Can Mexico die already?

I fucking hate beaners with a fucking passion..

as if they have any room to talk while the cartels run around beheading everyone. We need to nuke them off the fucking map already.

literal zerg.

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HA! Like those dirty brown skins have any room to talk.

they're a much bigger problem than niggers and they need to fucking go.

what about the cruel and inhuman separation of limbs, skin and heads that mexicans do to each other?

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I bet that was the cartel paid ex president fox, fuck him, fuck cartels and fuck illegals, nuke us i dont care anymore

Fucking Mexicans man

>they're a much bigger problem than niggers and they need to fucking go.
It's unbelievable that most Americans don't realize this.

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Sigh.. fuck mexico fuck spics.


Jesus fucking Christ. This is ridiculous. Mexico has the nerve to call out the USA for protecting children from child sex traffickers? And even if these kids were separated from their parents, they are being treated well and taken care of in conditions far better than the Mexican or Central American shitholes they're from.

This our nigger problem is under control, these spic maggots .... it pisses me off man.

honestly we should've glassed them along time ago, they're lucky we didn't decide to genocide them after we took their capital

it's only cruel and inhuman because they have to go back to mexico lmao
maybe fix your shit and go after the cartels before you say shit, beaners

Mass shooters need to start driving down to mexico instead.

>ok, then come and pick them up

>Thinking the can talk about morals and ethics
Who said mexican's can't be funny? First time I've laughed to something one of them has said.

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Actually the cartel only kill those who are in the same business as them. I have to ask this question again, why is everyone one on Jow Forums dumb?


I for one am opposed to separating families
they should be in prison together

>being this wrong
so silly

JUST IN: Oakland condemns 'cruel and inhuman' US separation of illegal pharmaceutical distributing families: Jaiqwerius D'Roombinator - AFP

Oh no not Mexico, please not them.

>Actually the cartel only kill those who are in the same business as them

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Maybe they can do something about it by taking them back then.

Dump like being a defender of spic trash?

So fucking declare war.

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wait a second... doesnt Mexico decapitate people and shit?

What's worse is that 90% of Jow Forums doesn't realize this either. That said, I haven't seen any Texans spouting off their love of spics recently.

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anyone else feel way more pissed off lately than usual? it seems like every ad i see now is a nigger with a white girl and now all of this spic propaganda

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fuck off kike

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>Criticising literally anyone

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i really think the problem is pity itself, it comes from women having power because they have no sense of justice and no gray matter in their brains

>hides flag
hello mexico

Hey mexican user here
Tbh all most of the mexicans are very smart but very lazy to overcome.
I would say that muricans are a bit jealous that we just go to their country and take the jobs that nobody over there wants.. and later muricans start complaining "WhY pAbLO tOoK tHAt jOb iNsTeAD oF mY MeNtALLy ilL sON" but also some shitty mexicans just want to cross the country like nothing by swimming the river or crossing on a trailer or idk.
But most of us made an impact on the world some how

Why didn't they complain when this happened under previous administrations? Why aren't they telling their citizens to stop breaking the law and stop illegally entering the USA?

Look at all those fat short beaners. They truely have terrible genetics in their bloodlines.

We really blew it by not performing a genocide during the Mexican American war when we had the opportunity.

Can anyone tell me why supposed spanish-speaking toddlers would cry out "mommy" when looking for their mother?

why are there holding cells anyway? it would be way easier to allow border guards to snipe anyone trying to cross the border

>literal zerg
Why do NAZI LARPers always use fiction for their political analysis?

>"we are indigenous"

At what percentage of Conquistador in your family do you go from "native" to "Spanish colonist".

when did suffering become such a bad thing? sometimes someone has to suffer for things to be great

egalitarianism itself is the problem

Fuck off Pedro.

True. Nigs are bad but they are more or less a contained problem. Spics are a rapidly spreading disease and our country is going to lose land to their expansion.

>we are the only owners of this continent
No, the US won it during war with Mexico and Spain conquered it before them.

There's nothing wrong with criminal scum beheading criminal scum tbqhwy senpai

Why’d you post a picture of yourself, Chuy?

Completely false. Thousands of regular people have died at the hands of cartels. Some cartels are vicious and enjoy demonstrating their evil amongst innocent folk.

Shut up beaner, the only impact Mexicans have had on the world is making it more shitty. Crawl back to your third world shithole and get your head chopped off by the cartel.

I honestly think (((they))) are pushing for a civil war. Or a anuddah shoah or both.

all these shit skins and kikes are asking for it.thats for sure.

Yes, but also I've seen a ton of my normie friends change too. A couple of them are redpilled on jews, tons of them now make jew jokes openly, but a lot of them are still bluepilled liberals. I'm starting to believe in the kali yuga.

We should have invaded them and took out the cartels instead of invading Iraq honestly.

>Mexicans are rapists and murders.

Truer words have never been said.

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Back to r*ddit you go

why do leftists always desperately try to use right wing criticisms instead of coming up with their own?

>oh yeah, we're stupid for making harry potter analogies? WELL YOU DO IT THIS ONE TIME FOR STARCRAFT IN A WAY THAT ISNT EVEN EQUIVALENT SO HAH
>oh yeah, we're a bunch of weak, thin skinned pussies? WELL GUESS WHAT YOU DISAGREED WITH ME SO NOW YOU'RE THE SNOWFLAKE

absolutely pathetic

Because the money that illegals send back to their families in Mexico is a significant part of the Mexican economy. That's why they were raging when Trump brought up the wall. As for why they're bitching now, it's just to cause grief for Trump. Nothing else.

I condem the 'cruel and unusual' living conditions of the ENTIRE COUNTRY OF MEXICO.

The problem is the hypocrisy.

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Smart compared to who? Other subhumans?


>that nobody ever wants.

shut the fuck up with this lie and get the fuck out of here.

kek, good question

imagine if trump started actually deporting illegal immigrants, imagine the things the lying press would say

What help are they offering to solve the problem?
Facilities on their own soil?

>meme flag
>1 post by this ID
Here is a protip for you. If you really want to get under people's skin to need to put in more than the bare minimum of effort.

Have a (you) faggot.

>hey guys I'm being retarded
>fuck off retard

Also, dumbass, Americans WANT those jobs, however, these jobs are never offered to Americans because businesses are greedy. You and your dumb fuck subhuman compatriots are helping to destroy American lives and American micro economies. To hell with you.

fat american will die before he hits 50 in debt to his jew overlords...


if we're so terrible why won't Mexico take the high ground and help these people. Hell, some of them are THEIR people. Let's just occupy Mexico and set up migrant camps there.

i think normies have always been this spooked by their "conscience" and "pity" and the only difference now is the technology

we need an autistic elite with no compassion in charge of the government

The only """""valid""""" point he has, is that yes: mexicans and other nonwhites are the only ones willing to accept $2/hour for picking millennial's avocados in a field in 100 degree heat. The companies that hire them are breaking multiple laws by hiring them in the first place, and paying them way way way under minimum wage. What a thing to be proud of.

Huh? I need more information

I seriously hate spics more than niggers at this point.

by the technology i mean cars and airplanes and boats and all the other things third-worlders use to invade us

but it does seem like this little weakling crybaby what about the babbys attitude is way worse than it was in olden times, but maybe that was because men were in control

>blaming others for problem their own race perpetrates

it wouldn't be a fucking problem if the people who owned all the wealth in the country wanted to screw everyone out for the extra bucks. you lazy amerifats just point to who is the easiest to target not knowing you are getting screwed over by someone else its hilarious

Beaners are most fat, with the exception of niggers.

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Seriously. Everyone prides themselves on being so objective but almost no one actually is, they all fall for emotional appeals.

fuck off puto, let us in

Jew aren't white, pedro

They're the ones letting them up here in the first fucking place

No you fuck off paco

Maybe they should consider stopping their citizens and foreign nationals from even further south passing through their country from crossing our border illegally rather than aiding them in doing so.

Pretty simple, really.

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Spain here. I am so fucking sorry, you have no idea how sorry I am.

Lost posters deserve to be shot.

They all need to go back and make Mexico great. Can't say makeMexico great "again" because it was never great in the first place. Why else would they all leave? Anyway, yeah, totally forgot about tbe cash flow into Mexico from illegals. Fuckers can't even keep the cash in America. Useless folks.

any resources that state that immigrant children are really smuggled into child trafficking?

no u

why do we even care so much about preserving the white race at this point? if we're such a great people then how come so many whites fall for the propaganda


I just forgot that u muricans like to shoot one to another on schools and record the dead bodies lol
But oh well you'll never gonna change a country full of soi bois
Btw im taking advantage of ur taxes thnx for ur Mc.Donald's

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i guess white men are still mostly pure, women would be living in nigger conditions if it wasn't for white men

Literally a "cry out in pain as they sucker-punch you" moment.

You're all retarded and make our country shitty

Just kill them please. I just want the guilt to go away.

>if we're such a great people then how come so many whites fall for the propaganda
Jews are really good at subversion, it's what they do. They've been at it for decades here