OK I’m at my limit now and I think it’s time we get organized.
I went to my local park here in Edmonton the other day and I wish I took a picture because you wouldn’t believe it, or maybe you will. The entire playground that I brought my kid to was Muslims. A group of 4 picnic tables of all draped in Islamic robes “women” Large beastly gross things just squawking back and forth at each other. Then, in traditional feminist-Islam ways, all Muslim men spread out all over the remaining tables, not really watching over the kids playing. 99% Muslims there, the 1% was me and my kid.
There was easily 40 of them, all Muslim. I’m in Edmonton, Canada. Edmonton isn’t even known as a “diverse” city but I could easily say whites are outnumbered here. Was in Toronto a while back, whites are an absolute minority, without question. We’ve basically LET or invited these people come in and invade us without a fight. I don’t think you can call it an invasion if you don’t even put up a fight against the people who want to come in to your land. The funny thing is, these aren’t a well-organized – ambitious, smart group of people. Believe me I’ve worked with them, I know.
Now, us Whites, given the proper motivation we can do a LOT more than anyone else. I don’t think I need to convince Jow Forums of who the master-race is. My thoughts on the 1488 survival of our people are this. This land we’re in now is being run by and RUINED by cucked liberals and is too far gone now to salvage. WARNING this next part is completely hypothetical, I’m not in any way suggesting we do this for ((legal)) reasons.
Hypothetically, what if the whites – the strong, useful, virile, smart and filled with potential – master race – whites, got organized and decided on a new land to claim as our own? We organized at least 100k people to amass an army or even employ an army to take over a large portion of land in an ideal climate and create an Isreal for Whites.
They invaded us, let's invade them!
When the war comes we cannot stop at our borders. Ethnostates are for pussies. Ethnoplanet now.
We start over, have huge fucking walls, great new infrastructure, learn from the mistakes of the past and don’t let anyone in but grade A++ material. Cucks get deported to Canada or UK.
What say you Jow Forums? Is there a thread or an organization that’s already planning/discussing this?
Where’s our ideal promised land that we can claim as our own?
Sounds realistically 25 years away at best. White identarianism is just waking up.
But... Other than Jow Forums... Is there a place where people like us can chat and discuss? OR are all those areas under surveillance.
Separate question, is there any uninhabited lands that we could possibly just take? Without force? I don't know if what I'm asking is going to get me banned.
Glow in the dark canadian niggers.
>Rhodesia 2
If there was a militia of some sorts. If there was an army forming, where would I hear about it?
The entire West is Israel for whites. The answer is not to leave. The answer is to annihilate and/or permanently expel the invaders.
i would love some real life organising stuff as well user, but every time we start the scepticism of moving from digital to real life throw off so many people. i get that some of these things are actually honeypots and whatever, but if we're stuck on Jow Forums our ideas can never reach mainstream.
Space force VOC style.
There are people at your job or in your class that browse Jow Forums. You may have relatives that browse Jow Forums. Find them and organize with them.
realistically user, even in our home countries if enough of us pooled in money, we could buy an entire island to live on. im not sure about Canada, but in the UK you can purchase entire forts/castles with their own islands included, from a few hundred thousands to a few million pounds.
there are plenty of insignificant countries/islands that with enough co-ordination we could take, maybe we should focus on that in this thread,
>Space force VOC style
>In your lifetime a private company migh be able to declare war
>In you liftime you migh invate an other planet with a private army of some space corporation
>then trade the goods of the conquered people with spacecoints, issued by the corporation
>then judge their officials with private corts of the corporation
Ancap were born to late for the VOC, but migh have been born just in time for the space VOC
funny that you should say that, as until recently there was a general 'vanguard' thread, where anons were organising and planning to meet up in groups across our respective countries to share ideas, bond, gym etc. not sure what happened to those threads, they were great.
>we cannot stop at our borders.
mmmmmyaaaaa you don't learn from history very well do you?
bump for a genuinely good thread
desu man just a single unified state would be nice, global domination is not hot on my mind rn.
What side of Edmonton? If around the south it’s pretty much a cesspool to avoid. Stay north.
North edm is no good either.
Super infest of shitskin mudslimes and ninja wives.
Leduc is still white, maybe st.Albert.
Yeah, I was implying St. Albert