Is this what you want happening in your country? These people wanted a better life here in the land of opportunity but now they’re dead because of your intolerant immigration policies. They weren’t murderers, they weren’t drug addicts, just good people who were forced to flee from countries tyrannical racist policies.
Is this what you people wanted?
The People's Republic of China - the next global superpower - shoots illegal invaders dead and dumps whatever remains of their corpse into unmarked graves.
>Is this what you people wanted
a suv cannot possibly carry enough immigrants to die in a crash to make me happy, Id rather it be a cargo ship or train full of immigrants, that way the death count can be 4 digits minimum
>Stupid criminals fled from the ICE.
>100 mph High speed chase.
I can't understand why these Democrats don't understand we have laws.
stop responding to these threads
sage and hide
there are literally 3 other threads about this right now
mods do your work and clean up slide threads.
And that makes it right? China is at least trying to develop a working system that takes care of its people. In the US you’re practically left to fend for yourself anyway.
No, i didn't want this at all. I didn't want them here illegally in the first place. If they had just stayed home they would still be alive.
>just good people
I know it's just bait but how the fuck would you know? Why the fuck can't all you maggots not stay in your own shithole countries?
I want them to stay home. if they did there wouldn't be 12 of them in an suv running from border patrol
It was a classic car chase circa the 1970s before police were told to stop chasing criminals and just use helicopters to track them. How neato.
No, I wish there were 1,000 more SUVs like it
They were literally storming into the US trying to outrun the border guards. Who the fuck would side with that level of lawlessness?
Not at all, I don't want them in my country to begin with.
No, its building a system to properly utilize its people. Have you even read about china? Fucking credit scores for behavior.
Sure faggit, hey all 4 billion poor people come on in!
They can’t even drive like white people.
fuck illegals I don't feel bad at all when they die breaking the law
this is not what i wanted, only 5 died =(
No, I wanted them to crash into a busload of niglets with special needs, doubling the kill count. Chicken, juice, gorilla, motherfucker.
You think they would risk all that if it wasn’t absolutely necessary? Unlike Mexico, America is able to provide for these people and their families. As long as those problems continue throughout the world, people are going to come to a place where they can feel safe and make a life for themselves.
You would all do the same if your country were in the same state.
Full revocation and disproving of your entire shitpost
That’s some awesome 144p discrediting you’re dojng there.
17 passengers
only 5 dead
Low score faggot SUV
>You think they would risk all that if it wasn’t absolutely necessary
They should fix they own country instead of ruining ours
>not all 12
ICE dropped the ball desu
>left to fend for yourself anyway.
Have you looked at your meme flag lately?
No, but they could have just gone home.
>And that makes it right?
YES you fucking child.
Funny how the liberals never mention the teams of sjw lawyers in Mexico recruiting these people to cross our border and arming them with very specific words to mention when apprehended. These American attorneys need to be arrested and tried for treason. Immigration attorney association is their front
Lol ebin meme fellow redditor have my upboat
Can you shills stop with these stupid threads?
So, you’re defending the comments that referred to these places as “shithole countries”? You’re a fucking hypocrite, user. Those countries need to fix themselves.
You’re saying illegals are entitled to this nation’s land and resources? They take priority? Just because there’s enough in the cookie jar doesn’t mean you deserve anything. God damn why are liberals so dependent on ethos?
JFC glowie, get back to work.
This was 1 of 3 transport vehicles that was running from ICE because it was a smuggling op.
GFY this is EXACTLY what we want.
>forced to flee from countries tyrannical racist policies
Please redpill me on Mexico's "tyrannical racist policies", thanks.