How can this man be so based?
How can this man be so based?
I want that shirt
based manlet pedophile
Can I move to Italy and become a professional nigger hunter?
so who is this guy?
the basque deserve independence 2bh
Emperor of Nova Roma
Most based politician in recent italian history at the very least
>*ring ring*
>Hello Interior Minister Salvini, we have a boat of poor refugees coming from Africa to port in Siciliy. We need your request to give them asylum for their eventual living recommendations here in Italy.
How is this even based?
2bh that's really not saying much. The only other half competent guys we've had in the last 30 years were Renzi and Prodi, but their relative political and administrative shrewdness was marred by being fucking pinkos, especially Renzi.
>Renzi and Prodi
You cracked me up
God I'm not gay, but if I were I'd let this man fuck the shit out of me
He is the single mind behind all the bad deals Italy got when we entered €.
He probably meant competent in fucking italian people's assholes
How does one turn from Italian separatist to Italian nationalist?
priorities I guess
the amount of shilling for him is lame
start deporting niggers and jews and then i will approve
until then he’s just a memer
Too much EnrichmentTM
literally Hitler
have you guys not learned from history?
"We're not all indistinguished and undefined. I am worried and I want to intervene preemptively", said League's leader
Salvini: "Elza from Frozen must not become a lesbian"
>wants unified Italy
>wants Spain to explode
what a sneaky rat
old picture
Why does he hate Spain so much?
It's very simple:
>Basque are a clearly separate nation from Spain, with a different language, ethnic background, and history -- who were frequently ruled by Spaniards yet preserved their culture. All nations deserve independence.
>Catalonia is a highly productive part of Spain which feels weighed down by the rest of the country, especially the poor south.
Salvini is a Nationalist. His party, the League, used to be called "The Northern League" and was all about the more productive, whiter, Aryan Northern Italy declaring independence from poor, Africanized, criminal Southern Italy.
The 4D Chess spin on this is that when Catalonia was bitching about independence, Spain saw its first Fascist Salutes in the streets since Franco -- as Spanish nationalists got pissed at uppity Catalans. Hence, pushing for Catalonian independence (especially backed by communists) is a way to reawaken Spanish Nationalism.
What a fail take, since Rahoj resigned, Spain's prime minister is social democrat from a party that played a key role in the Second Spanish Republic
based unironic retard