IAMA Chinese-Australian to go back to China
Other urls found in this thread:
bring some eucalyptus tree seeds with you
Why would i? If war breaks out id fight for china
>no time stamp
Do you really expect people to give a fuck about your shit posting?
How was it in Guangzhou (a city in china)?
This isn't reddit fag
Streamed live on Jan 14, 2018
You are a low IQ monkey
And there we have it. You misunderstood like a typical newfag. Just go
Fucking glorious
streamed Jan 14, 2018
Search up on 4plebs his tripcode and you'll understand.
You still dont get it :) newfag
Thanks for explaining it to the idiot. Hes just too fucking dumb
Still no time stamp.
Still rekt :)
You in a good mood? What did you eat for lunch?
Hey chang, what happned with your gramps, did they accept you or told you to fuck off?
or dinner.
Your mum
They whipped me back into whatever shape they could get out of me with the little time i was there
Pic is here
Y tho
Cos u gay dawg
Are you planning on going back to mainland?
What are you going to do with your life mate?
So you like China now?
Hell yeah nigger. Fucking glorious. Feels fucking glorious to be part of the superior nation. The ETHNOSTATE
Im going to do whatever i can with the cards im dealt.
Having a life in the mainland is my end goal. Id want to at least retire there
Maybe you should go to your local chink association, maybe confucius institute? or study something useful for the CPC.
Why do you hyphenate yourself. You're either Aussie or you can fuck off.
Chinga Chong ling long bing bong
No one gives a fuck slanty.
Im just going to study mandarin when cbf. Idc abt the cpc.
Only an ethnic han can say he loves china more than the first world country was born in because china was built entirely for hans. The food makes me feel great. Fuck bread and pasta and pizza. Breakfast, lunch, dinner in Guangzhou restaurants were made for ppl like me.
The glory of living in an ethnostate
Chinese-Australian :)
how was switzerland john?
What's cbf
Can be fucked
Yeah brah i met federer
Anyways post an update later, take care brah.
>this thread again
at least it's new to the summerfrens I guess
Stay salty you gook.
>I'm a dirty mongoloid therefore you must too
>makes an abhorrent thread for the countless time
>gets called a faggot
>haha y-your salty
anyway you really should use a timestamp instead of being a newfag. that isn't even a secure tripcode and if you lurked moar you'd know that, although you'd have to be some kind of real special fagot to larp as a chink on Jow Forums for (you)s. please kill yourself
>that flag
>not a gook
The difference between you and me is that i dont call myself rather 澳大利亚华裔人
you will always be an ugly chink
also lmao@the rest of your videos. why are chinese such whiny faggots by nature?
now fuck off back to r*ddit and stop destroying the west with your hordes of soulless insectoid leeches
Don't let the dolphins fuck you on the way out.
lel that's why I'd only ever use the shitty front facing camera on my phone for such things. I was thinking about that the other day, all the fags that post full face HD shots of themselves on here
how long till he becomes an hero lads?
Even your eyelids have double chins.
At least his dick still has its lid ya fuckin yid
China is going to have a civil war soon
Must have touched a nerve fatboy, just remember to take a few deep breaths and calm down; I don't want to be responsible for a burgers heart attack.
lmao i'm 6'1 and have a six pack. show us your flag, moshe.
lmao that's what an eye looks like when you lift your brow faggot. by BMI is 23. are you mad that I'm white?
I wonder how OP lost his job at the ice cream store
Jeez, that shut me up burger. I guess I'll just have to remain anonymous, in fear of all 6' 1" of your fat frame.
Tell me, do you shit standing up, or have they discovered a material that can bear the weight of a fully grown African bull elephant?
Literally the ugliest user I have ever seen. You rival batboy in sheer ungodly looks.
lol do you think this is reddit lad? you're going to have to try an awful lot harder, and lose the memeflag. so far you're the only victim of your le epic trolling
The fact you think "fat" is the most hurtful thing to call someone really says a lot about you :^)
Now say "The holocaust never happened" and keep your nigger fetishes to yourself.
Seriously friend, you are ugly as fuck. In a quarter of your blubbery face, I have deduced that you're weeks away from taking the way of old Brooks.
It's just as well there isn't a load bearing beam in your apartment that could take the load.
this is what Chinese colonisation looks like.
Firstly: the Holocaust never happened.
Secondly: if you post another male torso pic from your extensive gay porn folder, I'm flagging you for posting off-topic.
Take your fag self over to /lgbt
>everybody is fat
imagine projecting this hard
anyway guys I found OP on fb. seems the only things he cares about are anime and niggers
Why hasn't China ever been able to be a great power? Is it in the genes that Japan was supposed to be the most powerful Asian country?
what level of spying were you doing? corporate or government?
>but im not a spy
nearly all chinese allowed to leave china are spies in some form
jewish bantz are just sad and annoying. you cunts ruin everything good and fun in the world.
You know, it's humourous really, you're probably the only leaf that couldn't blow away in the wind, fuck, I bet a cat. 5 couldn't shift your ass of a hilltop.
I bet if we ignore it it'll go back to the blacked thread
OP can't even hold down a job at an ice cream store, you think he's competent enough to commit espionage?
GIF appreciated.
Lose a hundred pounds and I'll follow you on facebook.
I could link you to my modelling portfolio and you'd still cry "fatty fatty". Is english not your first language, meme flag kike?
Omg not you again. Literally nobody cares about your life stop making threads about it, gfy.
if your only two friends looked like this you'd be coming to Jow Forums for attention too
old stale moldy pasta from faggot op
> modelling portfolio
> modelling portfolio
I'm sure I know your market burger.
You sick motherfucker.
t. we have problems with the jewcalyptus tree every year
>Chinese ethnostate
>Why pipo want to immigrate en masse
Don't you see anything wrong with this tho?
You sure do a good job of avoiding mention of the fact a rabbi bit the tip of your dick off and sent you here to shill. How does it feel to be no better than a goy slave in the eyes of your owner?
Yes, you got me; Mossad sent me here to waste the time of two fat cunts.
My objective is complete, although, I do miss the texture of Rabbi Gad's mouth.
Israel used to send people to the U.S. to get all their IDs, then have them come back and send someone else in their place using those IDs. Could be the same shit
makes sense. super easy for chinks to get away with it too because arr rook same and have same name. a lot of them here in Canada will get their cousins or siblings to do things like get driver's licenses in their name so they can get here from china and immediately have a license. All kinds of scams they run based off of that, the Canadian government knows about it but refuses to address the issue because das rayciss. fucking sneaky chinks
>calling people "fat" on the internet was your objective
Wow you really showed us right-wing trolls who's boss, my meme flag jew friend.
pretty much
god I hate the chinese. I only really used to have disdain for pakis because they're so conspicuous but the sneaky cheating, arrogant nature of the chinks is really starting to get to me. can't wait till I move innawoods for good in a couple months
Can you stomach food that has been prepared around flies? My Filipino neighbours gave me some Adobo and it gave me fucking food poisoning. If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say they have terrible hygiene standards given that the Philippines is basically an African country inside Asia
I like spicy foreign foods. I'll probably eat anything if a brown person tells me it's traditional.
How the fuck did you get your smiling gook face accepted as passport photo?
It's a natural progression of the Imperial Complex. Once you're established a cultural ethnostate, the only thing to do is go out and conquer more for the Ethnostate to control.
it's the Australian one. Western people like to smile.
>LRPING as a chink thread yet again
Mate you make this thread multiple times a week. Fuck of you toothless poofta.
Shucks buddy, I'm glad you understand the importance of my achievement here today.
Good luck with your modelling career, I hope you don't mind, I used our new military grade decryption device and I read from your personal email that you got the part for "chubby anal gangbang IV"
Good luck burger!
Eh, if Chinks give me a job with a decent pay I'll sing their anthem three times a day and put a picture of Mao next to my bed.
It tasted really good tbf. After about a couple of hours my tummy started hurting really bad. I rushed to the toilet and released liquid shit everywhere. The next day I felt so fucking bad
Thinking like that is anti-freedom
I want a specific type of life. If I can get that, I'm free.
KYS. That is all.