Holy Shit! WTF
when the everloving fuck is someone going to be prosecuted for all this malfeasance? everyone's a fucking traitorous criminal and nobody cares. i'm losing hope, anons.
I can't believe how conflicted this investigation is turning out. How can Dems be ok with this?
Mueller is implicated...
>How can Dems be ok with this?
Golems obey their masters.
there is no deepstate shitlord nazi
Trump keeps tweeting about the "unrevealed bias" plus implying comey was the head of it all, there are probably texts between comey and mueller
There better be something coming soon because we're now at the point where it's time to lawfully assemble in Washington and around the country if nobody faces consequences.
>there is no deepstate shitlord nazi
Well can't be upset when we fire people who don't exist.
RR is getting impeached on Friday.
Time for violent overthrow
Im ready to head out
>Time for violent overthrow
Rebellion when?
lol , always talking how corrupt other nations are , look at your own . fucking clowns.
No wonder why we are seeing xhild refugee coordinated attack on trump.
Will Jow Forums use their meme magic to call for an assembly of the people who seek to destroy traitors to mankind and america?
No one is ever going to prosecute anyone. They are all on the same team. These hearings are to exonerate everyone. They can then say that they investigated and found no wrong doing.
You dont fucking say. Why am I not the least bit surpised?
The Military is comped too. At least the high ranks.
But Gowdy and Jordon ask tough questions so their constituents keep voting for them.
it's time to disband the FBI
really it's been time for decades
Good point, I had thought it was a response to the NK shit but this is more likely. Gotta rile up those emotions so the plebs miss what's goin on around them, same shit different day.
Just imagine all the shit Mueller is leaking to the Dems for 2020. I bet they have a folder of op research on every big Republican from the raid on Trump's lawyer alone.
>I can't believe how conflicted this investigation is turning out
Are you retarded
Doesn’t the entire world including all the CIA and FBI send anti-Trump messages? It’s like saying drinking from the same water fountain as a pedophile makes you one too.
As a matter of fact, yes. Yes I am.
The best part is, none of it will matter. Just like the Access Hollywood tape. The jig is up. Americans have caught on to the game.
During the hearings just after Comey's press conference on July 5, 2016, the Dems would only ask questions and posture regarding police killing unarmed young black men. You saw how that went-- so . . . they are doing it again.
This. Whens the last time they prevented a major happening that they didnt set up first? All they seem to be good at is tricking retarded people and charging people for process crimes
This. Goodlatte even stated earlier today that neither the DOJ nor the FBI are mentioned in The Constitution.
Christ, what even is the event-horizon on doubling down? They've gotta be about there, if not over the edge already.
I think a lot of people are. We're literally fighting an information war for the future of our country. If people aren't thrown in prison, or even better executed, for this coup attempt, then we're in for really bad times. Although most are way too complacent to do anything, there are still enough Patriots willing to die to protect the country they love from being taken over by corrupt Communists.
Yea, I bet absolutely 0 individuals involved in the Benghazi investigation ever said anything negative about Clinton or Obama. Every investigation must be lead by 100% totally neutral parties. All we need is to get a group of federal investigators who have never heard the name Trump to run the investigation.
I guess being impartial adults is too much to ask of people these days.
... WTF....
this is beyond ridiculous
this is fucking africa tier tbqh
what is going trough möllers head? How can he not have fired these from this investigation, this is not new.....
Impartiality would be if it was possible. Do you think Nunez is impartial? Do you think the republican house intel committee is impartial?
Bias goes both ways. I don't want to set a precedent that lets people in office only be investigated by their own cronies. Next time a lefty is in office, all they have to do is claim bias.
Trump hasn't done anything wrong. FBI still needs to find proof, whether they are biased against him or not.
He's deep swamp. He was FBI director during 9/11 and covered all that shit up. DEATH TO MUELLER
Government is always corrupt no matter where you go. The real difference between the United States and everyone else is our constitution gives us the right to overthrow a tyrannical government.
Wouldn't surprise me in the least.
>expecting (((horowitz))) to help
Seems like if he was going to help the report would've said they did more than promote the appearance of wrong doing and flat out say they did wrong?
I don't know what bothers me more - that people in our FBI actually talk like this, or that people in general actually talk like this.
The FBI is a domestic terrorist organization that is trying to overturn a lawful election.
Just because they hate Trump doesn't mean they aren't doing their job correctly
>Trump keeps tweeting about the "unrevealed bias"
Some of it is pretty revealing. If memory serves this message went out after Trump became President Elect.
he has more reports to come that the texts directly tie into. It's a lot harder to prove bias to let someone off than it is to prove bias to build a case against someone. He included these other agent's texts in the report so I'm cautiously optimistic.
Elected politicians aren't expected to be impartial. Law enforcement agents are, at least as it regards official communications and regarding investigations they're working on.
>it's time to disband the FBI
Agreed. They seem to exist to cover up democratic crimes and create charges out of thing air against conservatives. All of them should be under investigation for sedition.
I think yesterday only one congressman mentioned the accepting of bribes and shit of that nature during the 2016 election that were revealed in the report. At least I heard of no others mentioning it. They framed it all on that faggot who said he wants to stop drumpf.
Pro tip: If you fire them, they won't be working in counterintelligence.
Also so lynchmobs dont know where to tie the noose.
Don't worry, everything will be back to normal and the investigations fade away as soon as trump leaves office
No leaf. Every true American realizes that Hillary would have been the final nail in the coffin. Trump was our only hope to return to a 1950s type United States. We want to kill everyone that sends anti Trump texts.
You're being replaced with floods of Muslim shitskins and all you can do is cry about us. You're all chickenshit.
They're latte sipping democrat hipsters role playing as G men. This is the new normal.
I hope you're right. Unfortunately a culture of politicized corruption has taken root in the FBI and DOJ during the Obama years. Thanks to demographic replacement they expected perpetual democrat control of the federal government and became openly corrupt. I expect more bureaucratic stonewalling as they protect their own and attempt to wait out/remove the president from office.
In reality every single person working for either agency needs to be put out on their ass. It's the only way to be sure.
He's covering for them.
wow it's nothing
half the mid-term democratic candidates are FBI agents. Figure it out. Why is FusionGPS still a thing? because the government has knitted it into its operation even though it's a democratic op group. It's similar to what they do with apple, google, facebook as far as intel gathering.
That FusionGPS is still running is a mystery to me, all the malfeasance can be led back to it. Especially in regard to the FBI.
>when you hate a group of people so much that you spend all day on their forums trying to shit-talk them only to be ignored and/or mocked
Godspeed fag
Nah we should definitely let avowed political opponents of a democratically elected president carry on with a smear campaign which is undoubtedly planned to last as long as his presidency.
This is a far cry from drumph will be impeached any day now, isn't it? Must suck
Good thing they keep having their identities hidden, or some enterprising person might get the idea to hunt them down and blow their fucking brains out like they deserve. Not me, of course, but someone might.
Has anyone asked that kike IG why comey wrote an exoneration letter for shillary before the fbi even interviewed her
not your safe space trumpkin lard ass
Shh, no tears friend,
Holy shit, a new delay
Remember playing GTA and fearing the FBI?
Turns out they watch current year man.
It does mean that any lawyer will tear apart any case they try to bring to court though. And Trumps not just gonna roll over and die over a week of bad optics.
There's being impartial and then the illusion of being impartial. They have these guys on text messages saying they will do everything within their power to ensure Trump doesn't get elected. Now the public knows about it. So now even if they find muh collusion there will be a veil of doubt cast on it due to glow in the dark FBI texting about (( no drumpf for president)).
Wow, it's nothing
Never. The people will have to do it themselves or resign to the fact that they will have to become transgender.
Because blumpf
Nope. Nuh uh. Doesn't exist.
Literal what the fuck.
Why is this allowed?
Where the fuck is the law saying all FBI agents in an investigation of a political figure must be of the same party?
FBI agents are allowed to have political opinions. They're not allowed to let those opinions influence their professional conduct. The IG report found that there was no evidence of any bias in how they conducted themselves professionally. The real scandal here is that Page and Strzok were removed for no reason.
>Remember playing GTA and fearing the FBI?
I haven't played it since GTA 3. Even then I only played it because my girlfriend at the time bought it for me. Are the newer ones worth it? I don't want to play as a faggot or nigger. Fuck that shit.
Thanks for the bait. Keep bumping so more people can get informed on what these keystone cops are doing.
Also, you fuckers will think it's nothing if they actually try to remove Trump and he calls on his supporters. You'll see a march on D.C. and civil war 2.
the fbi is filled with redditors
said he was unsure of the 3rd , but 2 for sure. so lets just guess that its all 3 , why wouldn't it be...
czeched and kek'd
The guy was leading the russia probe. Are you insane?
Oh no... ahahahahaha, oh nononononooooo ehehe....
All the infrastructure and equipment is in place.
Show the people the door, and if they try to jack anything on the way out use them for the new guys to sharpen their claws.
4 is okay, 5 too despite one character being black. His ability (each of the three characters you can jump between has something they're good at) is driving good, so you can sort of slow down time for a moment to make split-second decisions while driving to weave through traffic and get away from the cops. The second guy can do that while shooting, and the third gets a rampage ability where he sees red and takes less damage like a hopped up methhead.
Pretty okay game, cheap these days too for a used copy.
oh sweetie, Donald Drumpf will soon be prosecuted for all this malfeasance, don't you worry hon
Hiw big is your nose shlomo?
>joking about a lying witness and how no one is going to get convicted in the hillary probe regardless
>clear bias to protect the suspect in one case
>clear bias to fuck over the suspect in another
>"well stop trump"
and then you
>nope nothing to see here
i cant imagine being this retarded
Yep, saw it live. Can confirm.
Americans, please fetch your blades and your guns. The time has come to do your duty to your nation and to Christendom.
It doesn't matter if they're biased because Drumpf is murdering thousands of asylum seekers at our border every single day and is going to go to prison for that even if he would somehow escape the Mueller probe.
Cool fucking non source fag.
>what is going trough möllers head?
can we all pray for a 350 magnum propelled lead projectile?