#notmypresident impressive job he's doing you stupid american cuck!
Kevin Sanders
At least he has a job unlike you nigger.
Lincoln Lewis
you're the nigger you let your country become a shithole!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Ayden Jenkins
lol. You stupid fag liberals are funny. We came over here and conquered the native americans by our will and through our blood. We made the deliberate decision to defeat the indians and we did it. Cry more bitch. Niggers on the other hand have no desire or concept to conquer the USA. Nor are they conquering it. They simply exist here and destroy because that is their purpose in this world. Its genetics. They exist to destroy. They don't plan on it, it is simply all they can offer to society. Thus the jews unleash them on countries. Niggers aren't here to take over, they just destroy because it is their one biologic function. Despite having sex with anything and everything 24/7 niggers still aren't breeding out whites. Not even close. Nor could they ever in any existence pose any threat to take over the USA as we did to the indians. Its mexicans who pose the threat of browning this country. But don't worry, we have been stocking up for decades and decades. Mounds upon mounds upon mounds of lead. I hope your ready shill
Jeremiah Smith
Because Africa is a shithole filled with other blacks. Even blacks hate being around each other.
Evan Campbell
>forcefully import them for hundreds of years >hurr durr why cant they leave us alone
no wonder you're an unemployable faggot who is literally dumber than a nigger.
Easton Phillips
Get a state of your own and secede. It's your only hope.
Dude the most basic fucking redpill is that its other whites who get this fuckers imported to use as a voting base. 100% guaranteed somebody responds to this with ((whites))
Jonathan Sanders
>Why do they always wanna come to our countries
you brought then there you dumbfuck.
Nathaniel Morris
And without media influence they almost certainly wouldn't hold said views, guess who owns and runs the media?
>Why not just form a utopia for blacks OP was referring to "our countries", obviously talking about white countries, not just the US you moron.
Eli Kelly
Just nuke them, god they're boring. Stop making threads, and get off my internet, planet, mind. Sage.
Parker Ortiz
>Are they intentionally doing this to fuck over us whites?
Implying niggers have a high enough IQ to conspire... Bro they're just here for the gibs, all they see is a prospering country and want the gibs. There's no thought process behind it whatsoever.
flag is of course murrican, ship all your nignogs back to africa then start a threas like this, fucking 56er
Juan Garcia
Except blacks gain an additional 1% of the population every 30-50 years. It's mostly wetbacks that our replacing us, not niggers. It's laughable that niggers actually believe they'll be the top of the food chain when "Whitey is gone"!
Christopher Thompson
us will be africa in 6 years you say, it's only 1% guise
Owen Moore
50 years ago it was
Juan Allen
and now it's 12% so one percent every 25 years? I was close with my minimum
Brandon Gomez
you should ask JF or any other wise man, having 2-3x more babies is better genetical tactic than 1 but invested in
Justin Edwards
0/10 bait, we've been over that, etc
Brayden Hughes
you're missing the point, whites percentage is decreasing faster and faster, it will be 10 in 40 years
Carter Adams
>Le whites are going extinct MEME kek only dissolution awaits you
Julian Robinson
Like I said, it'll be the wetbacks that replace us in USA (Unless we do something about it), not the niggers. I'm just waiting for the race war...
>live peacefully that aint possible. there will be peace in the black mans heart when they all die from supper aids and starvation. black people cant stand any one not even other black people. its why they always try top move from their communities to white ones
Evan Howard
says the mongrel, 50+% of london is already choosing the mualim mayor, rest of the coubtry claps lol
Nathan Johnson
So blacks are going to build hospitals and institutions for learning???
Jordan Nguyen
there are parrots thay speak human, do we let them build hospitals?