.

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Using less than 10 words, prove to me that white privilege does exist.

It's majority privilege. These are our countries you stupid kike get the fuck out if you don't like it.

how many white slaves?

Shut up bingo bongo the abbo


Kike shill slide

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Non-sequitur fallacy.

Can you and your faggot friends stop shitting this board up? Nobody even likes you kill yourself

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There are tons of social programs that can lead even the dumbest niggers through most of their lives. Set up by whitey and OP's (((kind))).

Attached: JewsAndSlaves.jpg (824x1174, 167K)

It does not exist because you are the biggest faggot of peoplekind

b.c 'we/they' share what 'we/they' create with every1 freely

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Reminder: if someone asserts the existence of something, the onus is on them to prove it.

If you claim that "white privilege" exists, you must first define it and then prove it with verifiable facts. Asking other people to disprove your unproven claim is not an argument.

Blacks oppress whites

You're literally same fagging. Go give the shekels back you fucking suck

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>The same faggot using MHApics in his OP with shit opinions.

Don't sully that good show with your idiocy, OP.

No I'm not OP, I just chose his flag to trigger him.

white privilege is real and GOOD. anyone getting defensive over this is a cuckold


are you that kekfag from last night who was asking if Jow Forums used to be different back in "the ancient days of gamergate"?

>attention seeking faggot is still spamming shitty threads

Since you are American you only have one preconceived image of what a slave looks like so there is no point in trying to help you understand who a white slave is