Holocaust expert says that Trump's "detention centers" are really concentration camps.
How can Jow Forums still defend this?
Holocaust expert says that Trump's "detention centers" are really concentration camps.
How can Jow Forums still defend this?
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((((((Holocaust expert))))))
Israel keeps millions of Palestinians in open air prisons. They have the furthest right government on the planet. What a fucking joke.
concentration camps worked, jews were unable to act as a 5th column and sabatoge germany. The English would have never beaten the boers without them.
>not because they are guilty of a crime
fucking jews are some of the most annoying people on this planet.
>Holocaust expert
really? has he watched ALL the Hollywood documentaries?
>concentration camps
90% of the UK was a concentration camp during the Boer war!
So they agree that there were never any gas chambers?
I'm not a trump supporter or anything but I read about this shit today. Is this the gist of it?
Parents knowingly commit crime with children, being fully aware of consequences > Law acts accordingly > We hate the law and not these terrible parents putting their kid in danger
In reality
Family comes to border seeking to claim asylum.
Obama used to let families stay together and give them ankle bracelets until their trial for whether asylum claims would be rejected.
Trump changed this and is detaining them all and separating parents from their crying children and locking them both up.
Critics claim this is inhumane while Sessions says it is a good deterrent.
You’d think a holocaust expert would be a nazi, not a Jew. That’s like saying a cow is a hamburger expert.
>holocaust expert
So why do they keep trying to cross the border if they know the risk of being separated?
They're not even trying to hide the fact they're behind this, are they?
It was real. In my mind.
Liberals want to keep child molesters with their victims, so long as the child molester lies and says they're family.
So Jews were detained for about a day, fed and released without incident? Holocaust doesn’t sound so bad.
Interesting that Tim Allen says that Hollywood is like 1930s Berlin and everyone attacks him while this guy says that all of America is like 1930s Berlin and is praised.
facts still remain
Too bad we aren’t hanging these beaner shitlets in front of their parents
Funny thing about claiming asylum is you dont have to cross a border illegally to do it
Elie Wiesel, wrote a lot of fiction about the holocaust! which is where I put his books when visiting the library / book store!
"Me want" + not very bright as a people. I've been around and lived near spics for three decades. I have come to the conclusion they are a race completely driven by id. No ego, no superego - just blind, driving, ever-wanting id. This puts them about at cookie monster level.
>oooo! ooo! cookie, cookie, me want, oooo me want cookie NOWWWW
is about where 100% of latinos are. Think about this a moment, it explains all your questions about them.
>Holocaust expert
wow, an expert on a fake event.
The perfect German summation. We should make this our eternal rebuttal to all of this nonsense and these ridiculous pushes and accusations:
Facts Still Remain.
They're fleeing poverty or violence.
Fuckin bigot ! Her hands are just cold
What gives a poor person the right to a rich persons home?
>Holocaust experts
You mean people who are 1/16th jewish?
t. future serial killer
oy vey i am feeling gevalt
concentration camps was a thing before hittler and after and that has nothing to do with holocaust
those who are telling this are just uneducated merican
Hahahahahahahaha how the fuck is it a concentration camp Hahahaha nigga just turn around and walk away from the border Haha
A country isn't a house. Illegal immigration is like squatting on a large estate or on public land.
>still spewing their synagogue bs
it's over kahzars
>don’t detain children
Just let them wander around the desert them? It’s like they want them to be sex trafficked or something...
If all these people are wonderful and hardworking people, wouldn’t it be more beneficial for Mexico if they stayed and attempted to make Mexico a better place?
>flee violence
>your destination country hates you
Low IQ checks out
call david irving. send him over there. he will give us the truth
>immigrant parents
It's really hard to take the left seriously when they won't even make the distinction between legal and illegal immigrants.
Would it have been beneficial if European refugees and peasants stayed to improve their countries? Whether it would have been or not, it's not realistic.
I'd rather take a child away from someone that cannot prove they are it's parent or a parent that has committed a serious criminal act then leave it with a potential child groomer/abuser/abductor/paedophile.
How about you?
Yeah, a shelter where unaccompanied minors are being temporarily held until they can be put in foster care, given 3 squares a day plus snacks, watch movies, and receive schooling really reminds me of the practice of ripping people from their homes and sending them to either slave labor camps or an oven. I totally understand the comparison, extremely valid.
Innocent until proven guilty.
You cannot prove the child is yours.
You are already technically a child abductor.
Defend it?! I'm fuckin euphoric!
A leaf with sense? I don't beleaf it.
Let's tey an example...
You get caught in a car with a person in your trunk and you cannot prove they are your family then you get to take them to jail with you?
Thanks for siding with us based Pakistani. We should all be uniting against the Jews
Hey you group people to help make sense of the world, but you should still treat people you meet as individuals - we are all unique even the sheeple.
Any holding facility can be called a concentration camp, Like a hospital concentrates the sick into one spot , or a prison concentrates to criminals
Holocaus expert says that prisons are concentration camp
Thousands of US citizens are separated from their children when they get arrested for
breaking the law EVERY FUCKING DAY.
Thousands of children are taken away from their US citizen parents EVERY FUCKING DAY.
Why should illegal foreign invaders get special treatment?
Where is the Liberal outrage over this?
>While our children are still getting shot in the streets, their children get food, shelter, and video games
>Democrats care more about illegal aliens than they do about poor black children
>Building facility behind gates
>Security access only
>Nutritious meals served daily
>Entertainment and recreation offered free
>Taken from parents unable to offer above
Today class we have learned the average American daycare center is literally a concentration camp. Perhaps if we remove the free recreation and two of the meals per day, leftists will call it a school.
>Defend this Obama-Policy
Fuck off
This looks like the final kvetch, before the oven.
The Jalacaust
Actually it's part from 2008 a Bush policy.
Obama just did nothing to change it.
>are really concentration camps
Hopefully they're concentrating on building the wall.
They have always been a joke faggot.
And that's a good thing!
I correct myself.
A Law passed through congrest and signed into being by Bush which remained uncontested by Obama for the next 8 years.
>Trump built masturbation machines that torture the illegal immigrant children, after they've been completely drained he turns them into soap and lampshades.
How can you be an expert on something that didn't happen?
In 100 years, history will claim they're extermination camps to make white people feel guilty
>in your trunk
Yeah how many of these kids are in their so-called parents' trunks?
>being a fairy tale expert
this is why we can't let the yid win
you will unironically be remembered as a participant in some retarded fake genocide against mexican kids instead of a real righteous one against the Jew
>Hey gringo! Just open your borders! We just wan't to be with our children!
If they were concentration camps they would be entrance only and the field behind it would have mass graves.
Zyzz I can't believe it's you.
>confusing contraction
I know an idiot who contracts all words possible even when it causes his sentences not to make any sense at first glance. Trying to convey a pretense of efficiency by making it more difficult for people to understand you, is inefficient communication and therefore fucking delusional. I hate that guy.
If what you mean is "they 're", just type the "are," jackass.
> which is where I put his books when visiting the library / book store!
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