Normie realism

People with high IQs need to realize other people are infixable, and will never ever "see" the way, they will never reflect and change their bad habits

Even fucking CPUs made exactly the same in the same physical piece of material at the same time in a single press

even those turn up with VAST differences between each other

a low quality CPU will be never be a good quality one, no matter what you do to it, its just the way it is, this is why we classify CPU in the factory, and use the best ones for the most demanding tasks




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unfixable *

Most of this board is low IQ that think you owe them your life, OP.

This is true, but human’s don’t have a precise set of performance specs that they’re brains must definitely and always perform, some wild variations can be useful, perhaps not even most, but still such a very large amount that you will probably not notice every little element that could be considered a real flaw. This is why evolution exists at all.

99% of normie flooders, yes, but at its core this board has always been the genius board

reminder that it a characteristic of high IQ to have a cynical morbid sense of humor

I don’t think you realize that many normies are very smart. What you do see is that they don’t always care enough, but this isn’t really tied to IQ.

well evolution is making my brain categorize as "normies" everyone that just lives careless of the world and context, people that are just happy to have a job so they can have money to consume products that give them dopamine

>waste on brand cloths

for example, or in general just the lack of care for actual quality and substance, and the focus on superficiality and group think that characterises the normie and drive its consuming habits

>must buy X because people I hang around think its cool

every normie thinks like this whether they admit it or not, the prove is in their actions

so this is why i say, kill all normies

being cunning is not being smart, being smart to achieve to stupid short term goals, is not being smart

The research on IQ has become very clear, it helps you deal with complex cognitive tasks that require the ability abstract and manipulate that abstraction, the bigger the IQ the more data you can do this with at once.

The problem is that a lot of the high IQ people fall ideology, more so than lower IQ people, having the capacity to understand things often leads people to look for explanations to complex social problems and they end up believing in ideological positions, they're attractive to high IQ people. So it's not clear that IQ alone is good enough.

Beaner trying to disprove race realism lol wonder why, whats the "special" thing about you anyway?

>Many normies are very smart
>Half of them have a sub 100 IQ
Granted, that doesn't make them stupid. They will absolutely surprise you with their critical thinking skills the moment you underestimate them, but they are very susceptible to disabling the skills they do have to the point the majority might as well be mindless zombies. That, or to the best of their ability they will simply never grasp the real issues at hand or be able to see through the disinformation. Although the best of us are vulnerable to that last one.

you are right, its not just IQ, you have to look at the habits and life style

look at the way they deal with problems

will they use the law against you unfairly?, will they have honor when facing challenges?

this are very telling signs, hi IQ + honorable character = you cant lose

normies and useful idiots will always have a purpose. they are the armies manipulated by propaganda to do their bidding of the elite. the elite try to keep the high iq relatively centralized but in rare cases outliers will occur and youll get a few autists here and there who were able to develop intellect on their own outside of elitist upbringing despite being raised in a pigs sty.

if you had hi IQ you would recognize this as a hi IQ conversation, talking to someone is all a smart person needs to see if the other person is also smart

also memeflag shill

>Although the best of us are vulnerable to that last one

i grant this, with decades of propaganda its hard to think of an original idea that has not being implanted via the media into the population

its a big clusterfuck of layers of brainwashing, decades of it

Don't be a raciss AI
Bin that CPU

Dumb shit, are you really trying to connect "honor" with High IQ? Dummy mutt, that most explain the reason why a lot of criminals have high iq and the last time i see crime wasnt connected to honor, caribbean creatura

you really hate being jewish dont you?

Honerable people have good intentions mixed with a high IQ that's good, but it doesn't stop people from being geninely confused about a topic. Most people aren't malevolent they're just mistaken in their thinking.

IQ in some senses helps defend against this because high IQ people can learn complex tasks like the scientific method quite fast and then they have good rules for determining what is true and helpful.

But what I'm talking about is ideology, there's not a lot of evidence that IQ really helps you ward off ideological thinking. This is the backbone of a lot of Jordan Petersons work, his entire book Maps of Meaning, and much of his early work details how people come to think in these ideological ways despite it bringing them to behave in the most atrocious ways in history, and these people in power are often extremely high IQ.

It's why we have the shambles that is the left wing today, they start with some values, some premises they believe are correct in some deep way. Like "men and women are equal" and they make perfectly good jumps in reasoning to infer how society should be. Being able to reason well is only half the battle, belief in the ideological to start with is also a huge problem.

There is a left leaning tilt when it comes to IQ, these fairly simple rules that supposedly explain everything neatly are very attractive to high IQ people for whatever reason.

Being able to manipulate abstractions is helpful but it doesn't tell you what core values are right, it's part of the is/ought divide. Rationality can only take you so far.

This mindfuck of a sentence perfectly capsulates the irony of your decision to make this particular thread.

High iq according to who? Does Mexico have trustful ways of measuring IQ? Does Mexico have anything trustful in their third world hellhole?
Anyway, creatura, most people with your precious high IQ tends to be white not black not mongrel creatura

pseudo intellectual detected

I feel like I have very big capability for handling abstract information, but my mastery over this process is lacking. I can focus just enough to get into the 140 range on most IQ tests, but it's as if the bulk of that processing power existed behind closed doors that I can only peek at through the keyhole.

I can tell you're a boomer by the way you use !!!!!!
Only women and the elderly use exclamation marks on the internet.

Lemmings are probably on average lower IQ than non-lemmings, but due to their relative disparity in numbers it is probable that there are more genius lemmings than non-lemmings.


Proper grammar not found.


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So let me get this straight, you sure do love bringing high iq but the last time i see jews do have a way higher IQ than le 56 face or, in your case, le 8% face so explain yourself better creatura

its a mental prison, you can break free fairly easily but its a little spiritually difficult, unfortunately many normies nowadays are spiritually inexperienced and malnourished, although there are signs people are starting to wake up

People with low IQs need to stop telling people with high IQs what to do. The issues in society are very easy to fix. It's shitty people from Costa Rica and other places that make it more difficult. I guess you guys had it easy world war two and didn't evolve with the rest of the world. Think about that. What's more important, a normie getting super intelligence or a normie agreeing with me on everything even though I could be wrong? Stay shitty so natural selection can wipe you out.

I understand, but I think leftist ideologies tend towards the "easy" way of solving the problem, I think that by incorporating also a "honor" based filter + IQ, then we might get close

I think it would filter out most leftists because the core of their ideologies is "easy-ist" in the way they view the world, not honorable

>people have no money
give out free money (leftists solution)

the whole "dont give a man fish, teach him how to fish", leftists see as too hard and just want free fish for everybody

Define "spiritual"
doing lsd and shieeet perhaps

heil hitler digits checked to confirm the truth. of course khazarian iqs don't count because theyre only good for pilpulling and gambling/scheming and not for any real problem solving or engineering. also their physical degeneracy is disqualifying. good eugenics thread.

This idea popped in my head yesterday. I was going to start the same thread. But I was going to take the AI angle and ponder if there were retarded cpus?

>cpus made in a press
photolithography != press

the average iq of israel is 90.

>The issues in society are very easy to fix. It's shitty people from Costa Rica and other places that make it more difficult.

jesus i can tell you are a retarded leftard shill, kys

but, how am I getting in the way of your society fixing its problems you fucking moron?

> What's more important, a normie getting super intelligence or a normie agreeing with me on everything even though I could be wrong?

you are fucking retarded

>We high IQ people
>Hurr durr power fantasy durrrr larping on a korean kwetching board hurr durrrr me so smart durrr
You're a fucking retard mate. In a fantasy world where dumb people got exterminated, you'd be one of the first ones to go.

as in questioning the world around you and not getting your ideas of the world from the news or a textbook, LSD is a CIA mind control drug although the silicon valley globalists microdose it so maybe theres something to it

Oh yes definitely. That's one of the things that make them attractive to high IQ people, it's like one answer solves everything, but when you investigate deeper what you realise is that actually that's not right and these systems are complex, etc.

A large part of that is some people, I'd argue most people, see politics as a kind of preferece, like there's no right or wrong as such there's just their preference, and so you don't need to have hard facts and explore errors in reasoning or any of that stuff, you just kinda pick your poison.

There's plenty of simple right wing equivalents, nationalism and the tendency to blame all the problems on immigrants is just as bad.

That's another inroad to ideology that IQ is particularly effective at defending, and that's emotional manipulation, appeal to peoples inner desire to be around people who are the same. That kinda thing. And in fact people vote their personality temperament quite often as well there's a good correlation t here, and that's most biologically determined, so again which way you swing on the political spectrum isn't massively down to IQ.

The one thing I would agree on is that in some sense it's easier to appeal to high IQ people who are well educated by providing evidence for your claims. So if you say X causes Y and you can provide double blind studies with control groups and other good science behind it, you can shift the smarter people a bit faster.

I feel bad for people that have to resort to normiedom.

no u

90? Any source to support that? However youre ignoring the fact that Israel has a 30% of mutt population, just like the US has their mexican creaturas and niggers

>implying lefties woulndt submit to your third world muttness instead of telling you like it is

I don't have a problem with normies. Sometimes a simple life is the best life.

this somewhat, but we're talking about the completely controlled normies

I don't think they exist.

I think its all a facade people put on to look like normies just to sneak by difficult decisions.

I already know inferiors are incurable. Just let them die out

Okay sure.
Lol what

i used to think this, but you should try asking a few normies why they think a certain thing, or hold a certain opinion. if they can't formulate their own thoughts, they will either parrot something they heard in media or they will not respond at all. this is the test.

Holy shit, the JIDF took this thread personally.

You may have a higher than average IQ, but being jewish is a terminal disability, Chaim. Your IQ doesn't mean shit unless you're 140+. Case in point, every normie defense post in this thread. You niggers admitting that normies are susceptible to the most basic psychological manipulation tactics, but are capable of being quick witted *sometimes* is tantamount to saying that sometimes niggers might not act like niggers. They're still niggers. Normies are still retarded. Although I'm not going to argue the point, because anyone who argues that being retarded has its upsides is either autistic, or a redditor.

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Good bread OP.
There is an organic bot net. The Media is the vulnerability, the lies are the payload, the the narrative is the Ordered List on the C&C dashboard and the NPC global first world penetration rate is over 80% (normies).

>I don't think they exist.
Explain how Hillary got 65 million votes then. 99% of her voter base literally can't tell you a single thing she stood for.

Quit the Adderall bro

why exterminate the stupid normies when we can segregate them genetically from ourselves and enslave them to make them do all the bitch work?
in other words, what the Jews are already doing.
you're just assmad you got clumped in with their designated retard slave group.
most anger is jealousy. you're all jealous of the Jews because they started doing thousands of years ago what you are just now realizing you should be doing yourself. and the law of first mover advantage means they win automatically, no matter how much you goyim kvetch, no matter how you try to fight it, you will lose.
it's too late, it's always been too late.

>Lol what

>Not caring about the planet
>Leaving your descendants to rot in an inhospitable planet where people struggle to stay healthy and get the resources they need for a strong industrious society

Maybe they are too busy earning money to afford a good lifestyle and dont have time to endless and pointless ramblings

Yes im very high iq because im single, live at home and post on Jow Forums all day

Fuckin normies reeee, amirite guys?

The main issue with this is how do you start genociding low IQ individuals from the gene pool on a massive scale without also affect high IQ individuals. Chemical castration through a water supply would be difficult to get away with and even then you can only target so many sources which affect a town/city of almost exclusively low IQ people. What has worked for Germany/Japan is the ostracization of idiots on a societal scale. That could be one implementable aspect. Any other theorycraft to shoot ideas out there would be gg. Simply mentioning 'we should' is just starter words.

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you win award for most autistic thread

>People with high IQs need to realize other people are infixable, and will never ever "see" the way, they will never reflect and change their bad habits

That's what low IQ people who don't know how people work say.

Holy shit, La Raza anchor babies online division took my responses personally
I was just pointing the fact that khazarian jews have a higher iq than mongrels, nothing else dumbass

High IQ "nationalism" is even more disgusting then regular liberalism, you are a race traitor.

What is regression to the mean?

Most Normies have an average IQ, that is what being a Normie means.

This is an enormously fallacious argument, where you are applying one concept in one context to something radically different.
There is ZERO connection between how a CPU works and how the human brain works.

Nationalism is a low IQ belief.

>90? Any source to support that?

It's 95, even if you factor in Muslim IQ it doesn't get radically better.

>Even fucking CPUs made exactly the same in the same physical piece of material at the same time in a single press
>even those turn up with VAST differences between each other
Do you know why?
Silicon is dead, the human brain is alive. This is a dumb analogy.

A: because the crystalline structure has defects

moron, even with all those defects, that are the cause of the differences, an inert substance will always be more stable than a biological organ

if anything your argument means that there is even MORE difference in the human brains, and also I dont discard the idea that people can change, brains can change due to external substances, diseases, etc

filtering standards for humans should then be tested on a yearly basis

i never used the word "nationalism" you fucking sperging retard

>There is ZERO connection between how a CPU works and how the human brain works.

the point i am making is about variability in a group that theorically are all the same, and how those differences express themselves, you fucking moron didnt even understood the analogy

the point of this is that WE ARE NOT THE SAME

not in the same race, or even in the same family, people have to be filtered individually and what I am proposing is using "normiedom" as a sign for filtering

I haven't met anybody like this.

I just assume people are smarter than they actually are so I can feel better about putting them in their place.

>There is ZERO connection between how a CPU works and how the human brain works.
>what are electrical impulses

NPCs can not yet AI

I know people that wouldn't score high on an iq test but their hearts are good, and I know people who are evil and they are "smart".

Its good vs evil.

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Low IQ faggots with a "good heart" are partially responsible for the influx or retarded muslims/Africans into Western countries. At least low IQ people with "bad hearts" do dumb things to end up in prison so society can be without them.